
Night Battle

Burned Lake Town

Tiberius POV


The legionnaires heard the shout of the commander and immediately lifted their shields to block any enemies that try to get through, they stand their ground while looking at the enemy charge, they see the horses falling down as they stepped on the caltrops, the chariots fly through the air and crashed on the ground making more horses fall down as they slammed on the fallen chariots.

"Archers Fire!"

More wainriders fell as arrows pierced them and their horses, weakening their momentum but this traps and arrows we're nothing to the Nazgûl, with a wave of his hands all obstacles we're removed as they disintegrate the Nazgûl looked at the barricade blocking the entrance and lifted his left hand, on it a black orb forms before flying towards the barricade.



Legionnaires shouted in pain as splinters from the wood stab their bodies, some died immediately as larger pieces of sharp wood pierced their eyes then through their brains. The dreadful aura of the Nazgûl can also be felt stronger as the dark being came closer.



They were about to throw their javelins when a sharp shriek from the Nazgûl stunned them, they clutched their ears in pain as they dropped their javelins and shields on the ground, seeing its attack was effective the Nazgûl urged its black horse faster and soon arrived in front of the disorganized legions.


Men were crushed by the horse hooves while the Nazgûl also slashes its blade beheading the soldiers, the horse continued to gallop as the horse of a Nazgûl was stronger than any other normal horse, it continued to charge at the thick formation barely slowing down, following him the wainriders finally caught up and also entered the camp bringing more chaos to the stunned legionnaires.

"Damn it!"

Shouting in anger Tiberius looked at the collapsing front while gritting his teeth in frustration, the Nazgûl was a factor that made the battle unpredictable, the traps and plans we're made useless by the Nazgûl strange power.

"Evocati Cohort reinforce the front!"

Watching the men marching towards the gap he heard a shout from the watchtower.

"Enemy infantry to the west!"

Looking at the direction he saw men in leather armors rushing towards the wall of the west side of the camp, they dropped down boards to act as a bridge to cross over the ditches that they dug up during the day.

"They have infantry?!"

"They must have hidden it well for our scouts not to discover them, they probably knew that it would be difficult for all their cavalry to enter the camp so they finally used their trump card."

Hearing Garen's speculations he agreed: "The attack last night was probably just a probe to see how we fight and also to check our defenses, now that Lake-town burned down they can focus all their manpower towards our camp."

"Stay here Garen I will personally lead the defense on the west wall!"

Not waiting for his reply Tiberius turned his horse around and gallop towards the opposite side of the camp, following him are the Praetorian guards ready to protect their liege.

"Rally to me! Defend the walls!"

Arriving on the west wall he rallied the men, he watched as the enemies placed ladders then climbed over the wall while the legions archers shoot at them, the legionnaires defending the wall threw their javelins while engaging the enemies that managed to climb up.

Jumping off his horse Tiberius rushed to the wall to engage the enemy while his guards followed him.

"Stand your ground! Don't let them through!"

The defenders saw their commander fighting with them increasing their morale as they shout their war-cries.

"His highness is with us! Fight!"

"For Rome!"

"Mars bless us!"

The legionnaires fought with great ferocity as their morale increased. More enemies climbed the ladder making the battle more brutal. Enemies that looked like the Scythians and Slavs wield their curved blades at the legions while the auxiliaries with their stronger bodies were able to push some of the ladders off the wall. The wainriders fell and were either stabbed by the sharp wooden stakes below or fell into the ditches.


Tiberius slammed his shield at a wainrider who just climbed the ladder making the poor guy fell off. He pushed the ladder before more enemies can climb.



The sound of men hitting the ground and splashing on the ditches can be heard as Tiberius looks for another ladder to fell.

"Enemy Archers!"

A cry from a legionnaire in the watchtower can be heard making him look over the wall, on the field he sees the Easterlings lining up and lighting their arrows with torches before aiming them towards their camp.


A praetorian guard shouts and they rush towards Tiberius, they surrounded him and raised their shields as the rain of flaming arrows arrive.

Clang, Clang, Clang

Arrows hitting their shields can be heard for two minutes before they stopped.


They broke formation and looked around them to see dead bodies of their comrades but mostly the enemies, the Easterlings fired their arrows knowing they would hit their own men.


Looking back they see tents burning and horses panicking, though the enemy killed their own troops they succeeded in making the camp more chaotic as men run to get buckets of water to put out the fire while another wave of enemy infantry arrives.

"Defend the walls!"

Screaming at his men Tiberius once more continued to defend the wall while new enemies climb the ladders. The legions archers concentrated shooting on the enemy archers and successfully suppressed them making sure that they won't fire another volley of fire attack on their camp. The battle continued for a few hours before finally stabilizing, fires were put out and reinforcements arrived, looking at the wall Tiberius sees the men holding their ground against the Easterlings.


He once more heard the sharp cry of the Nazgûl, he looked towards the sound and see Garen and the Nazgûl in combat while the legionnaires are engaged in melee with the wainriders.

"Kill the Nazgûl!"

Going down the wall Tiberius mounts his horse and gallops towards them, he watched as Garen barely hold's off against the dark being while his soldiers supports him. The Nazgûl punched Garen's face throwing him off his horse then slamming onto the soldiers that were supporting him.

He felt anger rise within him when he saw his friend falling unconscious and heard whispers in his mind saying to release his fury like what happened when he saw Darius bleeding head inside the mountain, he did what the whispering voice said and attacked with great fury at the Nazgûl.


Slashing his blade, the Nazgûl was caught surprised not detecting his presence but quickly recovered, the dark being parried his attack with it's sword while the other hand aims at him while it forms a dark orb. The orb flies towards him but he leaned his body to the left barely dodging it.


An explosion sounds behind him but he ignored it, he once more slashes his blade but this time it succeeds, the left hand of the Nazgûl was cut off while trying to pull it back after forming the orb. The fallen hand crumpled into nothingness while dark miasma seeps out from the site of injury.


Before Tiberius can finish off the Nazgûl it once more shrieked, stunning him as he covers his ears. The Nazgûl used this chance to kick him off his horse before escaping, the wainriders see their fleeing leader also routed.

"Chase them!"

The legionnaires see the retreating enemies and gave chase. Javelins were thrown and arrows fly as the wainriders retreated, the enemies attacking the wall see the retreating wainriders also routed. Mounting his horse Tiberius chased the Nazgûl, he knows if he can not slay the dark being now it would recover and mount another attack.


Throwing his javelin the Nazgûl see this and urged it's horse to the left dodging the attack, the black horse speed was greater than his horse and would soon would escape but before it could he heard the sound of trumpets upfront.


Coming out from the dark forest are dwarves riding goats followed by heavily armored infantry dwarves with long spears and thick shields.


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