

"Are you okay, Mineta?"

While Mineta was speechless by the system, Aizawa asked since he could see that Mineta's condition was far from okay.

Mineta might seem okay, but the bandages on his body and head were clearly shown. They were impossible to hide, which showed all of them that his body was far from being okay.

Yet, this guy was walking around an orchard as if nothing had happened.

"Of course, I am okay. If I am not okay, can I walk around like this?"


"However, I can't do strenuous activity." Mineta looked at Aizawa, All-Might, and the madam president. "So, is there something that I can help with? The summer vacation is still long, right?"

"...." 3x

"Minoru! I have picked up the vegetables!"

Suddenly from the corner, they saw a familiar girl holding a basket filled with many vegetables.

"Huh? All-Might-sensei? Aizawa-sensei?" Ibara was surprised to see the two of them.

"Oh, hello." 2x

Aizawa and All-Might greeted Ibara politely since they didn't feel surprised by the relationship between Ibara and Mineta.

Yet, the madam president was confused.

Who was she?

"Well, since you have come far away here. How about we eat together?" Mineta asked.

"....." 3x


"You're a guest, madam president. If someone sees you like this in the kitchen with us, what will they think of us?" Mineta's mother was helpless at the madam president, who also joined the kitchen.

"No, it's okay. I have been busy with many things, so I can't have much time with my family, and it is a while for me in the kitchen, so please let me help since it is just nostalgic for me somehow."

"If that's the case, then it can't be helped."

Even if the madam president might be the strongest person with authority on the Hero Public Safety Commission, she was, in the end, also a mother, and it somehow made her a bit nostalgic and sad when she thought that she spent all of her time on her job while ignoring her family.

Yet, what could she do?

As the president of the Hero Public Safety Commission, there were many things that had to be done, from villains to corrupt heroes, and many other things.

Even worse, All-Might, the symbol of peace, had fallen.

However, the peace was still retained since the new symbol of peace was born.

Mineta Minoru.

Everyone could see how strong he was.

Naturally, the madam president needed to see what kind of young man Mineta was. To be honest, she didn't need to do this, and she could send her subordinate to do it, but she wanted to do it herself since she knew for the stability of this country, she was afraid that she might break her promise with All-Might and Aizawa and gave a great burden to this young man since as of now, no one could think at how to maintain the peace in this country except for having one figure to shoulder everything.

However, those thoughts quickly disappeared when she saw him for the first time.

His smile was so gentle and kind, which gave her a good impression of him, especially when she saw him dressed so simply on this tangerine orchard.

As for how he could get this huge tangerine orchard, there was no need to guess since everyone knew his identity as the number one hero.

Still, if she was younger and had no family, she was afraid she might not marry her current husband somehow.

As of now, they were in his cottage near his tangerine orchard.

The cottage was a cozy and comfortable size. It was built with a traditional Japanese design with many details, which could be felt from their soles.

Whether All-Might, madam president, or Aizawa felt that their feet were so comfortable when they walked on the ground of his cottage. If they didn't know his identity, they might ask him to build their house somehow.

Still, while madam president was in the kitchen, she also asked Ibara and Mineta's mother about Mineta, so she could get to know him better. These moves might seem low, but except for the general information, she didn't know much about him, but she could tell that he was such a sweet young man.

Still, he was quite mischievous, especially when he had a hobby of collecting porn magazines.

However, the madam president felt it was normal since Mineta was a healthy young man, so wasn't it normal for him to be interested in the opposite gender? If he wasn't interested, then it would be abnormal.

"But, I am afraid."


The madam president looked at Mineta's mother with doubt.

Mineta's mother hesitated before she looked at Ibara. "Um, Ibara-chan, can you help me pick up the watermelon? And cut it down for everyone, please."

"Okay, aunty."

When Ibara left, Mineta's mother looked around and whispered, "Do you know what kind of genre he is collecting now?"

"...what kind?" The madam president suddenly felt that this situation was a bit absurd. She should be coming here to talk about Mineta's future and whether he wanted to become the symbol of peace, yet who would expect she would talk about a porn magazine he collected?

"Older women."


The Madam president was dumbfounded, and if someone looked closely, one could see a blush on her cheeks.

"I am afraid that in the future, he might seduce a housewife or something." Mineta's mother sighed and felt quite worried.


As for madam president, she just didn't know how to react at this moment, and at the same time, there were many things happening in her head, which made her unable to calm down and focus on her purpose to come to Kamakura.

While the madam president and Mineta's mother talked to each other, Mineta, his father, All-Might, and Aizawa sat on the edge of the corridor, watching the sea while eating cold raw vegetables. They were all eating tomato and cucumber, which had been put on the wooden basket filled with ice.

It might seem strange, but it was typical food during the summer.

As the sound of the wind chime sounded, they just wanted to sleep somehow, but Ibara's voice suddenly woke them up.

"Minoru, can you help me? I have cut down the watermelon. Can you bring them to the table?"


He stood up and helped Ibara to take the watermelon to his father, All-Might, and Aizawa. "Come on. Eat first."

While his father ate the watermelon without much thought, All-Might and Aizawa looked at each other and wondered why they felt like they were on the summer resort. However, they had to say, it felt so comfortable, especially when they didn't have to rest.

Whether Aizawa or All-Might, they had to manage the aftermath of the incident. After all, everything happened so quickly, and the scale was so big that they were quite confused about what to do.

"By the way, Sensei, what do you want to say?"

"Oh, there is something that we need to tell you and your parents."

After Aizawa ate his watermelon, he told him, Ibara, and his parents about how the Yuuei decided to put their students in the dorm after this incident.

"Is it only the hero department?"


"I see..."

Mineta knew that Nezu thought there was a traitor among the students, so he didn't feel surprised by this decision. Instead, if Nezu couldn't think so, he was afraid that Nezu's Quirk was a fake since Nezu couldn't guess something so simple.

Yet Mineta also knew how hard Nezu made this decision since who wanted to doubt their students?

Mineta quietly read the form while the others looked at him nervously. He finished and put down the paper, then looked at his father. "You're not going to say anything, father?"

"Whatever your decision, we, as your parents, can only support you. You have become mature, and to be honest, I don't really know what to do. While I don't want to see you hurt like before, whatever your decision is, I will support you."

Mineta's father was crying when he saw his son fighting bravely on the television, so if Mineta wanted to continue to study in Yuuei, he didn't think too much. But, more importantly, he just couldn't imagine how an average villain would defeat his son since his son was so strong.

Hearing Mineta's father's words, All-Might and Aizawa sighed in relief since they knew his parents had agreed.

Mineta's mother wanted to say something, but in the end, she quietly cooked in the kitchen.

The madam president looked at his mother and patted her back gently.

Ibara didn't say anything since she knew what Mineta's decision was, and she would follow him no matter what.

On the other hand, Mineta was in silence, then asked, "I see... but why do you think I will continue to study in Yuuei?"


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