
The Truth 8

"Dr. Red, it's you! I've heard you're on .vacation," the nurse exclaimed, happy to hear my voice.

I smiled, looking at the screen. It's pleasing to know that someone missed me. "Yes, sir. How are you?"

"Fine, doc. Our hospital is still free from Bronc X virus infection, although we have some suspects currently admitted."

"That's good to know," I answered, but my mind was debating whether or not I should ask what I had in mind.

"Doc, do you have something to ask me?"

I chuckled, thankful that he opened it up for me. He had lessened my burden in finding the right words to say. "Sir, do you still remember our patient named Rya Sevilla?"

"The one who insisted on going home against medical advice?"

"Yes, sir." I skipped a breath, waiting for his reply.

"Of course, doc. How can I forget when she was so beautiful despite her bad mood. I'm even willing to be the receiver of her tantrums or hysteria if she just let me hold and kiss her," he replied, laughing.

"Oh, really," I gasped. If this young nurse was attracted to Calla, then I wouldn't wonder if Sean was still crazy about her.

"Just kidding, doc," he laughed softly again but continued anyway. "What about her, doc?"

"Sir, do you still remember how she changed her mind about going home against medical advise?"

"Of course. You're boyfriend talked her out of it."

"Really? How?" I tried to sound amused, letting him believe that my asking him was only about curiosity and not something personal.

"I really don't know, doc. He just talked to her in less than a minute, then she approached us again, telling us that she's changing her mind."

"I see."

"Doc, if you don't mind, why do you ask? I don't want to have issues between our boss and me."

I chuckled. Why would he have issues with our boss? And how would this conversation reach the chairman? His fear didn't make sense at all.

"Dr. Mimi and I brought up that topic again, so we both wonder how she changed her mind."

"I see," he laughed softly, but I could tell the hesitation in his voice. "Anyway, she escaped a few hours after she's wheeled into her room."

"What? How?" I sounded surprised. I heard about her escape already.

"It remained a mystery, doc since the CCTV failed to show the incident. But-"

"But what?" I asked.

"Rumors had it that our big boss helped her because he was the last person seen entering her room."

The suspense was already killing me. There was only one possible reason why there was no video footage about her escape--video tampering. An institution owner can always disable or edit the footage. And the chairman had the power to do that.

I feared for the chairman. It would be alright if her escape had been agreed by him and the president because the issues could be ironed out. It is an accepted fact that there could be possible ties between a politician and a businessman.

"Does the hospital administration revealed the fact that the last person entering her room was our big boss?'

"No, no, no. Of course, not."

I ended the call after a friendly chit-chat, but my mind was in turmoil. If Sean coordinated with an obstetrician, it meant that he knew where Calla was hiding. And why there have to be many people involved? The president could just reach out to either Sean or the chairman. Why does it have to be the two of them?

"Red?" A knock on the door followed by Sean's voice had me scrambling to my feet. "Are you alright?"

I opened the door with a wide grin on my face, making Sean sigh in relief.

"You make me worry. You're taking so long."

"I'm just in the bathroom and not on the battlefield," I giggled, amused at his exaggeration.

"That's exactly my point. You have gone far beyond the usual bathroom period."

"I'm sorry," I conceded. Chatting always makes anyone forget about time. And maybe, I just did not realize I had spent a long time chatting with the nurse.

I made a final agreement with Dr. Mimi and Dr. Leila the moment I joined them in the staff lounge. All we need to hire was a surgeon, so I left the choice to Dr. Mimi. I wanted to unload another burden because I was already set to the vacation Sean had set for the two of us.

Sean and I walked the two of them to the door, and before Dr. Mimi said her goodbye, she looked at Sean, and what she said moved me.

"Sir, please take care of my friend. If you are not serious about your relationship with her, stop it now before you break her heart. She's like a daughter to me."

"I do, and I am sincere towards her," Sean replied, tightening his arm around my shoulders.

"Dr. Mimi, thank you." I broke away from Sean's grip and hugged her.

"Darling, your happiness is mine."

I was happy that I chose them to be my partners in the work. Dr. Mimi's display of affection only proved that my decision is right.

I completed the selection of the nurses when my friends left. Sean also had something to complete at his office, so we separated ways. I scanned the profiles of those I interviewed, and later, I came up with three, including that one who kept on crying. The Human Resource Department would be the one to facilitate the start of their duty because Sean and I would be away for a while.

Early the following morning, Sean's private plane took us to somewhere far away. I did not ask where we were going; I just allowed him to decide for me. After a few hours, we landed on a hilltop. On one side, there was a sprawling cornfield, on the other side, a vast stretch of dense trees and greeneries.

Sean led me inside the only house I saw in the place. It was not huge nor glamorous. It was just a simple bungalow in contemporary design.

"Where are we?" I asked as he led me inside the bedroom. It looked like this house had only three bedrooms.

"In my farmhouse."

The blinding lights of the sun had me squinting as its harsh golden beam pierced through the room. The ceiling was high, and it made the room look spacious, even if it only contained a huge bed, built-in closets, and a bathroom.

Though the materials of the house looked expensive, I could still not figure out why Sean chose this as our vacation house. His name was broad and famous, and anyone who knew Mr. Grey would always associate him with elegant and luxurious properties.

"Red, this is the only place I call my own. All the rest is not mine," Sean said as he both sat down in the bed. He held my hand and put it on his lips for a long while.

"I don't even deserve you."

"What are you talking about?" I grabbed his hands and placed it around my neck. As his face came closer to mine, I ran my fingers around his lips, staring at it like those were chunks of chocolates.

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