
Finding Dan

The Thai boxing gym had just witnessed the defeat of their new prospect and by a stranger at that. Once Dan had climbed out of the ring the old man was shaking with excitement.

He had never seen a boy so skilful at such a young age, not for a long time, the last person he had seen that was like that was Tony himself.

"Where did you find this boy, he's great!" The old man said as he ran up to Tony.

"I knew he was good Old man but I never suspected him to be this special," Tony replied.

"Whatever you do, you have to get him to join the club."

After patting the sweat off of Dan and giving him a few moments to cool down. Tony eventually came and sat next to Dan just on the edge of the ring.

"You did a good job hanging in there, I didn't know you had a spirit like that."

Dan started to put his hand on his stomach, the strikes he had received were starting to hurt more as the adrenaline began to wear off.

"Thanks," Dan replied.

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