
Tears and regrets....

Zhu Hansong who was still sitting on the sofa he had been sitting on for the past hour, tried to pick up his phone from his table but he could not. He found it difficult moving his hand or any part of his body. He felt like he was going to die any minute.

Throughout Lisa's question and answer session with Feng Zedong, he had been connected to listen to it all. It had been his request and she had granted it to him majorly because she wanted to prove to him that her sister wasn't that type of person and he was the bastard.

And she had been correct. 

What he had heard had broken him down completely to the point where he found it difficult to breathe.

He tried to pick up his phone but his hand was shaking too much and his heart was beating uncontrollably that he thought he was going to die.

He had been wrong. Fifteen good years…

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