
Dance to the Beat of the Flames (1)


"I think you owe me a dance, Mister." I tried to lighten up the atmosphere. It hurt me to see him thinking the worst of a situation. I couldn't help but wonder what had gotten into the man for he never acted like this before. 

Did he really think that I was sticking around Colen by my own will? Was it all which had flipped his mood to be so sullen? Or was there something else I failed to see? 

There were so many questions that needed to be answered, but they had to wait. I only wanted to enjoy our time together without thinking about the ifs and whatnots.

"Aden?" I flicked my wrist before him, trying to get the man's attention as he seemed to be at a loss. It seemed to have worked as I saw his eyes regaining their focus.


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