
Finding oneself beloved.

"Eh?! What did you say you fatty!? You want to eat me? Hahahaha! Im my hundreds of thousands years of life I never been so insulted by a mere ant! Come this day I shall relent your fate and crush your aspirations! Otherwise I will write my name backwards!" Nether spirit Yaya exclaimed.

"Fuck your mother! You think I'm free? I have my clan to take care of, I don't have time to mess around with some whipped doggy. Furthermore what the fuck, write your name backwards?! It's the same thing you donkey!" Pig of Voracity roared!

Yaya began to rumble like a volcano, "Bastard! You dare humiliate this Ancestor?! The next full moon, atop purple canopy hill! Come or I come to you and destroy your father's anus!"

The Pig of Voracity waved his hand across his nose, "Ai, I didn't know the GREAT AND RESPECTABLE NETHER SPIRIT YAYA LIKED TO ENGAGE IN SUCH SHAMEFUL ACTS WITH A MARRIED MAN."

Riel looked to the side and spat out in laughter.

Nether spirit Yaya looked at Riel and said, "Thunder struck you little fuck, was it not this old man who helped you get that wife when your patriarch declined?! Wasn't it this old man who went through heaven and earth, tribulation after tribulation to steal you the Peach of Death from that old monster 17 Heads of god?! You know that bastard chased me for a good hundred years right! He used the vilest curses and attacks, he nearly chopped this old man's thing off! WAS IT NOT THIS OLD MAN WHO STOOD AT YOUR RETREAT WHILE YOU PREPARED TO ADVANCE, YET EVEN AFTER 700 YEARS YOU DIDN'T INCH A STEP FORWARD AND INSTEAD LET OUT A FART INTO THIS OLD MANS FACE FULL OF ALL THE IMPURITIES IN YOUR BODY?! Yet you dare laugh at this old man!"

Riel said, "Senior Brother what about when you made me help you kidnap Senior brother Moon swirling Sabers daughter so you could ask her to marry you?! I nearly died! I literally was an inch away from death, since then I've owed you nothing! Especially considering you dumped her right after stating you don't have fates! You know she still looks at the moon at night?! Do you know what Senior Brother has done to me in rage?!"

Yaya seemed to become a lonely, tilting his head slightly to the sky with glistening edges around his eyes he remarked, "What can the heart do. It is a cruel vixen that prances and trounces without a care for others."

Riel sighed and said, "Anyway stop trying to steal this old mans disciple. Ryuk come to master."

Ryuk unfurled his wings and slowly flew to Riels side and bowed.

"Outer sect disciple of Imperial sect: Ryuk greets Seniors."

Ryuk secretly looked towards Riel and asked him via eyes.

'Master can I extort them?'

Riel thought for a moment and said, 'Yes.'

Ryuk looked at his hands and said, "Seniors disciple knows it is customary for a disciple to exchange a gift with seniors on their first meeting. Yet I am too poor and unable to accept seniors good will! I am ashamed! I truly wish to sew good relations with seniors, but my own inadequacies are prevalent!."

Tears and snot flew as Ryuk cried as if he had lost his family.

Ryuk shot a knowing glance at Riel. Riel nodded.

Riel put his arm around Ryuk and said, "Worry not my good disciple. The gift the disciple gives is just a customary thing done just for the sake of face and accord. We Cultivators prevent karma from being sewed and thus we exchange gifts mutually. Yet the gifts a junior could provide could never be as valuable as what a Senior would, but the meaning behind the object given by the disciple is much more worth. Here take this blocks and write in your best handwriting these seniors names and give them it. Hahaha. Yes don't worry as Senior's they will definitely repay their cute and responsible junior, otherwise what are we? Animals."

Old Testament, Nether spirit Yaya, Pig of Voracity all of them ceased their brows and their lips twitched.

"" This shameful duo... Don't they have any pride?!""

Pig of Voracity sighed, "One cheapskate named starting with the initial R was enough, now this bastard has taken a disciple just as cheap and shameless."

Pig of Voracity smiled brightly and came close to Ryuk. Patting his shoulder he said, " A good disciple indeed. Little one this piggy is your masters senior brother. When we were young your master and I were part of a legendary troupe. We were called the twelve stars. Anyway here this is a pill I personally refined it's called 81 Heaven dew, it contains numerous medicines of amazing quality and tastes sublime. Take it when you need to do meditation or when you take a girl in bed."

Then Old Testament came close and said in a hush, "Child if you say it so this poor monk can save you from the hands of this old monkey Riel, I'll even give you many, many treasures! Well think about it. Here take these Worldly Buddha Rosary beads."

Nether Spirit said, "Just keep the nine weather turning calm."

Riel said, "Why so cheap senior Brother? You've already given my disciple that gift, it's only right you prepare another for him."

Yaya frowned and took out a few flags and said, "These formation flags are made from the hide of ten dragons."


The evening past and the night descended.

Colors of every fashion painted the city below, with rain slowly falling. The tip tap of little feet as they ran across the puddles on the ground, was enough to create a memory, the color and warmth of people upon these rain was enough to an everlasting memory.

The breeze brought with it a warmth, contrasting the icy trickles of rain that fell upon one's hair.

Ryuk currently wore a casual white robe having the clothes he was going to wear for the banquet in his storage ring, as he didn't want them to get wet.

There was a casual coolness upon Ryuk as he combed his hair.

In the silence one could hear their own heartbeat with ease, yet the melody of the heart was a soothing one which would often make one lose their bearing.

Ryuk similarly was lost in the silence and the beating of his heart.

Suddenly he was abruptly turned livid again. Shaking his head slightly, Ryuk sighed.

Placing his hand upon the mirror in front of him he stared wide eyed at himself. His golden eyes dilating back and forth.

"Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen tonight?"

Shrugging his shoulders he stood up and descended the stairs and opened the sliding door.

As he exited he saw all his fellow disciples waiting with their umbrellas which bounced the water falling down.

Ryuk's eye's darted in apology, when he saw her...

Wearing a pink hanfu with cherry blossoms and her hair tied beautifully into an oriental hairpiece with Pheonixs intertwining like slithering snakes.

Yet none of that mattered, those who large moon like eyes, that when colored in the myriad colors and the moonlight... they seemed beautiful. Utterly and incomparably beautiful, they carried a kindness and benevolence one would find hard to see in normalcy. She had an acceptance of others and that included Ryuk.

The rain as if incited began to pour down fiercely.

Yet even as Ryuks hair was swept by the rain and unfurled he stared without blinking at Mooneye. Why? Why did it seem so different, so warm, so beautiful. "I've seen those eyes, I've noticed their slight changes, yet never have I seen them so beautiful. Why do I wish I could fall into those eyes view."

Everything seemed to fade as if melted by the rain.

Only Mooneye and Ryuk stood in the empty street. Time seemed to crystalize as if heaven and earth wished to gaze at this again and again.

Ryuk shook as unwillingly within his heart a strange, alien like feeling bustled like a bunch of dry leaves touching a tongue of fire. It was as if all strange and unknown experiences with this girl seemed to mean one thing... Yet Ryuk didn't know what it was, no, rather he still didn't have enough to explain what it was.

Yet like light spots Riel appeared, Mongoose, Luther, Dede, Dion all the other disciples he was close with.

Their smiling faces and warm gazes. Ryuk shook slightly as if confused.

Just then a thought fluttered into his head, "Perhaps am I loved? Do people look at me and see me? Am I not the monster on that execution stand?"

The heart was mysterious and experiences that haunt you, even if you defeat them still linger like ghosts. They are cruel and tyrannical, willing to forsake ones humanity and make them depraved freaks.

Within Ryuks heart he had learnt to accept others, ever since the tower of Babel. To trust and see the worth of a life. Yet never had he changed to see himself as someone worth loving, as a being seen as something and not nothing. In his eyes he was still a monster unlovable by all, yet loving of all.

Yet at this moment something he had perhaps ignored seemed to come to light.

Perhaps the horrors shown in the tower of Babel weren't horrific as some tragedy's in real life, but there was a difference in what the tower of Babel did.

Breaking someone down until they shattered like glass, the torture was personal and cut deep into the heart.

A great man once said, "The cut on flesh, is nothing compared to the sorrow of the soul. A broken heart can destroy a man, but a knife to the heart can only kill a man."

Ryuk had absolutely become broken since his time in the tower of Babel. Perhaps the reason insanity had birthed was due to the tower of Babel.

Ryuk held his hand to his eyes and laughed.

He whispered, "Perhaps the bad thing happening today is me finding myself beloved."

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