
Part 6.9

AN: Work is slow, as in non-existent, so enjoy a second chapter.


I'm fast. Really fast. If I go all out and use Hundred Fold Speed I don't think there's anyone faster than me. When I was younger I hardly ever used Hundred Fold Speed because when I did use it I couldn't control myself enough and I'd end up running face first into walls. I'd use Twenty Fold Speed when I was younger so I could control my movement.

As I got older I practiced. I managed to learn control, and when I was sixteen I could move however fast I wanted. The very first time I used Hundred Fold Speed on Level Five it felt like I was flying. Like I was free. Then I crashed into a wall, the wall exploded a little, and I broke both my arms.

Good times. Doing that had reminded me how deadly speed can be. It's how a little rock I throw can turn a person to bloody red paste smeared on the ground. Speed is deadly.

I was so convinced of speed's deadliness that I felt my jaw drop when the first unaugmented goalshot I hit torwards Reeze was casually deflected by a sword strike. My normal goalshots where I didn't even try could kill people. A lot of people. Hell, even fully grown Army Wolves on Level Five would be hurt a little. But Reeze just casually knocked my goalshot out of the way like it was nothing.

That's when I felt it in the air. That feeling I hadn't felt since I left Impel Down and saw Warden for the last time. The feeling of Danger. Actual danger was hanging over my head waiting for a moment of weakness from me so it could strike and take my life.

Reeze Dolme was dangerous. I told him so.

"You seem like a scary guy. Is there any chance that you would be willing to not fight me?"

He just snarls, exposing all of his remaining teeth. Two of his teeth on the bottom row are missing completely. "Next time you ask someone to stop fighting, remember to look around to remind yourself what your enemy is fighting for."

I do look around. I look to my left and to my right, and it all looks the same. Ruined buildings, crashed storefronts, bodies of villagers and ex-prisoners laying on the street.

As far as I could tell, Reeze wasn't fighting for anything important. For that matter neither was I. But because circumstance made it so, we were going to fight to the death. I value my life, and that was more than enough reason for me to fight with all I had so could end his before he ends mine.

I sighed. I sighed because I knew this was going to suck. I could tell because the cutting edge of Reeze's sword was still glowing purple. I didn't want to be hit by that.

If that was going to suck for me, I was going to do my damnedest to make it suck for him as well. I knew how to do it too. He was a guard, so that meant he was supposed to protect people. Villagers had already died so I guess he has already failed, but there was a saying in Impel Down that applies to everything in life.

Things can always get worse.

I pull out one of the pistols from my belt loops I had taken from that fat pirate that tried to get me to help him on Level Four back in Impel Down. Then I hold it up so Reeze can see it. "This pistol can fire four shots before I have to reload it. Fancy, isn't it?", I call out to him.

"I don't remember saying I care." Reeze says, the murder in eyes practically visible as a red haze.

I frown beneath my mask. There's still no reason for this guy to be so rude. He could've just admitted that the pistol was fancy. It wouldn't have hurt him any.

"I talked to a guy named Lord Zumberbatch back at the dock. We traded a little and he gave me all kinds of information about Diz-Harmony. Like... a guide of the city I guess."

Reeze spits on the ground. "I'll remember to brand Zumberbatch a traitor later, but what of it pirate filth?"

Oi! I was only filthy because bathing makes me feel uncomfortable. That's not my fault.

"Zumberbatch told me that when the city is in danger all the citizens evacuate to this building that's almost as fancy as my pistol. A fancy shelter with reinforced walls and plenty of food and water so everyone who doesn't own a reinforced mansion like the nobles can wait out pirates and natural disasters. It's somewhere in," I gesture with my pistol to my left, "that direction. If I'm not wrong it's not too far away either. Four hundred feet straight through all these buildings that are in the way."

"Remember when is said what of it? Go ahead and remember that."

I sigh. If he's going to be like this I'll just go ahead and say it then. I grab a green colored lawn dart that's also hanging from my belt loops and also hold it up for Reeze to see. "I bet I could destroy that shelter from here with this lawn dart. Then when you go to intercept it I'll shoot you dead."

Reeze just snorts disbelievingly, "If I'm not remembering wrong lawn darts are dangerous, but not that dangerous."

I'm definitely not smirking behind my mask. Reeze was definitely dangerous, but he was underestimating me. The thing is... I'm dangerous too.

"Moa Moa Hundred-Fold Javelin." I solemnly intone.

Then I throw the lawn dart and for the first and last time I see Reeze Dolme, Guard Captain of Diz-Harmony, panic.

Chapitre suivant