
Chapter 5

When he woke up, his body was in growing pains, feeling like his muscles had stretched to suddenly fill up an even newer body. His nose twitching a little, looking over at his mother, it was a noticeable difference in size, where she might have moved back a few feet.

Just a small little fire seems to be lit in his chest. It was like a small little candle had been lit, and it was needing to be nurtured by something. While his mind is distracted by the flame, he doesn't see his mother dropping a chunk of stone. It wasn't anything unique, something that almost seemed to radiate the word stone.

When he come out of his thoughts, moving with out thinking, does he realize the stone was there, it tripping him up, making him fall onto his stomach. His mother looking on with amusement, her mind moving to show him another memory. This time, it was something from his father, 'If we have a son, after his first hunt, make sure he takes in a stone, water, and bring him to a hilltop, his instincts will know what to do.'

The little wolf looks at her confused as they come out of it. She just sat there, happy to having put down the thoughts that she needed to. Then looking down at the stone and back up to him, curious as to what her mate had meant. He moves to look at the stone, a few hairs and a little saliva on it, nothing coming to mind, he wants to try and pick it up himself. Mouth opening like a crane bucket trying to lift up the stone. His mouth doesn't close on ground, a loud clack as his mouth move over empty space.

His eyes are starting to look over the floor, trying to find the stone that his mother had found. His nose running over the floor, trying to find it, nose pressing against the cavern's walls. Looking up, his mother was entertained, showing him what had just happened, it looked like the stone had dissolved as his mouth was open like a snakes, almost as if it wasn't a full stone, but air, and they imagined it.

His eyes looking at her, he closes them for a moment to take in a breath. Inside, there is a small little change, the candle like flame now has a pebble over it. The strangeness seeming normal to him for now, having a psychic mother really made that feel a bit more natural.

He feels his mother's nose press against his head, forcing him out of his thoughts, or rather, not letting him forget what he needed to do. It was the first time that she had picked him up by the scruff on his neck. Making him feel like he was a child in one of those baby carriers, his legs scrambling for purchase on something, knowing exactly where they are going. The flow of water just a quiet little burble, the stream had been something he only visited a couple of times.

It was a short trip, but this was definitely the first time that he had felt like a cub truly. It takes a couple of moments before he tries to relax, his mother seeming immensely amused by how he is trying to calm down, what she hadn't let him know, was he was already hanging over the water. Only when he notices that they had stopped did he think to start looking. Her mouth suddenly disappearing as he drops into a foot of water, he quickly climbs out, dripping wet.

It really wasn't his first time getting clean, but it was his first one with water since his birth. He shakes himself out, the water droplets flying everywhere as he shakes himself hard as possible. Moving to jump on her, planning to use his mother's face as a towel. He starts to approach her, the little evil glint in his eye amusing her.

For the next half hour, if anyone felt safe enough to come and visit the stream for a drink, they would see little cub being teased, his mother's face lowering a few inches away, then jumping back when he jumped. It was the first time that they had truly played like that.

By the time the cub noticed that he was dry, he was starting to get tired. His mother quickly scoops him up. Bringing him back to their cave, climbing up the hill that it was part of. His eyes were to heavy to actually keep open for long.

In his mind, it seems like a dream, he moves with instinct forming a ball out of what feels like a little clay, separating a small flame, and putting it inside like a glass ball, closing it over. Knowing that it hasn't died out. The other little flame moving out to be a star in the sky. His claws raking the side of the ball to form something that he wasn't sure about. Something intangible was wrapped around it, his dream staring at the little ball as he sees clouds forming and rain falling. Only a small little shoot of grass standing out.

Pushed a little close with my minds deadline. I usually try for getting this done a bit earlier.

Desaracreators' thoughts
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