
Opportunities of the deceased.

Ryuk felt warm air massage his ice cold body. He opened his eyes slowly and a beautiful sea of light blinded him. He looked around and saw Black next to him looking at me expectedly. Ryuk planned to open his mouth to talk yet he felt an immense sense of danger wash over him making his legs immediately jolt up. He quickly grabbed Black who had also noticed yet was slow and pressed hard against the ground. The ground sunk into a large hole and the two were sent flying. Black was stunned with a smile physical force they were high up in the sky. Ryuk had been unable to modify his stength properly and only managed to make use of 40% of his body strength yet it seemed his legs were like hard steel poles unable to not cause destruction wherever he stepped. Ryuk unraveled his wings and began flapping wildly and surprisingly with ease he began to fly. The place where Ryuk had been found a huge suction. A small black dot appeared like a tear in a picture and began to suck everything up.

The enemy came out 4 men on mounts that looked similar to a horse with a bird head and a thick exoskeleton. The 4 men had large human skulls as masks and wore a battlesuit made of top quality beast fur. They were surprised as seen by their lifted eyebrows yet they no longer paid heed and took out arrows and shot them. The arrows were either tipped with what Ryuk deduced as poison or enchanted with fire or ice. Ryuk madly flew about to try and escape. Ryuk then rose high into the sky. He looked at Black and nodded. Black was again charmed by the new beautiful Ryuk and nodded as well. Ryuk seeing this smiled and the spun wildly.

Black felt his insides move viciously about. Suddenly Black felt the sharp tongues of wind cutting his face he opened his eyes and found he was falling quickly rather plummeting. The four men were shocked and their training kicked in they stared at Black Intently protecting themselves against all situations. Yet that didn't mean they forgot about Ryuk they quickly switched their gazes back and forth constantly ready for anything. Ryuk after throwing Black waited and then hurridly flew up. The four men looked back at Ryuk to see him gone. They readied their weapons and their mouths pumped their legs in agitation. Suddenly a ball of flame fell. The blue colored flame looked similar yet wildly different to the sky and danced like a mighty unquestionable energy. The flame was aggravated further by the wind forming a deadly blaze that ran amok. The ground under the four mounts began to melt even from far away causing the already unprepared mounts to further disadvantage themselves. The four men looked at the flame and their brows knotted yet they seemed to lack the fear or shock that they should when seeing this flame. They each bit their fingers and a small drop of blood came they did this almost magically without prompting or the such they they began to chant something as the blood coalesced. As they finished chanting the fluid blood had already formed a beautiful pattern and flew up. The beautiful red dissapeared quickly and turned into a lifeless grey. The large flame knocked into the pattern and was broken apart. Ryuk was inside the ball of fire and because of that when he flew out he coughed up blood again and again. His insides were already in a terrible state from the fast decline and now they were further injured. Black who had now released his demon form to produce his wings to slow his rapid fall. He after stabilizing saw Ryuks state and rushed to him. Holding Ryuk his connected his two hands into lotus symbol chanted something and then Ryuk and Black dissapeared. The four men were shocked, yet they simply shrugged it off. They were assassins made by the cruel hands of the beast god sect, forged by the song of despair, and tempered in the blood of friends and enemies. They were people who never looked back for there was nothing to find and there was nothing to look for in the future and like mindless zombies they drifted through limbo. They quickly went in search.

Ryuk and Black appeared a fair bit away. Black was visibly tired and wanted to talk yet an upthrust from his insides forced him to move and vomit. Ryuk had immediately taken some remaining pills and sat in meditation circulating his qi. Almost in seconds he was healed. Black came over after some time "You planned to split their attention and then separate them to then finally pick them off right? After being attacked like that and then split their advantage of holding the tempo of battle and group power will be removed and we can easily beat them." Ryuk nodded "Hm. If it wasn't for them attacking first and instantly putting us on the defense thereby making a counterattack increasingly difficult we should have been able to decently fight." Black nodded. Ryuk abruptly said "Anyway they arent important theres two problems I have that are urgent." Black asked "Why? Do you have internal injuries?" Ryuk shook his head "No im fine in terms of injuries its just that first. I was in that demon sacred grounds for like 1 year and I missed a tournament in my sect Im worried what what I should do..." Black laughed "Dont worry about that. Time passes differently there. Qi vibrates at a much faster pace so a day there is like a second here." Ryuk was shocked yet quickly stabilized and said with a stern expression "The second problem...For some reason my strength has fallen." Black was shocked and asked "Can I send a drop of my qi in to inspect your body?" Ryuk nodded. soon Black retracted his qi and said "There's a seal on you." Ryuk was shocked "What! Which bastard cursed me like that?" Black laughed "Its not a bad thing this seal is a inscription usually put onto genius's of a race. It take a portion of strength from your qi each major realm and stores it. This process stockpiles your power and in the long run is very useful. Your potential will also be increases and the qi you absorb and the qi the seal absorbs will be purified. Even I have one that was put on me by my grandfather." Ryuk nodded yet felt gloomy and asked "In the long run? People in general much less genius's face problems with others. How can they love long enough to reap the benefits?" Black laughed and said "Yes they say they do this additionally to steel your combat abilities, but everyone knows it as the opportunities of the deceased." Ryuk sighed at his luck good and bad. He wondered although who it was that put the seal on him. "Was it grandpa book? No it was only once I came back did I feel the weakness so it has got to be that ape."

Ryuk and Black after some discussions on what to do decided to move towards Ryuks sect. As they talked Black kept laughing at various moments. "The relationship between you Royals is really bad right?" Black nodded "Yes. Although the one that becomes a god becomes the demon god there are alot of other factors. For example when we reach Soul grand birth stage like others we see our past lives, but it's a bit different. We have a 1% chance to awaken an original sin and that is further divided among the quality of the sin. If we gain a sin we are treated like gods among men. My grandfather is the Sin of Pride and also the current reigning demon god. See although my grandfather was probably last in line for the throne and not the only god stuff like his Sin and other factors led to him being the leader of the demons. We demon royals tend to try and break or remove as many chances for the others as possible like some damage others souls or make them heretics that deny their sins by kind of manipulating their lives. For example their was a demon prince who was set to receive a bath in the pool of divine blood and some other things that would help his Ascension. The princes and princess at the time knew this was because he had inherited the sin of wrath so they made a situation where he couldn't express that sin and therefore he broke his own principals and thus lost the acceptance of wrath." Ryuk nodded. Like all laws the sins choose their possessors and the criteria is their true personality.

Ryuk heard the shudder of leaves and twisted his body and swung the sword he took out of his spatial ring. The sword cried as it cut through the dense air. A shrill sound echoed as the sword ran through a dense canopy. The feeling of despair seemed so potent as if the sword itself was experience a mental breakdown. Black startled whispered "Sword heart?" 8 pairs of eyes were gazing at Ryuk their breath quick yet it soon returned to normal. The four men who attacked Ryuk were back. One at the front raised his hand and pulled three fingers up and bent them repetitively. Then pointed down and to the right. The other three men nodded and fell back and became dancers in the shadows. Ryuk used his fire law to detect heat signature's yet he couldn't find any he was confused. He used water laws to check for large quantities of water the typical amount a human would contain and this time he found four men in various positions. Ryuk understood that some of his information had been leaked. Out of all his laws the one that he had shown to the public was his fire law. "Even If I didn't channel my fire law in the way I did as a heat seeker I could probably sense them if close enough they knowing this probably used a Technique to lower their body temperatures or something. Fine if you want to freeze then become ice sculptures!" Ryuk manipulated the fire law to steal away the heat in the four mens particals. Eventually their blood ran still and their hearts stopped. Ryuk hadn't got the acceptance of the ice law and he wasn't stronger than those people, but simple truths couldn't be changed. Ice is just water where the particals are less active and due to there being less energy to break the tight bonds and move around it stays tightly packed. Fire law basically represented heat energy and Ryuk could manipulate that to form ice.

Black was completely oblivious to what was happening although he was a demon and naturally had a strong battle sense demons had a big weakness towards indirect battle like assassination attempts and therefore he just kept his guard up without any real reason, but he felt a sudden cold feeling come from the surrounding area. Ryuk couldn't really control his fire law all the well so instead of being specific the areas of the four men had become frozen. Ryuk sat on the ground and let out a breath using his laws to such a degree took alot of strength from his weakened state. Only now did Ryuk understand even more how unbelievable the elites from greater realms were. "Mooneye was already so strong even with this seal on her... How strong are they really?" Ryuk picked himself up using his sword and whispered "I feel like all my qi is almost gone why? Laws don't use qi right? I'll have to do more research... Anyway for now lets see these four assassins." Ryuk told Black "Don't worry I handled the four assassins let's get them."

Soon four ice blocks came forward. Black asked "Where are their mounts?" Ryuk replied "I think those were summoned creature's as I couldn't feel any blood in them." Ryuk could sense blood yes due to his spirit guide, but using it was too strenuous and ineffective. Back when he was heading towards the bull empire captial many times he used his spirit guide to sense blood, but got overloaded due to the information and had headache's that messed with his battle sense furthermore the blood sense is very random sometimes working sometimes not working. Like before even though they had blood Ryuk couldn't sense them even though his sense is semi passive. Ryuk shook his head weakly and bent down and stole random stuff the four men hand. Their spatial rings, robes. Finally Ryuk took his sword and killed the four men. He then looked at Black and quickly hit the back of his head knocking him out. Ryuk whispered "These four are truth stage Cultivators Im pretty sure. Taking their blood with be very good for my body and cultivation, but I can't let Black know about this." His spirit guide appeared and quickly absorbed the blood from the corpses.

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