

As much as Visaelya might've liked to eavesdrop on a conversation like that, she knew it wouldn't be proper. Her curiosity could be put on hold for the moment, though. After all, it would take the several days at the very least to reach their destination. She'd have plenty of time and opportunities to learn more about Squad Two's fascinating Tenth Seat.

"Thank you very much for showing us around, Shisui," she said as she bowed her head, "I look forward to working with you on our mission."

He gave her that friendly smile of his, and once again she felt her heart skip a beat. "Same here. Make sure you rest up tonight; we'll be leaving bright and early tomorrow morning."

"Of course," she said, "Until tomorrow, then."


Sitting at the edge of the training yard, Itachi looked up at the night sky. The moon wasn't quite full, but it still bathed the Squad Two barracks in evening light.

Rather tranquil, all things considered, he mused, Rather surprising when one remembers that people practice for combat here…

"There you are," said a familiar voice from behind him, "Thought I'd find you here."

Itachi didn't need to turn around to know that it was Shisui. His old friend came up and sat down next to him, passing him a cup with wisps of steam coming up from its contents.

"Brought you a little treat," he said with a smile, "You still like your tea this way, right?"

Itachi took a sip and nodded. "Yes. I'm surprised you remembered after all these years."

Shisui shrugged. "Some things never change."

"Indeed," Itachi replied.

There was a moment of silence before Shisui spoke again. "I've been trying to squeeze in a few trips to the Rukon District in between assignments. As vast as the place is, you can still run an organized search if you plan accordingly."

Itachi's eyes narrowed; he knew where this was going. "You've been looking for our clan. Any progress?"

Shisui shook his head. "Not yet. It's been slow going, and it's not like I can bring in other members of Squad Two without telling them what it's really about. As flexible and understanding as the Captain is, the rules are clear; we can't utilize official resources for personal matters."

"I understand," said Itachi, "Although… there's always the chance that this 'personal matter' of ours could become an official problem down the line."

Shisui nodded. "I know. I'm hoping that doesn't become the case, but we can't rule anything out."

"Once I graduate, I'll do what I can to help," said Itachi, "We can probably include Jiraiya in our efforts as well; he'd understand what we'd be trying to do."

Shisui smiled. "That's good to hear."

"What about others from our particular Realm of the Living?" asked Itachi, "Given the particular skill sets of many Shinobi, the Thirteen Court Guard Squads seem like they would be an ideal environment for other ninja to gravitate towards once they've passed on to the Soul Society."

"I have given that some thought," said Shisui, "and it's a distinct possibility. However, the social taboo within the Seireitei about inquiring into which particular Realm of the Living someone came from before joining the Thirteen Court Guard Squads makes an internal search rather difficult. Who we were in our past lives isn't supposed to matter once we join the ranks of a division."

"A noble ideal, but it may not hold up so well in practice," Itachi pointed out, "After all, you know as well as I do the kind of ambitions members of our clan harbored. Some of them would've been right at home with the Sovereigntists of old."

"Ah, so you've been given the history lesson that the Academy refuses to grant its students," said Shisui, "You're right, of course. Not all of them would've been of that mindset, though. Even then, the clan did have some legitimate grievances."

Itachi nodded. "That's true. The confinement for the purpose of surveillance that was imposed in the later years was particularly egregious. In fact, that measure taken by the village elders and the Hokage may have ultimately been what turned the clan's resentments into the fuel for their conspired coup."

Shisui sighed. "In turn necessitating us turning against them. You know, I'm still amazed that they never figured out that the supposedly brightest stars of the Uchiha Clan had actually become moles for the Hidden Leaf Village. Considering that our clan was in charge of the village's military police, you'd think that they would've taken measures to prevent someone from the inside flipping and taking the side of the village."

Itachi closed his eyes and took a sip of his tea. "They were arrogant. They believed that the clan was a unified body and never contemplated the possibility that individual members might hold opposing viewpoints. We bore the Uchiha name, so that was enough in their eyes. They may have suspected my hand in your death, but that was in reaction to circumstance; even at that late stage, they still had no idea that you and I had turned against them years ago."

"Bet the last person they were expecting to become the instrument of their destruction was you," said Shisui grimly, "Of course, it's not like you wanted to take on that role."

Itachi shook his head. "No. Although…"

Shisui raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"I didn't act alone against the clan," said Itachi, "In the leadup to the purge, I actually discovered someone sneaking around the village. It was Madara Uchiha… or so I believed."

Shisui's eyes widened in shock. "You thought it was Madara? You've got to be kidding!"

"He wore a mask at the time, so I couldn't get a visual confirmation," Itachi admitted, "However, I could see his Sharingan through the eyehole in it. Beyond that, though, I could feel his power. That's why when he gave me that name, I was willing to believe it. I hadn't expected him to still be alive, but I guess someone as strong as him could go on a long time before finally succumbing to old age. Looking back now, I don't think it was actually him, but his power was formidable just the same."

Shisui nodded, although he still looked a bit shaken by the news. "I see. So, how'd you talk the man you believed to be the most powerful Uchiha in the history of the clan into helping you wipe it out?"

"It actually wasn't that hard," Itachi replied, "You know the history as well as I do; you know the resentment Madara held against the clan for being ostracized in the past. My impending operation gave him the means and an accomplice, so it was an alliance of convenience. If this was an imposter simply using Madara's name, he was willing to remain in character to the point of acting on that resentment. When we struck, he attacked our clan's military arm in the police force; I purged the civilian portion of the clan. Since they were concentrated in the compound, it was a relatively straightforward affair."

Shisui grimaced. "That compound was probably designed with that purpose in mind. I wouldn't put it past the likes of Danzō and the elders."

"Agreed," said Itachi.

"So, what happened to 'Madara' or whoever this guy really was when it was all over?" asked Shisui.

Itachi shook his head. "I tried to keep tabs on him during my time in the Akatsuki, but it wasn't easy. He kept a low profile while I was alive, and finding even hints about his true intentions was difficult. Besides, by that point I was fully immersed in my cover as a member of the Akatsuki; trying to dig up information on him without great caution would've drawn unwanted attention from others in the group."

"Good point," said Shisui, "Well, if he's still alive all these years later, then we'll have to trust the ones we left behind to deal with him."

Itachi nodded. "Yes. However, if he's passed on, then he's our concern."

"What makes you say that?" asked Shisui, "The stories all say that Madara's grudges were with the Uchiha Clan for ostracizing him and the Hidden Leaf Village for denying him power. He may find members of the clan here in the Soul Society, but the village belongs to the Shinobi Realm of the Living. Besides, in all likelihood the clan's scattered across the Soul Society; even tracking just one member down would be a colossal undertaking for him. Of course, all this is assuming that his soul didn't end up in Hell instead."

"I wound up here, even after everything I've done," Itachi pointed out, "I'm not ruling anything out at this point."

Shisui sighed. "Look, I'm sure it was brutal, but what you did wasn't for power or revenge; it was for peace. You're not like Madara or whoever his imposter was, Itachi."

"That distinction doesn't mean much to those that I murdered," said Itachi grimly, "Whether they died by my hand or Madara's, the members of our clan met the same fate either way."

Shisui shook his head as he stood up. "I could stay up all night arguing about this with you, but we've got a mission tomorrow. There's no point in wearing ourselves out over the past when the future's right in front of us. Don't forget that you're in training to become a Soul Reaper; once you graduate, your past has no bearing on who you are here."

"A nice sentiment," said Itachi as he joined him, "but I think we both know that it's not so simple."

"Then you'll just have to make peace with it, one way or another," said Shisui, "I hope you're able to do so; it'd be a shame if you got yourself killed here because you're too wrapped up in what happened in your old life."

"I'll try to keep that in mind," Itachi replied dryly.


The next day…

Sitting with his legs crossed and his right hand held out in front him, Jiraiya focused intently on the palm of his right hand. After a few seconds it began to glow with blue and white spirit energy, which began emanating upwards in wisps. His eyes narrowed as he then brought his left hand over and held it in the air about half a foot over his right. Bringing all his focus to bear, he was rewarded with the sight of the gathered spirit energy beginning to rotate.

"That's it," he said softly, "Come on…"

The tempo of the rotation began to increase, as did the concentration of spirit energy. It soon began to coalesce into a recognizable form; a whirling ball of power.

Now for the hard part…

He put all his focus into stabilizing the sphere. Jolts of energy arced from its surface, but after a few seconds they began to subside. His confidence growing, Jiraiya cautiously began to remove his left hand from the top of the sphere…

…only for the whole damn thing to explode right in his face.

"Ah!" he cried out as he was blown backwards.

He fell flat on his back a few feet away from where he'd been sitting. Picking himself up, he went over to a nearby stream to survey the damage. Thankfully, it didn't look that bad; his face had a few minor scorch marks and bits of his hair had been blackened, but it was nothing permanent. He couldn't help but smirk as he studied his reflection.

"Man, if Naruto could see me now…" he muttered.

"Another misfire," said a familiar male voice from behind him.

Jiraiya turned around and laughed when he saw Itachi. "Yup! It's a good thing my star pupil's not here; he'd never let me hear the end of this!"

Itachi nodded. "The Fourth Hokage's jutsu… you've been working on this for some time now."

Jiraiya sighed. "It's a lot harder pulling off the Rasengan with spirit energy than with chakra. You'd think after five years I'd be able to manage it, but the containment bit's still throwing me for a loop."

"Perhaps," said Itachi, "Still, that misfire was much more powerful than the last time I saw you practice. If nothing else, you seem to be putting more than sufficient energy into the technique."

"Power's the easy part," said Jiraiya, "It's keeping all the energy coherent and stable long enough to make a useful attack out of it that's the issue. Spirit energy appears to be more volatile than chakra when manipulated like this."

"It also appears to be more powerful, though," Itachi pointed out, "Once you remaster the containment portion of the jutsu, you'll have a strong technique at your disposal."

Jiraiya smiled. "That's what I'm hoping for. It'll be a handy little surprise in a fight, especially if something happens to my Zanpakutō. I'm getting close; it won't be too much longer before I have it nailed down."

Itachi nodded. "I see. You should get yourself cleaned up; we'll be moving on shortly."

"Don't worry," said Jiraiya, "I won't fall behind."

As Itachi headed back towards the main group, Jiraiya took a minute to wash his face in the stream. The midday sun's reflection gleamed on the water's surface, and a pleasant breeze blew through the air.

It's nice to be out in The Wild again, he thought, Sure, the Seireitei's pretty and all, but it can feel a little confining at times, especially when you're stuck in the Academy.

They'd left the Squad Two barracks well before dawn and had been travelling for quite some time already. Even though this was by no means the full might of Yoruichi's division, it was still a formidable travelling group of about three dozen officers and unseated Soul Reapers. The same number of Soul Reapers from Squad Twelve had met them at the Northern Black Ridge Gate, and from there they had set off. They'd cleared the Rukon District through a series of Flash Steps, and while Jiraiya's proficiency in the technique had improved considerably over the years he wouldn't deny that it had been a serious bit of exercise. Their pace had slowed once they were out in The Wild proper, and they had followed the Great Northern Trade Road ever since. This was their first break since setting out, and Jiraiya had a feeling that Yoruichi and Kirio were doing it more for the sake of him and his fellow students than their own Soul Reapers.

I don't think we're that slow. Well, at least not Itachi and I. Actually, Visaelya's come along quite well too.

I didn't think you were the type to look a gift break in the mouth like this.

Jiraiya smirked as he imagined the quizzical look on the face of the spirit of his Zanpakutō. He still hadn't learned his name, but he had definitely learned more about his weapon, and these mental conversations had actually become quite intriguing to engage in over the years.

I just don't want to be patronized. I mean, compared to when I was alive, I feel like a young man again!

Finding new youth in death… that somehow is not surprising for the likes of you. Still, you are surely wise enough to recognize that you have limitations.

Of course. I just wish that they'd give students like us a little more credit.

Dusting himself off, he went over to rejoin the rest of the group. Itachi and Visaelya had already picked up their travel packs and donned the cloaks they'd been given before setting out. It only took Jiraiya a moment to do the same. They weren't nearly far enough north to need the cloaks yet, but the fabric felt nice and Jiraiya could appreciate the work that must've gone into them.

Visaelya raised an eyebrow as he approached. "What was that loud noise we heard earlier? Was that you messing around with that weird Kidō spell of yours again?"

Jiraiya chuckled. "Caught me red handed!"

Visaelya shook her head. "I swear, you are incredibly stubborn. How many times does it have to blow up in your face before you take the hint and give up? Whatever you're trying to do, it clearly cannot become a viable combat spell!"

Jiraiya smirked. "Oh, is that what you think, Little Miss Vissy? In that case, I can't wait to prove you wrong!"

Visaelya scowled at him. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that? It's annoying and condescending!"

Jiraiya grinned. "Are you sure you're not describing yourself there?"

Visaelya huffed as she folded her arms. "Insolent oaf! You have all the wit of an upstart child!"

Jiraiya laughed; it was all too easy to get under his classmate's skin, and he really just couldn't help himself. "Come on, Visaelya! You really need to learn to lighten up and enjoy some banter. I hope your whole clan's not as stiff as you are."

Visaelya scowled. "The demeanor of the Drakken Clan is none of your concern!"

There was fresh laughter as Shisui approached them. "Nice to see the march hasn't drained too much of your energy!"

"Tenth Seat Uchiha!" said Visaelya as she snapped to attention.

Shisui smiled at her. "Visaelya, what did I tell you yesterday? Just call me Shisui, all right?"

Her posture relaxed somewhat, and Jiraiya couldn't help but notice a slight hint of red in her face. "Oh, right… of course."

She's got a sweet spot for him, he thought with a smirk, I guess that's not too surprising since he saved her life.

"Are the Captains ready to move on?" asked Itachi.

"Just about," said Shisui, "Captain Shihōin's having Soi-Fon conduct a little reconnaissance. She should be back any time now."

"There shouldn't be any threats out here, right?" asked Visaelya, "I know we're in The Wild now, but we're still not too far from the Rukon District."

Shisui shook his head. "No, but it pays to be careful. You never know when you'll find a Hollow or two around here, after all."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "This close to the Rukon District? I didn't think they were that bold."

"You'd be surprised," said Itachi, "After all, the night we met Captains Shihōin and Unohana was in the middle of a Hollow attack all the way in West Rukon 37."

"But that was five years ago," Visaelya replied, "The Thirteen Court Guard Squads would surely have tightened up their patrols to make sure no Hollows made it in that far since then."

Shisui sighed. "We've made efforts on that front, but unfortunately it's not that simple. The Rukon District's simply too big to properly police at our current level of strength. We need more manpower."

Jiraiya smiled. "Well, given the sizes of the classes currently in the Academy, I think your shortage of Soul Reapers will be lessened soon enough."

Shisui nodded. "I hope you're right."

"You four ready to hit the road?" called a familiar female voice.

Jiraiya and the others turned to see Yoruichi approaching with Soi-Fon at her side. He'd expected to see Kirio with her at well, but the Squad Twelve Captain was nowhere in sight.

"Captain Shihōin!" cried Visaelya as she stiffened to attention again.

Yoruichi smiled. "At ease, Miss Drakken. I hope you all got a chance to rest up."

Itachi nodded. "We're ready to move out on your order."

Jiraiya looked around. "Where's Captain Hikifune?"

Yoruichi giggled. "Indulging."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Kirio's got a bit of a sweet tooth," said Yoruichi, "However, she doesn't like to have an audience when her cravings hit. She'll probably pop out of the woodwork any second now…"

"You were saying, Yoruichi?" said Kirio as she came out from behind a tree with her arms folded, "You know it's not polite to gossip about your fellow Captains."

Yoruichi smirked as she pointed at Kirio. "You missed a spot."

Kirio's eyes widened as she put a finger to her cheek and found a hint of chocolate. "Oh… well… thank you."

"Anytime," said Yoruichi with a grin, "Ready to hit the road, Sugar Queen?"

Kirio glared at her. "How many times have I told you never to call me that? And in front of the students, too? Sometimes you truly are the worst, Yoruichi!"

Yoruichi laughed. "Hey, I need to have fun where I can find it! Besides, you make it too easy, Kirio."

Squad Twelve's Captain gave her a fiendish smirk. "In that case, you'd better watch your back, Yoruichi. I'll find some way to get back at you."

"I'm shaking in my sandals," Yoruichi replied, "Ready get a move on? We've still got a lot of ground to cover before nightfall."

Kirio nodded. "Yes. I'll make sure my subordinates are prepared. Are the three of you ready?"

Jiraiya knew that she was referring to him and his fellow students. "I suppose, but a little sugar for the road couldn't hurt. Care to share, Captain Sugar Queen?"

Yoruichi laughed again, and even Kirio looked mildly amused. "Your reputation for boldness in the face of powerful women is not without merit, I see. Best be careful, Jiraiya; I may not be Captain Unohana, but you may still find that you're biting off more than you can chew with me."

Jiraiya grinned. "Well, I'm always up for a challenge!"

Kirio smiled. "Indeed? I'll keep that in mind. That being said, I'm afraid I won't be sharing my stash with you, charming boldness notwithstanding; I need this to last me the rest of the mission, after all."

"She's not kidding," said Yoruichi, "I've seen her on a sugar dry-spell, and it's not pretty. She's not so fun when she's craving a fix."

"Good to know," said Jiraiya.

Yoruichi looked at the students for a moment before turning to Shisui. "You'll be taking point for the next stretch. Don't worry about these three; I'll keep an eye on them."

Shisui nodded. "Understood, Captain."

"Be careful up ahead," said Soi-Fon, "I didn't find anything on my scouting run, but The Wild is treacherous."

"I've handled The Wild before, Soi-Fon," Shisui replied with a smirk, "I think I'll be fine."

"Stay safe!" cried Visaelya, yet another hint of a blush on her cheeks.

Shisui gave her a smile. "Don't worry, I will be."

"All right, then," said Yoruichi, "Time to move out!"


Several days later…

Save for those assigned to the night watch, most of the combined expeditionary group had turned in for the evening. Itachi wasn't among them. He had quietly slipped off towards the perimeter of the encampment and was sitting on a rock overlooking a river. None of the students had been given watch duties since they still weren't official members of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, and while Itachi knew he should be resting he also knew that it would be some time before he'd been able to do so. The night was peaceful and downright beautiful, with no clouds whatsoever to obscure the brilliant moon and sea of stars above.

Itachi could only wish that the tranquility of this display was matched by his heart, but alas that was not the case. Peace eluded him, as it had for years now.

As it had since the night he'd murdered his family.

A night that had been replayed in his dreams every night since then.

It was frankly a miracle that he could get any sleep at all. In life, Itachi had known that there were forms of medication capable of inducing dreamless sleep, but he had not partaken in them. He would not do so in his afterlife, either. The images of the blood-spattered floors and walls of the Uchiha compound that made up his nightmares were part of the sentence that had been imposed upon him for his actions, and he would take no measure to alleviate them. In his mind, he deserved to live with the horror of what he had done for the rest of his existence.

"I seem to recall giving you orders to hit the hay," said a familiar female voice from behind him, "I didn't think you were the type to disobey orders, Itachi."

He looked over his shoulder and saw Yoruichi approaching. He hadn't detected so much as a hint of her spiritual pressure before, and he wasn't sure if that was because he was distracted or because she was just that skilled at concealing her presence.

"My apologies," he said, "I meant no disrespect."

She smiled as she came up to him and leaned against the boulder he was sitting on. "It's all right; I'm not the type to take that personally. Besides, it's not like this is the first time."

Itachi raised his eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"

She wagged her finger at him like a teacher chastising a pupil. "Don't think I haven't noticed; you've snuck off to the perimeter of our encampments every night since our journey's started. I've let it slide up until now because I thought you were simply meditating or observing the surroundings; The Wild's got plenty of lovely scenery even in the middle of the night, after all. You've never wandered far, either, so I knew you weren't in any danger. Still, there's an undeniable pattern here… one that's carrying over from the Academy."

Itachi was taken aback by that; he thought he'd been much more careful about slipping out of the Academy dormitories in the past. "How did you know?"

"Elements of the Stealth Force are assigned to help out with security at the Academy," said Yoruichi, "They don't reveal themselves unless absolutely necessary. Think of them as an ace in the hole just in case a student or two gets funny ideas and the regular staff can't handle them."

Itachi nodded. "Makes sense. Given that the Academy courses are all about learning to harness our latent abilities, it would be prudent to take necessary measures in the event that students become drunk on their own power and seek to cause harm to others."

Yoruichi smiled. "Nice to see you're so understanding about matters like these."

Itachi closes his eyes for a moment. "Matters of security and surveillance are not foreign to me. Quite the opposite, in fact."

When he opened them again and met her gaze he was struck by the uncharacteristically hesitant look in her eyes. He was so used to seeing that confident and mischievous light in them that he wasn't entirely sure what to make of what almost looked like nervousness.

"Listen," she said cautiously, "I'm sure it's been brought up to you before, but it's considered poor etiquette among the aristocracy for us to ask souls like you about your past life. Who you were before coming to the Soul Society and who you are while you're here are supposed to be considered two different entities. However, from what I've seen from you… if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that making a clean break between the two would be a case of easier said than done for you."

He took a moment to weigh his response. She was right on the mark, but while he respected her skills and knew that he owed her his life he was reluctant to go into too much detail on the shadows that haunted his past.

"That's… one way to put it," he said softly.

She smiled again, and he found the sympathy in her eyes to be quite soothing. "I thought so. It's not my place to pry, and I'll respect your privacy if you wish, but if there's anything you want to get off your chest, I've got time."

He was surprised at just how tempting that offer was. His desire to keep his darkest acts buried ultimately won out over the sudden urge to confess, but it was a much closer contest than he otherwise might've expected.

"I appreciate the offer," he said, "I don't mean any disrespect, but for now… I'd prefer to deal with this on my own."

Yoruichi nodded. "I understand. It doesn't appear to have affected your studies or your bearing on our mission so far, so I'll let it go for now. However, if this keeps up and I start to notice your performance slipping, I won't drop the matter so easily."

"Understood," Itachi replied.

She yawned and stretched her arms, the motion looking almost catlike. "Well, I'm going to get some sleep. Don't stay up all night, you got that? I want you to at least get some rest before we hit the road tomorrow."

"I will," said Itachi, "Thank you… Yoruichi."

She smiled. "Anytime, Itachi."


A few days later…

Huddling inside her cloak, Visaelya brushed a handful of snowflakes from her hair. She knew that the northern lands experienced the occasional spring snowfall but getting used to it was another thing entirely.

I've spent too much time in the Seireitei, she thought, I didn't realize how much I needed a field expedition like this until now. If I'm going to become a proper Soul Reaper, I can't let something like a little late-spring snow bother me.

Cold aside, Visaelya couldn't help but admit that the northern parts of The Wild had a certain rugged beauty about them. The snowcapped Whitefell Mountains loomed prominently up ahead, far larger now than they had been earlier in their journey. Tall fir trees dominated the lands surrounding the road, their branches sagging slightly under the weight of fresh powder. The gentle murmur of a running stream was coming from somewhere to the east of the road just out of sight. The air was crisp and clean to the point that it actually felt quite rejuvenating despite the temperature drop.

She had to smile as she took it all in. The Drakken Clan might boast of the exquisite eastern coastlines that formed the backdrop of their Principality, but the northern lands had a special charm of their own. It was a lovely change of scenery, more than worth the long journey.

"It's really something else, isn't it?" asked a familiar male voice from behind her.

Visaelya nearly jumped out of her cloak, and her face burned fiercely as Shisui came up beside her. "T-tenth Seat Uchiha!"

Shisui smiled and laughed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. By the way, don't you remember what I said before about dropping the formalities?"

Visaelya's blush increased in intensity. "Oh, right… sorry."

"Don't worry about it," he said, "Still, don't get lost in the beauty out here. This is still The Wild, after all; take it lightly and it will be the last thing you do."

Visaelya nodded. "Understood… Shisui."

"How are you holding up?" he asked, "You've been keeping pace pretty well throughout the trip, but I imagine it can't be easy for a student, even one as talented as yourself."

Visaelya smiled, pleased by his praise. "I appreciate your concern, but I'm all right. I've been practicing my Shunpo quite a bit to improve my endurance, and it's not like we've been using the technique this whole trip. I can go as far as the Captains need us to."

"Glad to hear it," Shisui replied, "How does it feel being out this way? We're not in the Starmont Clan's Principality, but their borders are in the lands beyond the Whitefell Mountains."

"I've never been this close to the Starmont Clan's ancestral homelands," Visaelya admitted, "My parents always insisted that the Drakken Clan's Principality was the only one that I should ever visit in my lifetime."

"Seems a little closeminded to me," said Shisui, "You should take the chances you get to travel and see as much of the world as possible. Between the Soul Society and the Realms of the Living, the universe has a lot to offer."

"Perhaps," said Visaelya, "but we do not become Soul Reapers so we can travel."

Shisui smiled. "I know, but there's no harm in taking advantage of a far-flung mission like this one when the opportunity arises. Distant lands have much to offer, even if it may not be apparent at first glance."

Visaelya bowed her head. "That's very true. You are quite wise… Shisui."

Shisui chuckled. "Who, me? I'm not sure if I'd go that far. Maybe Itachi, but me… well, I just do the best I can."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "Really? You seem far more knowledgeable than him."

"That's only because I've been in the Soul Society longer than him," Shisui pointed out, "I've got a much better lay of the land and culture here than he does, although he's a quick study. As far as life experience goes, we've both seen quite a bit, whether it's in the Soul Society or the Shinobi World."

Visaelya's eyes widened. "The Shinobi World? That's the realm of the living you and Itachi are from?"

"Don't forget Jiraiya," Shisui added, "Of the three of us, he was actually the most well-known there, and for good reason. He was a powerful sage and warrior, and from what he and Itachi have told me it seems he grew even stronger after my death. It would've been nice to have the chance to meet him while I was alive, but I guess the afterlife works too."

Visaelya blushed again, her upbringing as a member of the nobility causing her to instinctively recoil from the subject of Shisui's past life even as her curiosity was only further inflamed. The rules of etiquette that had been ingrained in to her were telling her to change the subject, but her desire to learn more about the man that had saved her life was begging for her to not let this opportunity go to waste.

"Hey, are you all right?" he asked, "Cat got your tongue? You're looking a little red there, Visaelya."

His mentioning that certainly didn't help matters, but Visaelya did her best to reassert control over her expression. "Oh… I'm fine. Sorry, I was just… processing that, I suppose. I mean, I've heard of the Shinobi World, but from what I understand actual Soul Reaper missions to that particular Realm of the Living are uncommon."

Shisui nodded. "That's right. It's because it has a lower overall population than many other worlds, particularly the one known as Terra. There's a long-term observation post for that area held by an assigned Soul Reaper, but reinforcements typically aren't sent unless they fail to send the regular Hell Butterfly update."

"I see," said Visaelya, "That's standard procedure for many Realms of the Living, right?"

"It is," Shisui answered, "However, to be honest, I think the Shinobi World could use a little more attention from the Soul Society than what it currently gets."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "Really? What makes you say that?"

"I suppose part of it might simply be personal bias," he admitted, "but not all of it. Itachi, Jiraiya and I… we know full well just how violent that world can get. The amount of lives lost due to senseless warfare and petty rivalries is beyond count, which means you have a lot of souls filled with anger and regret that were unable to properly pass on to the Soul Society. I'd like to think that whichever Soul Reaper's been assigned to that particular world is able to recognize when they need help in dealing with mass casualty events, but I don't know if that's actually the case. The few missions I've seen that deal with that Realm of the Living would seem to indicate that it's not given a very high level of priority."

"Have you brought these concerns to Captain Shihōin?" asked Visaelya.

Shisui nodded. "I have. She does agree with my assessment but acting on it's another case entirely. Even with both Squad Two and the Stealth Force under her command, the manpower at her disposal is just too limited. We're slammed with missions from the Head Captain and Central Forty-Six as it is, and the Shinobi World's just not a Realm of the Living that they can be convinced deserves closer scrutiny."

"That must be frustrating," said Visaelya, "More than any division, Squad Two and the Stealth Force are the ones most responsible for identifying areas of concern so that the Thirteen Court Guard Squads can properly allocate resources. To have your expertise ignored because a particular Realm of the Living is not considered of high importance by those in the top ranks is an insult to your hard work and dedication."

Shisui smiled. "I'm glad to see you're on our side in this matter. It is what it is, though; we made our case and the powers that be decided it wasn't good enough. All we can do is keep going on the missions they assign us while gathering evidence in the hopes of someday being able to change their minds."

"Do you think you'll be able to do so eventually?" she asked.

"I hope so," said Shisui, "Otherwise things could get ugly. There are plenty of powerful fighters in the Shinobi World, and more than enough of them meet bad ends that the risk of them becoming Hollows is considerable. Given some of the beasts that I've tangled with since becoming an active Soul Reaper, the thought of those monsters acquiring certain traits of former Shinobi is… well, it's not pleasant."

Visaelya had no experience with the Shinobi World apart from what she'd heard in passing, but the grim look in Shisui's eyes was all she needed to appreciate just how seriously he took the matter. If a veteran officer was concerned about something like this, then the disinclination of the Head Captain and the Central Forty-Six regarding concrete action was all the more perplexing.

The field reports of officers are supposed to carry considerable weight, she thought, or at least, that's what we've been taught in class. Shisui's taken his concerns to his Captain and she's passed them up the chain of command in the standard procedure, yet the potential threat that they've recognized here is being ignored by their superiors. This isn't how the Soul Society is supposed to function…

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Shisui, "I didn't say something that upset you, did I?"

Visaelya shook her head. "No, not at all! I'm just trying to put everything you've told me into the context of our Academy lessons. It would seem that I still have much to learn."

Shisui smiled. "Well, I think you'll do just fine. You've got a good head on your shoulders; don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."

Naturally, his praise caused her to blush again. "Oh… thank you."

"Don't mention it," he said, "It'll serve you well once we reach our destination."

Visaelya nodded. "I hope so. Speaking of which, how much further do we have to go?"

"Just a few more miles now, give or take," he replied, "We'll be there with plenty of daylight to spare. I hope you're ready to hit the ground running, because if I know the Captain she's going to want us to survey the place as soon as we arrive."

Visaelya smiled. "Understood. I won't let her down."


The Whitefell Mountains loomed imposingly overhead as Yoruichi and Kirio led the expedition into the ravine that held their final destination. Even though they were only in the foothills at the base of the mountain range their altitude had increased considerably. The air was cooler and a little thinner, but the two Captains had no problem with it. The snowfall had become slightly thicker as well, but Yoruichi wasn't overly concerned; a little cold-climate survival practice never hurt anyone, and her division had prepared quite well before setting out on their mission.

"A rather dreary place, isn't it?" asked Kirio as she studied the dull gray cliffs on either side of them.

Yoruichi smiled. "Oh, I don't know about that. It'd be pretty fun to conduct some search and destroy exercises in these foothills."

Kirio rolled her eyes. "You would say that."

Yoruichi giggled. "Come on, Kirio, you don't have to hide it; I know how excited you are to be out here. After all, we're about to unlock a treasure trove of rare artifacts. I'm surprised you're not drooling already."

Kirio smiled. "Fair enough. I imagine Hiyori would be chomping at the bit to break into the barrow already."

"Speaking of your Lieutenant, why didn't you bring her along?" asked Yoruichi, "I know she can be a bit temperamental, but she's still talented. She's more useful than my Lieutenant, that's for sure."

"I certainly won't argue with that," said Kirio, "However, I did need someone to mind the barracks while I was gone. That's the same role you have your Lieutenant in right now, correct?"

Yoruichi nodded. "Yes, and despite my personal distaste for Ōmaeda I'll admit that he is capable enough as far as administration is concerned. That doesn't really sound like Hiyori's cup of tea, though. Was there another reason you left her behind?"

Kirio sighed. "Truth be told, I was worried about her and the students. She's not a patient woman, and while our three trainees are quite talented I fear that wouldn't be enough for her. Hiyori has her gifts, but mentoring is not one of them."

"I see," said Yoruichi, "Well, she's your Lieutenant, not mine. I just hope the officers you did bring along are up for the job."

Kirio nodded. "They may not be quite as talented as your Third Seat, but I can assure you that they're more than capable."

A moment later Soi-Fon came out of a Flash Step in front of the two of them. "Lady Yoruichi, Captain Hikifune; we found it!"

Yoruichi grinned. "Excellent! Is Kisuke there?"

Soi-Fon nodded. "He's examining the entrance as we speak. He said he would need a little bit of time to fully analyze the barrier before we could take it down."

"That's fine," said Yoruichi, "We can set up camp while he checks it out. Is there a good spot up ahead for that?"

"Yes, Lady Yoruichi," said Soi-Fon, "I'll show you. Please, follow me."

A few Flash Steps later the three of them reached the end of the ravine. The overhanging cliffs appeared sturdy enough and offered decent shelter from the weather, and there was plenty of space available. A cave entrance was visible at the far end, and Yoruichi assumed that the barrow entrance was somewhere inside.

"Here," said Soi-Fon as she gestured to the area, "It's reasonably defensible and offers some protection from the elements. Heavy snowfall could be a problem, though."

Kirio shook her head. "We should be all right. The snow's pretty light this time of year. Besides, if it comes down to it, there are plenty of Kidō spells capable of clearing out packed snow in a hurry."

Yoruichi nodded. "True, although using some kinds of Hadō on snow might be a bit overkill."

Kirio smiled. "Well, if nothing else, it would be fun to watch the powder fly."

Yoruichi had to smirk at that. "Good point. Well, let's get everyone to work setting up camp. The sooner we get settled in, the sooner we can meet up with Kisuke and start tackling that barrier."

"It might take some time, Lady Yoruichi," said Soi-Fon, "From what I could sense, it appeared to be a very powerful defensive spell sealing the entrance. I think even the Kidō Corps might have trouble with it."

Yoruichi smiled. "Don't underestimate Kisuke. He'll figure out how to crack it. Count on it."

Soi-Fon nodded. "Very well, Lady Yoruichi."

The three of them set about overseeing their subordinates as they established their campsite. She was pleased to see the three students joining in without much in the way of disorientation; they were adapting very well to life in the field.

They're definitely going to be the hot items by the time next year's graduation comes around, she thought, I'm going to have to give it my all to at least get Itachi into Squad Two's ranks. I wouldn't mind bagging Jiraiya and Visaelya as well, but I guess I shouldn't get greedy.

Pretending to observe the members of both divisions as they set up shop, Yoruichi casually drifted towards Itachi. He seemed to be working naturally with the members of her unit, which she definitely took as a good sign. If he was worn out from all the days they'd spent on the road to make it here he certainly didn't show it. At the same time, she could also sense that he was maintaining his situational awareness; even in an area that had already been cleared by Soul Reapers, he wasn't letting his guard down.

He truly was a natural. It almost felt like a waste to have him wait another year before he could finally leave the Academy. At this point further instruction seemed redundant; he already had what it took to be a Soul Reaper. The only instruction that could offer any practical means of improving his abilities at this point were more field missions and the specialized training that a division's barracks and senior officers could provide.

Training that she wouldn't mind personally providing once she'd recruited him.

It's official; there's definitely something about him, she thought as she headed his way, I can't remember getting this excited over any other potential recruit in the past. The closest that comes to mind is Soi-Fon, but that was more about helping her develop her talents as my bodyguard and friend. With Itachi, it feels… different… somehow.

It was hard for her put into words. The incredible talent that he'd displayed since she'd first met him definitely played a part, but there was more to it than that. Her conversation with him from a few nights ago hadn't been far from her mind as they'd continued their march, and as she replayed it yet again in her head she couldn't help but recognize something she'd missed the first time around; the sorrow in his eyes when his past life had come up as a topic. He'd displayed an incredible amount of control at the time, but even then Yoruichi had caught hints of what must've been a deep pain that he was keeping buried inside him.

She couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for that. The codes of etiquette that made inquiring into the past of a soul from the Realms of the Living a taboo subject might've been a product of an archaic aristocracy, but at the same time Yoruichi knew that they existed for a good reason. Whatever experiences in his past life that had led to Itachi becoming so knowledgeable in the arts of combat, stealth and surveillance had clearly taken their toll on him, and she ran the risk of reopening old wounds each time she attempted to prod and learn more. By rights she knew that it wasn't her place to pry into something so personal, but she wanted to dig deeper just the same.

It wouldn't be hard to justify it on a professional level. After all, given how keen she was to get him into her division, it was natural that she would want to know more about him so that she could determine how best to integrate him into Squad Two's operations. It was important to have a solid understanding of not only his talents but also who he was as a person in order to make sure that he could continue to grow under her command and come into his own as a member of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Any personal demons that he was wrestling with could have a negative impact on his ability to carry out his duties, and as a Captain it was her duty to recognize that and confront it appropriately.

However, this went beyond the level of professional duty. Itachi was still a student, and even if he was a recruit that Yoruichi had her eyes she knew that her interest in him was beyond the level of talent scouting or even mentoring. She genuinely wanted to know more about him as a person, and she had for some time.

At least since the soul fracture incident…

…and quite likely even before that.

But why?

Chapitre suivant