
Chapter 9

It wasn't fast for the group to get ready, the foxes having only hunted the smaller animals themselves. Though, they were also good at fishing. Showing images of Nadia running through the water and taking up the smaller fish, dragging them to shore before larger ones arrive.

It was a hard concept to understand was how long they could stay like that. It seemed like a semi-natural state, the food stored in them used up for energy. They do not have a concept of time except for the movement of the sun. His mother did have a sort of concept for it, they did it by how long it takes for them to run a certain distance, a really strange idea. It was almost like those candles that were marked to denote times.

It was sort of strange that he hadn't even thought of the fact that nothing really was needed to be described for time with most of the species, there probably was a time method with the other sapient races.

His head shakes, as his mother starts the journey out of the cave. His mind now clear for the moment, the wolfess taking an easy pace towards her hunting grounds. The pace just barely slow enough for the short legged people running behind her. Breathe steaming out of the foxes in the morning sun. Their minds falling into a rhythm of foot falls, one paw landing at almost the same time. The little fox cubs doing twice as much moving their little appendages. They weren't loud, but if someone was being aware, they might have heard the crinkle of leaves under the tiny feet.

It was an hour before she started to slow, letting the smaller ones catch up, and get their breathes. Their senses now returning from the sort of runner's high they had formed together. It was a somewhat beautiful thing in a way. Their breathes panting out as they look around, a vague sense of the direction they had come from.

His mother helping them to recover, giving over sensory information she had. The foxes give yips at the sudden onslaught of secondary senses, it confusing them almost as much as the first initial pack bonding. The three foxes whimper for a minute, before it starts to feel a little more natural. The wolf cub tries to follow what his mother had done, sending his own senses back, it was a strange moment, Nadia got his smell, Azure his sight, Lapis his taste, and Syren his hearing. It was only for a moment, but the third set of senses confused Nadia and Azure. His mother, she was a bit more aware, taking time to help him correct the mistake and stop sending. Lapis, however, was looking at her sister and mother as they let out a whine, unsure what happened.

It was about a quarter of an hour for them to have finished complaints, formed mostly by showing them trying to hide from pain instead of having it. After they had calmed down, his mother starts a slow pace, carefully following scents and some hidden traces in sight. Her eyes trained to follow her porcine meals.

While it happens, their is a running description being fed into their minds about all the little quirks that she has found. Showing where boars had rubbed their tusks against trees, some spoor that was fresh, and then some broken branches of the smaller limbs. Some birds were scared up by something moving.

It stopped his mother's commentary as they start an approach, soon seeing the herd of boars, it was about 50 maybe 60 of them. All seeming to have their own little groups mingling with each other. Noses to the ground, the sound of huffing breaths searching for fallen fruits, or some hidden tubers. It was the perfect size for the group of learning predators.

Nadia was the calmest of the three foxes, keeping her little cubs from making sounds. Not really watching the herd, having no true experience, or really needing it since she would be following the wolves lead.

Syren was surveying the herd, it wasn't hard to find some boars that had limps. Though the scars on a few of their bodies, and their heft, made them look like they were mountains surrounded by small hills. One had a tusk that was shorter then another.

Azure and Lapis were quick to get bored, having their own little wrestling match. It wasn't to loud, but it did cause a few on the edge start looking around. Their ears seems to flick, as Syren gives an admonishment. It wasn't physical, but somehow making it feel like pair of teeth on their neck scruff, shaking them a little.

It was enough to make their pair stop, though the strange sensation of being shook like that actually seemed to them like a fun game. Their eyes looking at their mother with hope to try. Who promptly turns away, not giving her daughters a moment to even try to get her convinced.

The four of them jump as they hear a loud bark, surprised and confused, the wolf having not heard his mother's bark yet, thought it was someone else. Eyes playing on the forest, before he realizes the sound is coming from her. The sound causing some of the boars to shift uncomfortably, a few unsure what to do, while the big boars are pawing the ground, prepared to rush if needed.

His mother's mind soon telling him to join in, telling him to spread away from her. Nadia moving on the other side, her small yips causing a few of the boars to be confused. A sudden howl though, quickly settles their mind in the decision to run. Making the fringe group try to hide behind the large boars, who in turn, were moving away from calls to hunt. The voices calling out behind them ceasing, making them pick up their pace more.

It wasn't strange for a pack to go silent hunting, the large boars knowing the silent packs were usually better hunters then the loud ones. Some of the boars seeming to be jumping at shadows, their fear quickly spreading as the small group silently follows. It isn't long before a older boar, without any real scarring, fell behind. His mother was soon to close on slow boar, the little wolf now realizing what she was up to, her skill enough to show some of the weak boars a pack of moving shadows, making sure they don't stop. Fear keeping their instincts moving to run.

The group was slow to surround the boar, but it didn't matter, it had already felt like it had been. His mother's energy hadn't flagged yet, but she was nearing her limit to keeping the illusion going. The only real attacks on the boar was from him and Nadia, the little foxes yipping, causing it to turn in fright and try to gore. The wolf teeth causing furrows of blood, unfortunately, nothing lethal. The surrounded boar sometimes trying to charge, making the group shift. It was half an hour in, before his mother took an opportunity, her jaws catching the neck, her cheek got caught a little on the tusk. But her teeth, they clamped down, and causes the boar to give a squeal, quickly giving away to silence.

She tears off the first bite, swallowing her prize. The foxes and her son watching her, only Azure and Lapis thinking to approach. A paw kicking them lightly away was the only answer to that. It was 5 good bites, tearing into the stomach, before she let the others join her. The little fox cubs approaching warily, looking to their mother for assurances. Nadia gives a lick, signaling they are fine. They soon forget as they tear into the meal, it was a better meal towards the foxes, they having only scavenged some larger animals before. The vixen looks like she is ecstasy, as her daughters were quickly wanting more of the goodness.

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