
Part 6.3

As we walk down the docks closer to town the only sound is the thump of boots on wooden planks, the occasional cough, and the sound of Klahadore pushing his glasses up. Somehow moving glasses up and down is louder than walking down a wooden dock. I don't think that's how sound works to be honest.

When we reach the end of the dock the crew and myself are greeted by a hunched over short balding man in a very nice green and gold coat. There's several men in armor behind him holding spears. They're spread out lazily and only seem to be paying half attention to everything around them. If they were guards in Impel Down, they'd be dead right now. The inattentive guard is a dead guard. I never did it myself, but some prisoners hunted stupid guards who were alone.

The man in the coat gives a short now that I appreciate. It makes me feel kinda important. Not the same way someone saluting me would make me feel, but the principal was the same. Warm fussy feelings coming from being respected a little.

"Welcome good sir, to the nation of Diz-Harmony!" The man said. "I am Lord Zumberbatch. The council of ruling Lord's as giving me the honor of being the one to negotiate trade rights on their behalf with your merchant fleet. Am I correct in assuming that you are the leader of this expedition? If I may be so bold you make quite the striking figure."

Hah! I'm a striking figure. "Yes. I'm in charge." I tell the man as I continue to walk torwards him, quickly closing the distance between us. Klahadore and the ex-prisoners are following close behind me.

"Excellent!" He exclaims. "May I have the honor of knowing your name?"

I keep walking and now I'm right in front of him, towering over his much shorter figure. I smile beneath my mask. I like introducing myself. "My name is One Zero Zero One Three."

Zumberbatch is sweating slightly and withdraws a rag or something from one of his coat pockets to wipe his forehead. Then he gulps and laughs nervously. "Oh. Hah hah. That almost sounds like a slave name."

"It's not." I say reassuringly.

He gives a big sigh a relief and the men behind me start to snicker quietly. Then he wipes his forehead with his rag again.

Me being a slave must've really worried him. I'm not someone who likes to see people worryingly excessively so I might as well clarify myself entirely. You know, explain where my name came from and everything.

"I was given that name in Impel Down. You know, the prison. I was born there you know. According to the Warden I was born in one of the deepest, darkest, and dampest cells there were. As a matter of fact, all of the men behind me have come from Impel Down as well. We escaped just recently, razed Brakka Island, got a bounty of two hundred and fifty million Beli, and now we're here. But enough about that."

The guards still aren't paying that much attention, and now I'm leaving right over Zumberbatch. Thai forces him to crane his neck upwards so he can maintain eye contact with me.

"You said earlier that you were here to trade right? Well, I've never done serious trading before but I understand the basic concept so I'm willing to give it a shot. The basics of trade is I give you something valuable and then you give me something equally as valuable." I paused considering the concept. "Unless if I'm a much better trader than you. Then I get more valuable stuff from you than what you would get from me."

I set one of my hands on his shoulders and gave him a friendly squeeze so that way he knew I meant business. Trade business. I could feel bones in his shoulder grinding together as I squeezed. If I could feel it, everyone else must've been hearing it. Zumberbatch cried out in pain, and that was enough to snap his guards out of their stupidity funk.

The guards lowered their spears at me and got into a stance that meant they could leap and stab me. Probably stab me to death.

I couldn't have any of that.

Before they could jump me like the Beasts on Level Two used to I pushed Zumberbatch to the ground and let go of him. Then I reached into my short's pocket and grabbed some of the gravel I'd placed there previously.

I tossed the handful of gravel up and down gently in the air so the guards could see it. I wanted to give them a chance to dodge after all. No matter how small it was.

"Moa Moa Hundred-Fold Scattergun."

Then I threw the gravel at them.

Where there used to be eight guards in chainmail armor there was now a chunky red smear of parts that could be put together to make three and a half people. I don't know what happened to the rest of them. There were craters in the walls of the buildings behind where the guards used to be standing.

The crew, myself, and Zumberbatch were the only people around to witness me reduce the guards to pieces. The Lord seemed especially shocked for some reason. That didn't make sense to me, because he was older than me after all and he grew up outside of Impel Down so he definitely knows more than I do. I know about people dying, so since he know amore than me he should know more about people dying. What's eight more dead man atop what he's probably seen already.

"Life is very valuable." I tell Zumberbatch as I stand next to his downed form. Everything is still going to plan, and the plan really kicks off once I start 'trading' with him.

I lean over and easily pick the noble representative off the ground. "It's definitely more valuable than your fancy coat."

That's why his coat will be the first to go. Then I'll get everything else I need from him before we assault the city.

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