
Part 2.2

It doesn't take much to frighten the puppy Army Wolves. If they're alone, they're totally submissive. They'll get down on their bellies and beg and whine. If there's two of them, they're harder to scare.

The more Army Wolf puppies there are in a group, the braver they fell and the less likely they are to fall to intimidation. So when I approached the pack bothering the weirdos on stilts I didn't even bother making myself look scary. Instead I leaned down and packed up some snow into a ball.

"Moa Moa Fifty Five-Fold Giant Snowdrift."

When I tossed the large snowball, I increased it's size. The result was loads of snow traveling at high speeds burrying the wolves entirely. They of course began tunneling out. They're not dumb, they're really smart animals.

To make sure they got the message, I had to throw another giant snowball at them. Again and again. Eventually, they stopped tunneling up torwards the guys on stilts. They instead began moving through the snow in a direction away from me.

The stilt-men were just staring at me and Gurry standing behind me in shock. I walked up to them at a leisurely and looked up at them standing above me. The wind blew, and they shivered greatly.

I decided to say what was on my mind. "If you were girls, and wearing skirts, I'd be looking up them right now. Then you would be angry."

"NOWS NOT THE TIME FOR THAT!" They both screamed at me. They screamed so much that they fell off their stilts and landed head first in the snowdrift I had created.

"Oh. You're angry anyways." I observed.

They struggled in the snow, then turned themselves upwards. They coughed a little then the clown spoke.

"Of course we're angry! You can't go saying something like that out of nowhere! Who the hell are you anyways you masked guy?"

I corss my arms and look at them. "Prisoner 10013."

"Yah, I never heard of you before!" The clown replied. His friend with the oddly styled hair and glasses however looked shocked.

"Wait! You're Prisoner 10013!"

The clown looked at his friend surprised. "Wait, you know this guy?"

His friend swallowed loudly, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. He looked me up and down, then replied. "I've only heard rumors. A mask wearing prisoner with no name. So strong, he handles every torture the prison could throw at him! He defeated all the beasts on every level and withstood all punishments! Prisoner 10013! He was so strong, the guards had to keep assigning him to a lower level time and time again until he must had ended up here. He's been here for who knows how long!"

"A little more than seventeen years." I inform him.

"So long!" Both of the men shout.

The clown clenches his fist and looks around. Then he looks at me, a crazed look in his eyes.

"Hey! With your strength, it will be easy to accomplish my plan! Join me!"

"What's your plan?" I ask curiously.

The guy with a three for hair panics. "Wait Buggy-"

"We're going to break out of Impel Down!" He exclaims loudly.

"I'm going to say no. Then I'm going to say I'm going to stop you."

Buggy's friend sighs loudly while the clown himself looks shocked. "Rumors say that 10013 was a massive snitch." He explains.

I cough. "No. I'm going to stop you."

Buggy gets a serious look on his face. "Then I'm going to be forced to use one of my Ultimate Techniques. I should tell you now, I've eaten a powerful Devil Fruit and I am nigh unstoppable!"

Strapped to my back is a familiar stick of wood. After arriving in Level Five and getting used to the weather, the first thing I did was break a branch off of a tree. Then I spent some time using a sharp piece of ice to carve it. In the end I had made myself a hockey stick and I'd kept it with me.

I pulled it off the secure location on my back. Then I spun it a few times around my body, just like how Kuzric used to. Sometimes I didn't even use my hands, and just used the momentum I built up to make it move. I finished by grabbing it and flicking it towards the tree line. The force alone caused the ones closest to uproot and fall down.

"Art of Beat-Stick. Hockey Style."

Buggy nodded his head without fear. "I see that you know some terrifying moves as well. Well, prepare to-" he stopped getting into a fighting position and adopted a horrified look. His eyes bugged out of his head and half frozen snot and tears started coming out of his mouth and eyes.


Quickly I turned around looking for what scared the clown so much. I brandished my hockey stick ready to annihilate whatever monster it was. I didn't see anything and was about to turn around when Buggy's friend spoke up.

"Oh my God! Right when you turned around it turned invisible! Keep looking for it, we have to defeat the monster!"

I kept looking everywhere for it. I looked at the snow for footprints, I looked at the trees for some knocked over and I looked in the air for invisibility shimmers. But I saw nothing.

A minute later I blinked.

Then I looked over my shoulders. Both of them were gone, their footsteps leading off into the distance. I lowered my stick and just looked into the distance where they led.

Behind me, Gurry laughed. "It's happening boy! All those prophecies are happening!"

I ignored him in favor of talking to myself.

"Shame me once, shame on me. You guys aren't going to shame me twice." I looked to Gurry, who was stroking his beard.

"I'm going after them. Then I'm going to turn them in."

Gurry grinned, showing off his sharp teeth. "We're still on our walk boy. I think I'll follow you."

I began following the footsteps. I would find these guys who were planning on escaping and turn them in.

It's what a prisoner on good behavior would do. Heh. Maybe they'll take some years off my sentence for this!

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