
New Life

Its been a while since I wake up from my trial but still unable to know what time I wake up or sleep once again, but manage to learn something from the sisters. It turns out the time in this realm is depended on how people who live here think about time itself. Some people think that the time here is slow and others think it is fast. So it rather became a perception of time constantly needed to be check or needed to exercise control at all times.

Anyway, I walking around the house to familiarize where I am because Valerie and Vanessa banned me from going out from the house since I just came out of the trial that is fastest to be finished ever since everyone in this realm taken. There another reason, it is also possible that I might die due to overbearing energy outside of this mansion that unable to handle my current soul body.

Also, I currently wearing a two-ring on my left hand, a gold marriage ring with inscribe number two and a silver ring with a design of somewhat a zen but not zen if you take a closer look that design has also a human-shape in a sitting position and upon wearing it, it shines for a while then dimmed, I don't know what it indicates and asking this to Valerie or Vanessa with their answer to the question is "I don't know why it shines even though I wear it, it didn't" like excuse even they know the true answer but didn't bother anymore since continue question will lead to never-ending loop.

While walking in a hallway on the second floor of the mansion, hearing frantic footsteps coming closer as it getting louder and louder as the second goes by.

???: "Talon!!!"

I turn around to look at the person running but upon facing the location of the sound, a figure dives toward me like a mission. Without any seconds to react and we fell to the floor while feeling a massive pain.


Slamming into the floor hurts my back for a while but my stomach hurts real bad then someone sat on my stomach when I'm about to reach it to soothe my pain. Seeing that Valerie is sitting on my waist while calling my name repeatedly.

"What is it, Valerie?"

Valerie: "Nothing!"

Since I didn't ignore her, she stops calling me and still moving back and forth while staying at my waist.

"Please stop moving for a while, Valerie, and what is the emergency that you running towards me."

Hearing my question on why she is rush to find me, she immediately remembers the reason for it.

Valerie: "Vanessa tells me to get you and bring to the private meeting room first."


Valerie: "I don't know?"

She cutely tilts her head to the side while answering my question with a question. I sigh and tried to stand up but unable since Valerie is still sitting at my waist.

"Valerie, can you stand up first so that we can go to the private meeting room to know why I'm needed there."

Valerie: "Sure."

'Hah… sometimes she can be child-like whenever she is relaxed while she can be serious if needed.'

Valerie stands up from her position which I also stand up from the floor. We went towards the 'private meeting room' where the important meeting takes place. Upon entering the room, Vanessa sitting at the expensive western armchair on the right side of the meeting room and the opposite side is a male with the darkest blue, short, slick hair, and tanned, well-built body wearing a black semi-formal suit, and small patches of dark blue scale can be seen at the hands and face with a black horn poking out his head which indicates he is a dragon or dragonet race in human form, looking at us the door upon entering.

"Vanessa, I'm here, so why did you call me here?"

Valerie walks towards with dignity and grace then sits on another western armchair at the nearest of the door. They ignore my question and continue talking to each other, Valerie gestures me to sit beside them which is the middle armchair between them and listen to what going on. I walk toward the chair and sat on the chair while the topic is about me.

From what I learn from it, I'm only a soul-body form that has a definite time that I can stay in this realm before going to reincarnation and only gaining on a divinity on my own is the only way to stay in this realm, also one of the main world of world tree that currently under their guardianship for a while since no one yet claim it guardianship.

Vanessa nominate me to become the guardian or protector, while I take a trail that most of the 8th Tier Divinity take in order become a 9th Tier Divinity by going to that said world as a mortal, with either fragmented memories or full memories if one took the Samsara trial which I already have taken, as a trial before formally engage with Valerie and Vanessa due to their divinity.

After that discussion, the gentleman named Bahamut glance at me for a moment and talk in a deep serious voice.

Bahamut: "Are you sure that he will be able to carry the burden while doing the trial at the same time?"

Vanessa & Valerie: "Yes."

Bahamut closes his eyes for a while and reopens them, looking at us with a serious face.

Bahamut: "I can help you to start his trial but in one condition."

'What is this condition, with his expression, he might give the girls a hard or difficult to reach the basis of how he negotiated with the girls.

"What is it?"

Bahamut: "Mm… I thought you won't talk and let your fiancée talk instead."

"Well, I can do that but they help me to get this path so that I can be equal in the future, so I can't stay behind in their shadow but rather I will be there side, and this is my path to decide."

I reply to him in a serious tone that I won't let them decide on what I can do or not.

Bahamut: "BWAHAHAHAHA!!... Sure kid, no Talon."

Bahamut started laughing on my speech but I manage to get his recognition since it is possible that if I didn't take initiative before giving his condition, he truly might give a difficult condition on the girls.

Bahamut: "My condition is this."

Bahamut shows us a pair of silver rings with dragon design and a red gem at the mouth of the dragon.

Bahamut: "The condition on helping you to enter the trial, that I want you Talon to get the recognition of these two rings by wearing it."

Vanessa: "Are you sure that giving this to Talon?"

Vanessa asks with a serious tone as if she is asking an important question on his decision. Bahamut smirk on her question and reply with the same tone.

Bahamut: "Yes, if Talon might help us to this situation then I won't be worried about the future."

I look at them then look at the silver ring on my hand.

'I don't know what is the importance of this silver rings but if this ring has true importance, then he must truly trust me from this point.'

Bahamut: "So Talon, are you willing to take that risk asset my condition for helping you."

"If this ring is truly important and you ENTRUSTING this to me then I going to do it."

Valerie just giggles at our exchange while Vanessa looking at me and questions once more.

Vanessa: "Are you truly to do it but if ca-"

"Don't worry, I willingly take the risk and this is important to us as well since we need his help in the first place."

Vanessa gives up on changing my mind and looks at Bahamut who is wearing a smile.

Bahamut: "Talon, are you already decided?"

"Of course, if I don't take this right now then what happens if the same risk but different and difficult situation will come, I will able to reject that."

Bahamut just laughs and hands over the two silver rings to me. I also wear it on the left hand then both of them shine brightly and dimmed as if accepting me as a new owner. Bahamut stands up after the rings dimmed.

Bahamut: "The contract is complete, Vanessa, just tell me when we are going to do it."

Vanessa: "Ha… Sure, I will let you know when we are ready for it."


I tried to remove the two rings from my fingers but unable to and when I tried to add more into it, Bahamut stop me immediately before any damage may happen.

Bahamut: "Don't worry about returning the rings since that rings already recognize you as owner."

"I thou-"

Bahamut: "Yes, even though they are important to me and my race but I only holding to it due to the last owner told me to wait and give it to one who recognized by the rings to become the new owner."


Bahamut: "Yes, I already tried it but unable to gain, and don't worry about it Talon, I will ask a favor in the future anyway."

With that little exchange finish, Bahamut left the mansion to return to his home. I'm still want to ask him about it more but unable to and look at the sisters which they can answer but knowing that they won't, I didn't.

Vanessa: "It probably best for you to study for a while before the trial begins."


We towards to the library and stayed there for a long time but due to time from my previous explanation, I thought it been a month since we studied but it only a day when they told me. I manage to learn everything I need about the world, society, races, and technologies, and with my knowledge from my Samsara Trial previously manage to do it fast.

Valerie and Vanessa prepared the items that I might about brought with me including the items, that I might use to bring them to the world and create them as 'Homoculus' since they want to live with me. They told what I need as a divinity which includes creating their system to support divinity even though it was limited.

The day is coming which is after a day we have talked with Bahamut and met up with Bahamut with a ritual prepared for starting for my trial. This is the only day manage to go out but the energy outside is no joke, I almost die from the pressure of different energy surrounding us but manage to hold on before Bahamut notice it and help me since I already told Vanessa and Valeria is to not help me until the point of dying. From that point, we started and my consciousness is fading.

<Trillesta World – Unknown Location>

When I reopen my eyes and instinctively immediately cry, I been passed around and hear another cry which possible my twin. After a few passed hands and finally passed, I instinctively know the one holding me is my new mother.

Mother: "You will do great things, my Talon and Katarina."

We fell to sleep while I holding into my younger twin sister, Katarina, after feeding us with her breast milk.

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