
Chapter 17: Frozen Wasteland

Not the longest one this time but still at least 5000 words. I hope you like it. Let's hurry on into the story.

Random fact: Did you know that Chapter 15 got 33 Reviews in total in the week it was out there for. That's my highest so far. I wonder if I'll beat it when I get to the Battle for Fairy Tail?

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or Bleach. Shame, it would be great if I did.

Protector Of The Fairies

Frozen Wasteland

It snowed constantly across the plains, covering the ground in a sheet of snow and ice. It continued for miles and miles, even the animals in this field eventually deciding to leave before they died from the cold.

It hadn't always been this cold. It had once been a beautiful place, with large forests and fields of grass. Hundreds of different creatures lived here in harmony and it was cut off from a lot of humanity, leaving very few humans to actually live there.

One group of which was a small family, consisting of an old woman and her two grandchildren. They never met any of the other small groups of humans scattered around the land and when the others left, they saw no trace.

Most of this family was dead now. One died by strange wounds, the other from exposure to the extreme cold weather. Only one of the grandchildren was left still alive. A small young boy with white hair.

The boy in question leaned against the remains of his old home, his eyes closed. Someone had entered into the snow. He could sense it. This eternal winter had started because of him after all. This snow and ice was all his power.

Why had some entered this place? Few did beforehand and even less had done so after the change. Most people had a tendency to die not long after entering his domain.

He tilted his head slightly as he further sensed the intruder's Magical Signature. There was no wavering in the levels of it. That was a puzzle in itself. Most people showed signs that they couldn't cope as their Magic slowly drained as they subconsciously used it to keep warm. Why was there no change with this person?

Was he or she strong enough to overcome the cold weather? His grandmother had told him that there were people like that, and that she was dying because she wasn't one of those able to stand up to it.

She hadn't said the last part but he knew it was true. His power was strong, and he didn't have very good control over it. As such, it leaked out and killed anyone who wasn't strong enough to survive it. This winter was the sign of it.

There was something else about this person. Their Magic was unusual. It had no real element in it like his. Instead, it was heavy and dense. It would probably explain how it could overcome his own.

It was also very similar to him. It was rare to encounter someone who studied the same type of Magic because there were simply so many types and variations in the world. But he recognised why it was similar.

He glanced over to the sword at his side. It was a long katana, a four pointed star as its guard. There was a lot of blue on the sword, with the hilt being a light shade while the sheathe being a dark one. There was a green sash around the sword that allowed him to secure it to his back as it was simply too long to have at his side like some people may have had it at.

This was his Zanpaktou. And if someone had similar Magic to his own, it meant only one thing.

He had found another Shinigami.

So what did he do? Did he approach the Shinigami? Or did he stay here?

Staying here was out of the question. He was running out of supplies, and the few he had left would not last much longer either. He was surprised he had lasted this long in the first place but he wasn't going to question his own survival.

He could leave this place but he found himself wanting to meet this Shinigami. He had heard that Shinigami would normally isolate themselves from most people while they trained, learning to use their Magic and how to not kill people with the sheer power they could unleash.

That sounded appealing to him. He didn't want to kill anyone again because he couldn't control his Magic and, judging by the Shinigami's level of Magic, he or she must have learned how to do so already.

And maybe this Shinigami could help him too. After all, Momo hadn't died because of his power. She had merely been the trigger for it to happen. With this Shinigami's help, maybe he could avenge her.

His mind made up, he got to his feet and attached his sword to his back. It was settled. He would try and approach the Shinigami and, if possible, get his help. He would have the last laugh this time. That man would regret what he did.

He was no one's experiment.

Protector Of The Fairies

Ichigo pulled his coat further around him. It was freaking cold out here. And the snowfall didn't seem to appear like it had any plans of giving up.

All around him was snow. He had been to this place before and he didn't remember it looking like this a year back. It had been a beautiful place back then and, while it was still beautiful in a new way, something had happened.

What had caused all this snow to appear? Perhaps it was a powerful creature of some kind. A Demon maybe or perhaps there were still Dragons in the world like Natsu said and one had simply taken up residence here. Both technically had the ability to cause this much change to the environment if they were powerful enough in their element.

There were other possible causes. It was within the realms of possibility that this was done by a Mage or a group of them. Magic that controlled the weather was rare and extremely closely guarded but it did exist, and sometimes a Mage would pop up who knew one of those Magic.

His eyes glanced over towards a range of mountains in the distance. He had a long distance to travel still, and this snow would slow him down. His Magic protected him but it was still cold and he would need shelter at night for when he slept.

It couldn't be a coincidence that such a change in the environment had happened in an area just by where Mayuri's lab was meant to be. It had appeared recently and the lab must have been set up years before but the sheer proximity did bring up some questions.

Did Mayuri mess around with Magic too much? He didn't know what the experiments he was conducting were but they probably weren't good. This entire place could be the result of an experiment, and it was impossible to know if it had been a failure or a success.

He froze as he took another step forward. Someone was watching him.

He didn't move straight away, just letting his eyes glance around the snow. Eventually, he started moving forward again, his eyes still observing the surroundings.

There. Right at the edge of his sight, he saw a slight bit of movement. He keep walking this time, not allowing his watcher to realise he had been spotted.

It appeared to work. The watcher seemed to relax more from what he could see at this distance and slowly began to follow him cautiously.

Something was familiar about the watcher's Magic. It was a bit like Gray's so that meant that the watcher had to have some kind of Magic relating to snow or ice. Maybe this entire place was a result of this person. Why would a Mage with a similar type of Magic be mysteriously out here otherwise?

This mysterious watcher however seemed quite small, even at a distance. It looked almost like a kid.

A kid causing all of this? He supposed it was always possible. He was a walking example that age could be deceiving.

The kind had a lot of Magical Power too. A hell of a lot. And he felt similar to him as well.

He purposely stopped this time, turning to face where the kid was hiding. He knew what the kid was now. A Shinigami.

He could see slight movement from the kid, as if debating whether to come out of the hiding spot or to run instead.

Ichigo waved over at him. Better to show he wasn't going to hurt the kid before the kid ran. It was rare that he got to meet other Shinigami other than Juushirou and the odd meeting with Kisuke. This would be the third Shinigami he would have met.

The kid slowly walked forward. As the kid got closer, he could see the kid was a young boy with white hair, an exact match for the snow around him. Whatever clothes the boy had been wearing were fairly worn. They would have been quite nice clothes at the time but now they were just a bit better than rags.

How long had the boy been out here for? Why was he wearing those clothes? Where were his parents?

He did notice the Zanpaktou slung over the kid's back, just like his was. It was a similar length to his own, a change from seeing the Zanpaktou of Juushirou's that was attached at his waist. He had heard that not many Shinigami went for longer than average Zanpaktou and instead stuck with the basic length.

The boy could change the length if he wanted but he was unlikely to have done much of his training yet. If he caused this snow, it would confirm that. That would mean that all these changes were a result of unstable control over his Magical Power.

The boy finally reached him, staring up at him his short height. The boy really did look young. He was maybe eight or nine. He could even be younger.

"How old are you kid?"


The answer was quick and short. Both seemed to be observing the other, trying to judge whether the opposite was friend or foe.

"I'm Ichigo."

The boy stared up at him, barely acknowledging that he had heard him speak. Before he could get annoyed, the boy spoke.

"I'm Toushirou. Toushirou Hitsugaya."

Ichigo nodded at the boy. "Good to meet you Toushirou. Now what's a little Shinigami like yourself doing watching me? I thought you would have training in isolation rather than watch a passerby like myself."

"Training in isolation?"

Ichigo looked at the boy funnily. Did the boy not realise that was what most Shinigami did? His years with Kisuke may have not been alone but the man still kept him away from civilization, else what was happening around them may have happened, minus the snow and ice of course.

"This snow and ice is because of you correct?" The boy nodded. "Then you should be training to stop it. As you gain control over your Magical Power, this storm should stop."

Toushirou stared at him in confusion. "I… can stop this?"

Ichigo nodded again. "Don't you know much about how we work when we first get our powers? It takes a while to get a good grip on it so we have to learn to control our own Magical Power, else people die. Mine would probably crush people from it while yours seems to kill them from the cold."

"I never realised I could really stop the snow so easily. I just assumed it was a matter of control that would prevent more deaths but the weather would still continue."

Ichigo frowned. "Didn't you learn anything about Shinigami? Were you born with innate powers or did you get them from the Shattered Shaft?"

"I am not sure," Toushirou answered. "Would the Shattered Shaft be a large hole?"


"Then yes, I got my powers from the Shattered Shaft."

"And did you go in there knowing what it would do?"

Toushirou shook his head angrily. "I didn't."

Ichigo understood what the boy was implying. The boy may not have understood but the person who threw the boy into the hall must have.

He couldn't leave the boy on his own. He felt responsible to look after the kid as a fellow Shinigami. He was sure he could teach the kid quickly enough and then perhaps take him back with him to Fairy Tail. He would have to stay somewhere while he went to the capital though as he had didn't like the idea of pulling out now.

Perhaps the kid knew something about Mayuri too. He was too close for comfort after all.

"What was the man called?"

Toushirou stared at him in shock before recovering his composure. He hadn't expected the older Shinigami to realise the truth.

"I don't know," he admitted. "He was weird looking, and kept referring to me as one of his little experiments. A lab rat."

That didn't sound good to Ichigo. If Toushirou was the lab rat, what would the final products be? Because if the snow around them from Toushirou's Magic showed success, he was slightly worried about what the end result was. This was a large environmental change after all.

"If you met this man again, what would you do?"

The boy looked at him suspiciously for a moment. He had to be trying to work out if he was to be trusted or not. For all the kid knew, he could be one of Mayuri's spies.

"I would kill him."

This had to be more personal from just words and changing him to a Shinigami. It felt more personal than just being forced into tests too. And it stopped him having to ask where the boy's family was too. He already had an idea what had happened.

Ichigo started walking forward, the boy quickly rushing to follow him, slightly confused at the sudden action and at the direction.

"His name is Mayuri Kurotsuchi. He is mad from what I hear and has gone rogue from the Magic Council."

Toushirou stared at him in outrage. "The Magic Council ordered his experiments?"

"It is unlikely they outright ordered him to do what he did. They most likely gave him a task, a list of what lines not to cross, and said do it. He must have crossed one of those lines."

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

Ichigo looked at the boy, his eyes showing nothing but resolve in them. "I'm going to help you kill him."

Protector Of The Fairies

"So are you a member of a guild or a member of the Magic Council's army?"

Ichigo looked towards the boy. "I'm a member of a guild. I belong to Fairy Tail."

Toushirou nodded at his answer. They both got back to their task of climbing the mountain they were on.

They had cleared the snow a few hours ago and had gotten onto the job of climbing the mountains. At the top of one was meant to be a backdoor into the lab, and they would want to use it to get in undetected.

Toushirou had brought up the issue of his Magical Power causing the storm to follow him but he had managed to find a solution to that problem. They couldn't seal his power but they could suppress it with another's.

It worked better than they had expected. With his own Magic holding back Toushirou's own, the snowfall had stopped, or at least for now. It would make things easier for them in the future until the boy learned some more control.

Of course that did leave the issue of his Magical Power signalling their position but it would be hard to pin down hopefully, or would at least confuse Mayuri of their numbers. It may even make the man think they are just passing, as this backdoor wasn't supposed to be known to the scientist.

The boy had looked sorrowful when they had found the solution to it. He had even admitted that he had wished they had found the solution a while back. Ichigo didn't pry. Some people just didn't want to talk about their past after all. God knows he was the same with his father and his sisters. His mother was even harder.

He allowed himself to refocus on their progress. It would still take a few more hours to get to the top of this mountain. Maybe longer with Toushirou here. The boy hadn't had as much physical conditioning as he had.

It was a shame he couldn't use Shunpo but he had decided it wasn't worth it yet. A single step might be enough to tip Mayuri off. Nothing said that the man had been discovered than a Shinigami appearing right on your doorstep.

It helped that their Zanpaktou were attached to their backs. It would be much harder climbing if they were at their sides, constantly getting in the way.

That reminded him that he hadn't spoken to Zangetsu much since the S Class Trials. The old man had been right in a way when he said that he didn't want him to go there. He had been trying to protect him from learning about the fall of the Shinigami, and what could have been his home in another time.

"Hey Toushirou."

The boy stumbled, grabbing hold off a rock as he started falling before Ichigo's hand grabbed him and threw him up onto the platform above them.

"What?" asked the white haired boy as Ichigo pulled himself up onto the platform and sat down next to him.

"How much do you know about Zanpaktou?"

"Not much."

"I see." That meant the kid didn't know much about why his sword was important. He must have had an idea at least though as he kept his Zanpaktou close to him at all times, just like he himself did.

"How to explain this. Your Zanpaktou is your partner. But the bond is deeper. Your Zanpaktou is your own soul, given a physical form."

"My soul…"

"Yes, your soul. A Zanpaktou is a perfect representation of a union between Caster and Holder Magic. Our Magic comes from within us like Caster Magic but also can be used through our Zanpaktou, like Holder Magic is done by."

"However that union meant it was created from our Magic instead of just being a random tool used for Holder Magic. And because of the nature of our Magic, it designed itself to match us perfectly. No Zanpaktou is the same, just like no soul is the same. It is a blade that works only for you."

"Because it was made from your soul though, it becomes more than just a blade. Only a Shinigami has a Zanpaktou because a Zanpaktou is part of the wielder. That part of them can be seen in an inner world of ours."

Toushirou tilted his head curiously. "An inner world?"

Ichigo drew his sword from his back and laid it on his lap. He gestured for Toushirou to do the same.

"This is the form of something we call Jinzen. A form of meditation where we can enter our inner world and meet our Zanpaktou. I'll let you give it a try in a moment if you want."

"What does an inner world look like?"

Ichigo scratched his head. "Well it's hard to say. It varies between person to person. Mine is… Well… Let's just say it's unique."

"Now when you meet the spirit of your Zanpaktou, it will act in a way that matches you at some level. It is hard to say how really but you will find out when you meet him or her. A Zanpaktou has a name too. Learning it is a big step but if you learn it, you take a big step forward. Shikai is a released state of your Zanpaktou and without your Zanpaktou's name, you can't reach it."

Toushirou looked confident. "May I try?"

Ichigo nodded as he sheathed his sword. "Knock yourself out. I'll keep an eye out while you try."

As Toushirou began attempting to perform Jinzen, Ichigo watched him carefully. The kid was making the same mistakes he made when he first tried Jinzen. Toushirou was smarter than he was at that age but the kid wasn't getting it first time, just like he hadn't straight away either.

He raised his hand and brought it down at the boy. It wasn't a fast strike and it wasn't powerful but the boy dodged it. There lay the problem.

"What the hell?"

"Why did you dodge?"


Ichigo sighed. It was almost an exact copy of how he reacted.

"How do you expect to enter your inner world while watching this one? I said I would keep an eye out. Don't let anything distract you."

Toushirou nodded hesitantly before trying again. This time, Ichigo was sure the boy would get it. That was the hard part of Jinzen. It was hard to ignore the world and focused on nothing but your Zanpaktou and your soul.

It was much easier for Toushirou here though. The boy only had to dodge a fist just then. He had a sword swung at him when he tried.

He waited a few minutes before flicking the boy. Nothing. If he had been awake, he would have made some response. There was none though. The boy got it. Now he would see what his Zanpaktou was like.

Let's hope it was in a friendly mood.

Protector Of The Fairies

Silence. Everywhere around him was silence and flat, similar to his old home. An endless field of ice and snow stretched across as far as the eye could see yet like before, he didn't even feel the cold.

This was his inner world? There seemed like there was nothing here, or at least that he could see. Did his Zanpaktou spirit live here? It must be a very lonely existence.

A sound echoed around him. It slowly got louder and louder until he recognised it for what it was. A roar.

His eyes widened as he turned, seeing the massive form of the spirit behind him. It wasn't just any roar it seemed. It had been a Dragon's roar.

The being was completely made of ice. Every part of the Dragon's body was a construct of ice, with no other physical shape to it. Going by the legends he had heard of Dragons, there had always been two types. Ones with a physical body and those without. Those with a physical body were said to be tougher and stronger physically and could use their element effectively but those without a physical body could do things with their element that far surpassed what the others could do. It didn't make them stronger, but it did make them far more unique than any others.

How did he have a Dragon as a Zanpaktou spirit though? Maybe it could be anything in the world and his has chosen this form.

"Who are you?"

The Zanpaktou spirit looked at him curiously before laughing. "Just what I would expect from my Master. You already want to know my name."

Toushirou waited patiently. It was hard to tell if he was being humoured or if the spirit was debating whether to say his name or not. He assumed it was a he at least. The voice sounded male.

"Very well then. Let me test you. I will see if you can truly wield me. My name is…"

Toushirou stared at his Zanpaktou's spirit in confusion. What had he said? He hadn't managed to hear much of what was said over the sudden winds that had appeared.

The Dragon looked annoyed. "What was the point of me speaking if you can't even hear? Come back when you are ready."

Protector Of The Fairies

Toushirou found himself back next to Ichigo before he could protest. He glanced at the older Shinigami, Ichigo waiting for him to talk.

"I couldn't hear him?"

Ichigo nodded. "I didn't expect you to. They want to tell us their names but they won't let themselves be heard until they believe their wielder is ready for their name. They're a bit two faced like that."

"I see." Toushirou looked down at the blade in his hand. "Does it take long to learn their name?"

"It really depends. I heard Zangetsu, my Zanpaktou, start trying to call to me and I was finally ready a year later. It may take longer for you or it may take less. I did get you to meet him before he had actually called for you."

Toushirou still looked puzzled. "I think I have seen that place before."

"That place?"

"My inner world. It looked similar to my old home but I felt like I have seen it more recently as an almost perfect match."

Ichigo raised an eyebrow. "Really? My old mentor never mentioned things like that before but I suppose it can vary from person to person. Not everyone will experience the same thing after all."

"I think I have dreamed about it."

That seemed to click more with Ichigo. "That is possible. While asleep, you are far less aware of your surroundings and it is possible to have entered your inner world while in that state of peace. I've never done it but that's me. Plus Zangetsu doesn't call to me when I'm asleep. Maybe your Zanpaktou found it was the best way for you to notice it. What was he or she like anyway?"

"A Dragon made of ice."

"Unique. Mine's just this old guy."

Ichigo looked back towards the top of the mountain. "We better get moving. The longer we stay still, the more chance that Mayuri will realise something is up if he hasn't already. He isn't an idiot."

The two slowly continued their journey upwards, not realising they were already too late.

Protector Of The Fairies

Mayuri examined the screen in front of him and scowled. He had been on guard ever since he had detected that large source of Magical Power, especially as it seemed to get closer and closer.

At first he thought it was a group of people, but he threw that away as the source of the Magic got closer. The sensors he had around the area only detected two people so it had to be from one of them probably.

Then he had hoped they would go around. Instead, they went up. He wasn't sure why but it was enough to cause him some panic. Not that he showed it to anyone, but his base was meant to be secret. No one should know of its location so this unknown was worrying.

Still, something had bugged him. It was there, nagging him at the back of his mind. The Magic has a strange signature to it, and he doubted it was even recognisable normally, but it felt familiar to him.

The data on the screen didn't lie though. It was much better than the results he had from the others in terms of resonance and he knew only one man would have been smart enough to outdo him. And that man would have only tested it on one person.

So then, it seemed that the Chairman's favourite was coming to see him. That boy was only sent on certain types of missions. Missions where things needed to be covered up or removed.

How did the Chairman know about what he was doing? He had been careful, the results detailed enough to fool the man. So how had he thought to search for other things?

It mattered little now. The serum was perfected, and he would not be able to be stopped now.

He would have to remove a few people though. With the flick of a button, he called the staff to return to him. He would deal with them first before then sorting out the others. If Juushirou decided he was no longer useful, then he had no obligation to deliver the merchandise.

Then he would deal with Ichigo. It would send a nice message to the world. He would destroy Kisuke's greatest creation and prove to the world who was the better scientist. No longer would he be second best. No one would think about how Kisuke would have done it over his methods. So what if they were different? So what if people thought they were unethical? People want results, and he always delivers, no matter what the cost may be.

He sensed the staff entering behind him. He didn't bother facing them, instead waiting for the last of them to arrive.

"Sir?" asked one of the scientists. "What is this all about?"

"Huh?" Mayuri scowled at the lady. "Nemu, what have I told you. Don't bother me while I'm thinking."

"But sir," said one of the other scientists. "We're in the middle of some delicate experiments. If we leave the subject for too long-"

"It no longer matters. In fact, I'm changing your responsibilities. All of yours."

The scientists gathered looked around at each other with a mix of curiosity and fear.


Mayuri reached over to one of the needles near him and placed it against his neck. "Sacrifice must be made for the sake of progress. Thank you for your dedication to science."

The needle plunged into Mayuri's skin and the people behind him could only cower in fear before eventually all trying to run. It was already far too late.

Protector Of The Fairies

A man looked up from the paper he had been given and tilted his head curiously as the people observing him left. That was a surprise. He had heard the bell go off and he could only assume that Mayuri wanted everyone to meet him.

Something was wrong. Mayuri didn't do staff meetings. He didn't care what anyone did, just as long as they gave him the data he wanted when he wanted it. He had seen the man kill one of his men in cold blood simply because the data was going to take a day or two more.

That day had been bad. He didn't particularly care for the dead man, or any of the staff really. The days where Mayuri observed them though were always… tricky. Tasks weren't always obvious and sometimes he just wanted to test the worst things imaginable. Like how long they could take being roasted by fire before they screamed out in pain.

Still, this was one of the best times he would ever get. If there was anyone he cared about in the world, it was his family. Not his old one, they would never understand him and he could never trust them. His new one was all that was important. They needed no one else, just as long as they had someone who understood what they were because they were the same.

He had wasted too much time in thought. He stood up slowly, watching how the restrains tried to keep him down before he snapped them with a swing of his hand. They had no idea of what kind of power he and his family had, and it would now work in his favour.

The alarms at the screens flashed but he was already over there, silencing them and stopping it from sending an alert over to Mayuri. With the staff gone, no one would know he had escaped before it was too late.

He took one step towards the direction of his family when a feeling of dread filled his heart.

And then the explosions happened. It was far too late.

Protector Of The Fairies

So we had an interlude last time and now we're back in the last Arc of the past once more. We'll finish up here in a few chapters and then we'll finally be there for Canon again. It all starts at what you waited for at Chapter 21 and I've finished up to Chapter 23 ready for you guys. I'd release more often but trust me when I say sometimes I get bored and don't write for a while so I need the buffer in case of that.

Well that and I want to have things ready ahead of time, especially when I need to see thinks for later on from the Manga. I mean did you see that giant Bankai form? And what a surprise too. I didn't expect to see that of all things under the armour.

Anyway, you'll be happy when I get there. I plan for that Arc to be about four to six chapters hopefully, which will be the longest Arc I'll have done. It should be a nice treat when you get there. I did some modifications to things, particularly some certain battles. Evergreen's can be left to your imagination but I'd say she put up a stronger fight against Erza than before. Still not a match though, as Erza would have grown a bit too.

So with this chapter, we see the next ally for Ichigo. Toushirou joins the team. I thought he would be a good addition to have and I have the last one planned too for now. You saw him this chapter but will you realise who he is? Go on. Guess. We had Mayuri here as well, and he's doing something terrifying. Cliffhangers!

Other news, I was checking out my story on the crossover section for Fairy Tail/Bleach and it has done very well thanks to you all. Third in reviews and followers, and only a few more favourites till that is third too. This story has done well to climb that high. And 267 reviews in total? Amazing. Next step is to beat "Black Dragon Slayer, Kurosaki Ichigo" and "Soul Reapers Fairy: Recreation." Till next time then.

Anyway, till the next time. I've been Takei. Thanks for reading.

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