

Massive torrents of flames erupted from Natsu's mouth, Brain barely having time to bring up an arm and use his Magic. A dark green barrier appeared in front of him and around him, the flames harmlessly impacting against and around the shield. He could feel the intense heat radiating off the flames. So the Fairy had some bite did he?

As the flames vanished, his barrier dropped, a fist full of dark energy flying towards Natsu. It was only as he flew through the remaining flames did he realise he had been caught. Natsu wasn't there.

Two long clawed arms flew down at him, his instincts to move allowing him to avoid the flames at the last second. His hand shot out, the darkness in it being released as a whip to sever the long flame arms before they could do anything else.

Natsu crashed down behind him, another fist full of intense flames being thrown at Brain's unprotected back. Brain dodged hurriedly, some of the flames nicking him as they passed. He prepared himself to grab Natsu by his back as the Mage passed only to have a tail of flames grab him before he could do anything. He felt himself getting pulled towards the Dragon Slayer at an alarming speed, even as Natsu stopped his own motion and shot back at Brain.


Natsu's head smashed into Brain's stomach, the tail holding the Dark Mage in place for a moment before letting the man fly backwards, crashing into trees and knocking them to the ground.

Natsu frowned as he watched Brain crash away from him. Something was wrong. The man felt weaker somehow. Was it because he was using all he had against Brain? Or maybe it was that lack of a staff? Some Mages needed a catalyst to use their Magic more effectively. He had seen Levy using hers after all, and she was much more powerful when using it than when she was not.

So why didn't Brain have one anymore? Had he lost it? It hardly seemed likely. A tool like that was never lost if it was essential to your skills. So that left that he had willingly left it somewhere. But why? For what purpose?

He took a moment to get his flames under control. He could worry about that stuff later. He couldn't see Brain yet, and he knew that attack hadn't finished the man off. It would have been a miracle if it had done.

So he wouldn't fool for the man's trap. Brain was baiting him to come forward, and he couldn't risk it. He couldn't expend energy pointlessly right now. He could already feel the drain his Fire Drive was having on him. The more flames he used, the harder it would be to keep control of the Spell, especially as it was constantly draining Magic from him.

A large blast of green energy shot out from the trees, red and orange energies mixed up around it as it shot towards him. Natsu dodged to one side, one hand launching the flame claws it had towards the source of the attack, intending to grab Brain and pull him out from hiding.

Instead he felt a pain in his back as he got sent flying forward this time. His flames should have reduced the damage he was feeling by burning away some of the energy. So why had he still felt the attack so much? He glanced at the remains of the beam, noticing how small it was. Something that small had been so painful?

He slowly got to his feet, seeing Brain walking out from the trees. "You're more impressive than I thought. I'll need to make sure I keep you alive for later. You'll make an excellent tool."

Natsu winced as he finishing standing, the flames around his back repairing the Fire Drive's cloak as quickly as it had been destroyed. What the hell was that attack?

Brain raised a hand once more, the dark green energy gathering around his palm before firing the energy outwards in the same form that the previous attacks had been in. Natsu dodged to the side only for Brain to twist his hand slightly, the attack bending back round to smash into Natsu.

Flames rapidly increased around his hands and released the flames in front of the incoming attack. "Fire Dragon's Wing Attack."

The barrier of flames should have at least weakened the attack. That was what he had always had experienced. The flames would act as an offensive attack as well as a shield, and would also weaken or overpower the incoming attack alongside that. Yet Brain's attack broke through with ease, Natsu being hit once more by Brain's attack.

Natsu winced, determined not to show any of the pain even as he crashed against the trees behind him. The flames of the Fire Drive repaired the damage it had taken in seconds, but it was already taking a toll on him. What the hell was that Magic Brain was using? What was that Spell?

"Dark Capriccio," said Brain with a smirk on his face. "It doesn't matter what defence you have or what you put in its way. It is a piercing Magic, something you won't be able to stop with your pathetic attempts of shields."

Natsu scowled the wings on his back beating in anticipation of his next move. He had to be careful. Those attacks were dangerous, he already knew that, but the hardest part was that dodged them didn't mean he was in the clear. If Brain could control them even more than just then, the attacks could come from anywhere around him.

Before he could continue, his eyes widened. Brain caught his shock before turning his head, smiling wildly. "That's it. Fire!"

Natsu could only stare and watch as massive amounts of energy appeared around a hole in one of Nirvana's sides, swirling as it all gathered to one focal point.



And before Natsu's eyes, Nirvana fired, the beam heading straight for the airship in the sky. Straight towards Christina.

Protector Of The Fairies

Jura couldn't hide his panic. Nirvana was preparing to fire, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

They were too high up, and Nirvana was too far away. If he had been closer, he could have used the earth to make Nirvana tilt at the last second. If they had been lower, he would be able to make the earth rise up to them in far greater amounts that he would be able to at the moment. The best he would be able to do would be to create a thin stone wall, and that wouldn't even delay Nirvana's attack.


Jura looked at Ren and Eve as they ran into the room, both sparing a worried glance at their friend who was leaning asleep against the wall.

"Hibiki is fine," muttered Jura, barely able to concentrate on them. He was afraid right now. He rarely felt this fear, but he did now. It didn't matter that he was in danger. He had been in danger plenty of times. No, it was that no matter what he did he would be able to save anyone up here.

"Can any of you fly Christina?" he asked, not even bothering to hide the desperation in his voice. "Someone must know how."

"Ichiya does…" Jura swore. He shouldn't have let Ichiya go after Brain if no one else could fly Christina. At the time he had assumed it would be Brain that would be firing Nirvana. But if it was firing now, Brain didn't need to be the one to do it. They had been fooled.

"Anyone else?"

Eve raised his hand hesitantly. "I took a few classes when I was studying to be a Rune Knight. A few of us got the option because of our potential."

Jura moved from the controls, almost dragging Eve over to them. "Take control. Do whatever it takes to make sure that beam misses us when it fires. Get us as low as you can and I may be able to stop it myself."

Eve nodded, already messing with a variety of switches and devices that Jura didn't even understand what they did. All he knew was that they weren't moving fast enough. Nirvana was rapidly preparing to fire, and they wouldn't be able to avoid it at this rate. If they were very luck, perhaps the beam would just rip through the ship and miss the occupants on board.

Ichigo! He was still in the hold below. So was Wendy too, along with both Sherry and Lucy. There was no time to warn them. He wouldn't make it in time. He could only pray they would be okay.

"Damn it." Eve kept glancing back and forth from the controls to Nirvana. "I won't make it. If Hibiki was awake, he could do it. I'm sure of it."

"Do your best. Doing nothing is the same as lying down and waiting to die."

He glanced towards where Ren was only to find him gone. He must have left once he had dragged Eve to the controls, likely warning the girls. At least they would be prepared now.

He slowly left the room, heading round from the outside till he was in front of the cockpit and in direct line of the beam. Even if he couldn't bring much earth up to him, he would still try and weaken the blast. He would battle it with raw Magical Power as it hit him, even if it only delayed the blast by a few seconds. That would be more than enough to ensure everyone else's survival.

Nirvana was almost ready. He could sense the tremendous amounts of Magic being prepared to fire at them. His staff at his side, he stared the Magic done, waiting. He was still afraid though. Being even closer to the Magic highlighted that more than ever.

He heard the sound of footsteps behind him but he didn't turn to face the person approaching. "Go inside. Get somewhere safe."

The person didn't appear to leave. Why weren't they? Couldn't they see what he was trying to do?

"I said get inside."

Another set of footsteps appeared, signalling the approach of more people. He turned to see the people who had joined him. Ren was on one side while Eve was on another. Lucy and Sherry had joined them, and Wendy was lagging behind them. Even Hibiki had woken up, though he looked fairly weak at the moment.

"Where's Ichigo?" he couldn't help but ask, seeing him as the only one being missing. He glanced at Wendy who slowly raised a hand.

"I couldn't stop him."

Jura slowly turned, seeing Ichigo standing in the sky far ahead of them. He couldn't keep the horror out of his voice as his staff fell from his grip. "What is he doing?"

As if hearing him, Ichigo turned round, his sword on his shoulders as he smiled at them. He could see everything Ichigo wanted to say to them in that one action. He was telling them not to worry. That he would never let a single drop of the blast past him. And he couldn't help but believe in him.

"That impossible fool," Jura muttered, a small hand slowly grabbing his. He looked to his side to see Wendy holding his hand, her other hand linked with Eve's. On Eve's other side was Lucy who also held Hibiki's hand while Ren was grabbing both his own free hand and Sherry's hand.

"We make our stand here then," muttered Jura, all eyes glancing forward at Ichigo. "We'll put our faith in him."

Protector Of The Fairies

Hoteye sped through the ground, his eyes picking up the energy gathering around Nirvana's main cannon even as he moved. He was running out of time. He had to make it. Erza had to have a way to contact the others. He had to warn them about Nirvana's attack before it was too late.

Following Jellal had been the right move he had believed, but when he had turned up he had found the man all alone he had almost lost hope. The man had been sitting, or maybe collapsed would be a better way to describe it, against a tree, and had looked so free. He hadn't responded much when he had called him Jellal, but he had told him that Erza had gone further north, towards Nirvana itself. She had to be intending to try and reach it and find a way to stop it.

And so he had followed her trail. It hadn't been too hard. A lot of the Dark Guilds that had served him and the other members of Oración Seis had been in this rough area, and she had been making her way through them one by one. It amazed him how each and every one of them was still alive. He supposed it wasn't too hard for her when she was that much stronger than them. The Dark Guilds under their command had been sources of income mostly and it had been a way to keep the guilds in check.

But he could almost see her now. And it looked like she knew he was coming. She had moved into an area densely packed with trees, something that would give her an advantage if she had to fight him as his Magic would be slightly less effective.

He would have to do this carefully, but still quickly. He wasn't an enemy anymore, but she didn't know that. He had to make sure she listened to him before she tried to beat him up else all would be in vain.

In one swift moment, he left the ground, appearing a far distance away from Erza. She spun round to face him but he immediately dropped to his knees, placing his head against the ground.

"Please," he begged. "You need to listen to me. There isn't much time."

Erza glanced from him to the energy preparing to fire from Nirvana. "I don't have time to waste. I've already lost time speaking to one Dark Mage. I don't have time for you to delay me."

She started to leave only for her leg to sudden freeze. She glanced down at it, seeing the earth holding it in place. She prepared to break it when she saw Hoteye's face, lifted back from the ground with desperation in his eyes.

"Please. There is no time. You won't make it. You need to warn your friends."

Erza frowned breaking the earth holding her foot. Hoteye made no movements to repair it, instead waiting and staring at her desperately. Erza took one look at Nirvana before taking a step forward towards Hoteye, doubt in her mind. The man was right. She would never make it in time, even in her fastest armour. This man had been her enemy, but she wanted to save her friends no matter what. And he seemed to be trying to help her.

"Why do I need to warn them," she asked. "They could always dodge the blast."

"No," muttered Hoteye. "They can't. A large group on the top of Christina, high in the sky with no hope in sight. And in that moment, they would turn to their greatest source of light to save them."


"Yes. The Shinigami. He's the key to everything here. He has been from the start."

Erza frowned. "You all beat him at the start. Why do you believe he is the trump card here?"

"He knew." Hoteye could practically see the man he referred to in his mind. "That man… He told us everything. How Ichigo would fight, how he would react, the buttons to press and how to manipulate him into an ideal situation for us. He gave us everything on how to beat him, but Brain went further than that."

Erza glanced up at Christina, seeing a figure in the distance in front of it. It was hard to make out but she could tell who it was. "Have faith in Ichigo. He'll protect them."

"No," Hoteye muttered, panic in his voice. "Tell them all to abandon everything there. Jump, even if they'll die. Do you not understand? Brain planned everything from the start with the data we were given. Ichigo will do anything to protect his friends. Do you not get it yet? How Brain knew what you all would do, why Christina survived, even that Ichigo would likely find a way to live even if Wendy wasn't taken back from us. The target isn't Christina! It's him! It was him from the start!"

"Nirvana…" Erza's eyes widened and Hoteye nodded at her urgently.

"Darkness for light, and light for darkness. What Brain wants is the Ichigo when his darkness is released."

Protector Of The Fairies

Ichigo stood his ground in front of the energy being gathered, his blade as his side. He was already in Bankai. He was almost as strong as he could get. And as the attack fired, he'd use his full power and blast the attack away.

This was going to be risky. Nirvana would still be able to fire again later on. He could only save them from this blast. He was sure he could do it.

He could feel Zangetsu more clearly than ever. The ever loyal Spirit was practically placing a hand on his shoulder or as close to the same feeling as he could describe. He could hear words of encouragement being spoken in his head. Hell, even his Inner Hollow seemed to be awfully chatty, telling him things like he better not screw up, and that meant a lot coming from the Hollow.

The energy was prepared to fire. It would be coming any second now. He brought his sword behind him, black energy radiating off from the blade. His free hand reached towards his face and swiped, his usual bone white mask appearing across his face.

That instant made his Magical Power skyrocket, and he reached for as much as he could handle and then some. The energy around his blade swirled intensely and spread out from the blade, reaching across the area around him just like it had done when he had fought Laxus's strongest technique.

This was likely close to everything he had, or at least everything he could muster. He wouldn't get a second shot. It was a do or die moment. There were people behind him, just like before. He couldn't let a single speck of energy through. He'd crush the blast with his own power, making sure it never made it past him.

His feet gripped the air tightly, the wind even picking up from the large intense amount of Magic swirling around in the air. He waited and waited and waited. Too early would mean death. Too late would mean death. He had to time this exactly right.

The energy suddenly stopped gathering around Nirvana and then it fired, a large blast of black and white energy exploding across the space between it and him at an alarming pace. He could see now that Christina would never have stood a chance at escaping. But they no longer needed to. He was here.

With one swing, the energy was released, creating what had to be his strongest Getsuga Tenshou that he had ever produced. He threw all the energy he had prepared against the attack, the two great blasts of energy fighting for dominance. For a moment he thought it wouldn't be enough. That he would lose.

But he could see hope. The black energy of the Getsuga Tenshou was slowly breaking through, devouring the energy Nirvana was firing and seeming like it was becoming stronger because of it. It ripped through the last of the energy and tore across sky, ripping one of the legs off Nirvana as if it was paper. Nirvana began falling before the other legs acted, stabilising it before it could hit the ground.

Ichigo let out a sigh of relief, turning back to see the smiling faces of his friends. Yet all he saw was horror, their mouths open and shouting something despite how their voices weren't reaching him.

He spun round and he realised what had made them so scared. And far away with Natsu, Brain smirked, looking up at the energy around Nirvana's main cannon. "Now then, how will you stop the second shot?"

Protector Of The Fairies

DUN DUN DUN! I've been building up to this scene, and I really couldn't wait to release it. The moment of truth of the arc where the pieces begin to fall into place. Why Ichigo was taken out so easily, why Christina was saved, and why Brain left his staff at Nirvana. All for the purpose of resurrecting an Ichigo like the one who slaughtered the entire Poison Viper Guild. I think you all know exactly what this means and what is to come. God knows you've all been wondering about it, and plenty have asked me about a potential appearance. It was always going to be at this point in time if it happened, so look forward to next week with anticipation.

Next time, we should be finally at Cobra and Shinji's big fight, bringing us closer and closer to this arc's end. By the way, how did people like the Jellal part here? This Jellal is a lot different from the Jellal in canon, and Erza was far harsher and vicious to him here considering that. She also didn't have much time to mentally prepare seeing him. Did people like his decision? I haven't seen anyone do this yet so maybe I'm the first and maybe I'm not but here he is. A Jellal who decides to not remember himself and reject his old memories. And Natsu's technique also got a name. Fire Drive. Figured as it is basically a Support Type of Magic to enhance his abilities, it should be like White Drive and Shadow Drive in naming.

So with the manga, we finally heard Kenpachi's Zanpakutou's name. Not bad name, and he will likely cut a comet soon if my hypothesis is correct. As for Fairy Tail, great stuff, awesome Demon power, a Demon King who I have already incorporated later on properly, and the revelation that demons are video game players. Jackel must play bomberman for instance, hence why his curse is what it is. And Hell's Core must be so they can play life as a video game. It was all so obvious. Why did we not see it before?

Well them that's all from me this week. Like the chapter, make sure you let me know. Got questions? I'll answer them so long as they don't involve revealing a crucial plot point in the future. Anyway, till the next time. I've been Takei. Thanks for reading.

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