
Chapter 52

The wake up was the sudden flailing, suddenly having his mouth fall under the water. His body suddenly flailing in the water. His eyes suddenly popping open, thinking about how to get out of the sudden filling off his lungs. Opening up and popping out, gasping breaths. Water spurting out for a moment, before he remembers how he had decided to brilliantly decide to fall asleep floating.

He treads water for a few moments, slightly upset, but smart enough to know that the only one at fault was himself. Whether he planned to blame himself more, or not, was up to debate. Moving towards the shore, he takes his time, enjoying the feel of how powerful his body felt. When he had been human, he had a habit of enjoying swimming. Even though most of there time he got to swim was limited the older he had gotten. Being able to enjoy clean sea without anyone trying to shame him for being naked felt satisfying.

While he was able to stand upright, he was now noticing a few of the harder to deal with features. His legs joint felt more like they are designed to be ready to suddenly pounce with each step. The breaststroke was the easiest stroke to manage with the different stroke. He couldn't possibly do dog paddle, it his head would force him to be pointing his head to the sky. Back and butterfly were still possible, back stroke was only able to use his arms. Butterfly was still possible, it is mostly a full body motion, powerful arms could make it eat up distance. It would tire a human quickly though, even a trained athlete wouldn't perform the stroke for to long during practice or competitions.

The front stroke was even harder, trying to turn his body was hard, his legs catching water and drag making him quickly go back to center. It was almost soothing to be doing and thinking on a previous hobby. The strain of familiar and unfamiliar muscles, trying to push them and himself to his limits and forgetting his troubles at the moment.

It was almost like time starts to disappear in his mind feeding the only habit he thought to practice. The fact that it was probably possible to use his world to feed some of his other possible ones. The distance to a piece of land was soon in front of his face, almost enough to smack his face into the shallows of one of the islands with the fire and air in abundance.

He climbs out of the water and stands up, letting the water drip down his fur. Taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of warmth of the faux sun, the heated air rushing out and quickly drying him. His body shivers a moment later at the sudden loss of the water stealing his heat, for a moment. He moves a moment to get himself fully out of the water, the fact that his body was different did not provide the reaction his old body had. His little friend hidden into his fur either way.

His eyes take in island, feeling the heat flowing out like he was standing in front of a bonfire. There is a few hardy plants that were able to stand the intense heat. He could see roots poking out from under the water, sucking up the only thing protecting the tiny budding plants.

Hidden on the leaves, barely noticeable, unless the light hits it just right, thin hard to see ruby red veins. He could hear the noise of a an animal shifting around, no fears, just moving around in it's sleep. It made the young wolf chuckle, moving a moment to stroke the leaves of the plant. There was a light heat from the leaf, it wasn't uncomfortable, but it wasn't pleasant. The curiosity made him look at every part of that one little bush. Touching the stem to find it didn't have any heat to it, but it seemed to flow away, like a pet shying away in a playful manner.

He knew that it wasn't thinking, his abilities skilled enough troops realize instinct from thoughts. There was just a natural reaction where the plant uses air, in an uncontrolled manner.

The rabbit however pokes his head out, looking up at him, somehow on the cute face, he could tell it was grumpy with the wolf observing his home. It pretty much huffs and heads back into it's burrow. Making him chuckle once again, deciding now was the time to leave. His eyes slowly opening to the sleeping forms of his family. He moves into the nearest pile of furry bodies to shove himself in and burrow deep, not even paying attention to who was around. The nap inside wasn't able to reach anywhere close to his wants for sleep.

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