

"Now what about my sword, why can't I use it?" Chris asked.

"That is because it is incomplete, the firstborn when it is born is formed using all the powers and aspects of the owner, even though at that time you had barely started your path, you had the power of nothing for a weapon to withstand this power must be at least god rank or it could even become a cursed weapon, on the other hand your sword started from the bottom so that her soul and conscience would not be broken, she should have stayed inside you at all times, otherwise I'm wrong, her current rank is ancient, being able to speak and take human form should be easy for her, unfortunately she can't withstand her power, so she must stay inside you until she becomes a weapon of god"

Chris knowing the reason why he could never call her sword all this time and hearing that it could become a cursed rank made him more excited.

"Is there a way to make it harden faster on a cursed weapon?" Chris asked.

"If it is possible and you will only have one opportunity to do it since it also consists of the awakening of your powers"

"What do you mean by the awakening of my powers? As far as I know, I lost all my strength when I was resurrected" Chris asked once again confused. They have always mentioned the awakening of his powers, but which powers.

"Normally you are supposed to lose all your power when you die, but your death was a bit special, when one becomes a god, they have to go through Deification, but you died in the middle of this process and when you were resurrecting the process was incomplete and ended up thus giving you the divine powers of your previous life".

"For things to be so easy there must be a cost, right?" This seemed too good to be true, so he doubted it would be that easy, Chris thought.

"Whether the body of a recently dead deity should be sacrificed as a base material to formulate a new body one would inhabit upon rebirth"

"Where did I get the body from?" Chris asked, not understanding how Samsara could meet this requirement to allow him such a rare resurrection.

"Your original body obviously, Samsara claimed your dead body to use as raw material for your current body, if it hadn't, the birth of the new being would have ended in failure and the space of Samsara would probably have been destroyed."

Having unknown information out of the blue from the person in front of him made Chris feel very weird despite getting answers he only felt the number of questions increasing.

"Now how do I awaken my power?" asked Chris trying to get to the main point, since he felt that the more, he knew at this moment about this person, the less he would understand things.

"Very well the answers to all your new questions and the ones you already had will answer themselves over time so let's get to the main point" the man said as if he could see through his thoughts.

"Right now we are in nothingness, nothingness is pure unadulterated power representing the origin and end of all things if you absorb the power of nothingness, the law principle of nothingness in your body would be stimulated causing it to become an absolute law giving you full control over this law, not only this but this power would flow into your sword causing it to become a god rank weapon or even break the threshold and become cursed, leading to the awakening of your powers" the man said giving him the explanation of what he had to do.

"Keeping myself in nothingness makes me already suffer great agony. If I have to carry out this process, my being would break before I could achieve it," Chris said, highlighting this fact, since doing that was suicide.

"You may be able to do this if you go into full Berserk state, but doing this would expose you to the entire universe making them realize you're alive as no one knows what really happened the day you ascended in detail other than your aura remains the same and the people who know you are not few"

What he said was true he could achieve it with this method, but if he does it they might find him, the current one was very weak compared to his past self, even if he awakens his divine power with his current base using it for a minute would be his limit.

But Chris wasn't in a position where he could choose.

In his past life, he loved his family who raised him with love and appreciation so that he could reach the top, also despite the fact that he was betrayed by 6 of his friends, one of them being the woman with whom he was intimate, he did not feel upset, since these 6 despite having appreciation for them, for some reason he did not feel comfortable with them, the truth is that Chris was the idiot for trusting them in his past life he only saw things as profit and loss but in this life I notice his mistake, his wishes and appreciation are important, because he must hide that he is afraid of him.

At this moment the seal of his emotions and his desires that had been holding back his heart was fully opened.

After deciding not to wait any longer, he looked at the man next to him and said "Thank you for showing me what I didn't see before."

"I didn't show you anything I just gave you the push you needed to free your heart, because if you don't you can't go to the top, take this"

After saying this the man waved his hand and a bracelet with two gems appeared on Chris's hand one was blue and the other was black.

"What's this?" Chris.

"The blue gem will shine when someone compatible with you is close so you will know who you can get their powers from, the black one will guide you to where the weapon that seals the first cursed race is so you can find it"

Saying that, the man disappeared when he saw that there was nothing else to talk about, the white space disappeared and only the previous nothing remained, the young man continued to drift, but this time there was no agony but joy and determination on his face.

"I don't know if all recent events were orchestrated by someone or mere coincidence, but the time has come to show myself once again to the entire universe"

When these words came out of his mouth, asura's 100% release of Berserk mode caused the space to tremble immediately, all the power of nothingness began to collect in him, causing his principle of law to begin to grow and then direct part of it. the energy to his sword and weaponry causing more and more changes to begin to happen within him, until the last barrier holding back his deity powers within him burst.

***Outside the system alone***

A huge dragon could be seen holding a woman in her arms. This woman looked despondent as if she didn't know what to do as if she had taken some bitter medicine as she looked at the small crack in space.

At a distance, two women who still could not understand the situation of what happened were still without being able to do anything, while further back the captain who seemed happy to have gotten rid of Chris plus the fact that Kira was with great injuries, in this way the time for his interrogation would soon come and for eliminating one while capturing the other his merits will not be few, but before he could continue to rejoice suddenly the space began to tremble.


This confused all the people since spacequakes are not something natural, when suddenly the small crack that was closing in front of everyone exploded and the aura of the person who should already be dead began to rise like a supernova covering everything. the universe in a blink of an eye.

This left everyone even more out of place, as such a radical change in one person's power happened only for the rift about to be sealed to break as if a door had been opened for one person.

The person who came out was none other than Chris, but his appearance was totally different from the previous one. The weaponry on his body is undergoing change in full view looking organic without taking a definite shape while the horns on his head changed while the tips were red instead of black making him appear to be a totally different being than his previously shown self.

But that was not what surprised everyone, it was that the universe itself seemed to welcome him, on the planets it seemed that the flowers bloomed and the fruits ripened, the trees grew and this happened on each planet in the universe.

Normal people would think that heaven was blessing them, but the high-ranking people in the first-tier worlds knew the meaning of this better than anyone.

The birth of a new god.

But these tall people who were beginning to think who would be the person who had accomplished such a feat, fell silent as the aura of the person in question emerged.

This aura that hadn't been felt in the last 16 years that was feared and respected by many people was being felt by every single one of these people.

16 years ago it was said that this person was about to become a god and would retire to prepare, in the 16 years without news of him people began to speculate that he had failed and that he did not want to show his face again since he lost all of his powers, others that had died, but now seeing the universal phenomenon like this person's unmistakable aura all these rumors were abolished.

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