
Chapter 4: Past and Present 1/4

We're back! I wanted to get this story out yesterday, but I had SO much to write. 20k words for this chappy chap. I love writing long chapters as much as I enjoy reading them!

ISO – A BETA! These chaps are too long and I'm so emotionally invested, I think it's time I get a second look through before I post. I don't need anyone making huge suggestions or critically analyzing the story. Grammar mistakes, flow of story, does it make sense? I like to post my chapters near immediately once I finish them. Too. Damn. Excited. To get these out to you guys ASAP

WARNING! This Chapter is VERY hyper emotional/character building/Drama… Or as the cool kids say these days… ANGSTY! LOTS OF ANGST! ALL THE ANGST! If you're one of my readers who despises angst, you're probably not going to enjoy this chapter. It's needed though to push our cast of characters into growing as HOOMAN. The action/humor/love/fluff will be returning soon… But for now, we're writing a story here! Not an action comic :D

SECOND WARNING! There will be a scene(s) (you will know them when you read them) that will potentially trigger/upset/piss off a few of you. Read the A/N at the end! It will explain things! If I get angry reviews about something I explained, I will send you to time out!

FINAL WARNING! Just kidding, VOTE FOR KENTAS MANCRUSH LIST! POLL CLOSES IT TWO WEEKS! WE NEED A TOP FIVE! Kakashi, Kisame and Nagato lead the pack as the current top 3! Will we have some upsets as we come into the home stretch? Will a FAN SUBMITTED suggestion (haven't gotten any, gimme one if you got it) squeak their way into the top? YOU decide!

Ok that is all. Kiki :D I have a reply to your comment at the ending A/Ns, don't miss it!


"The substitute Jonin Commander for Team 10, is Inoko Yamanaka."

A dull roar sounded in my ear. The roar became deafening. My breath was coming in short, quick pants. I was getting light headed. Black spots danced in my vision. Was I having a panic attack?

The stray thought was cut off by a hand on my shoulder. A warm, familiar presence was in my personal space now. A presence I had forgotten was even in the same room as me until now.

"Kenta. Kenta! Hey, snap out of it. We got this. We're sending back word to hold off on engagement until reinforcements arrive. We're the reinforcements, remember? Team 11, until the end." Ami's soft voice was gently talking into my ear. I realized at some point I had fallen to my knees and my arms were wrapped tight around my torso. I looked like a damn fool.

My mind cleared. The haze of panic banished to the deepest recesses of my mind. Ami was right. Dad and Ino were counting on me. I had trained for years for this. I couldn't lose my cool just because my father was potentially in danger. Dad was a Jonin! His whole life has been danger.

The cigarette fell from the lips of Asuma as his last breath left him in a slow exhale.

I shook myself, I wouldn't let that happen!

I jumped to my feet, turned on my heel and pinned Ami in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you. You're right. Let's mobilize and show these two assholes why messing with Konoha was the wrong move. Dad is too smart, he won't put his team in unnecessary danger." I whispered in her ear. I let go, took a step back, and gave her a reassuring smile. More for myself than for her.

She nodded and gave me a salute. "I'm with you, captain!"

I turned back to Lord Fifth. "Permission to gather team 11 and provide backup to Team 10?"

"Granted. I want you gone 5 minutes ago!" Lord Fifth barked out.

I nodded. "BULL!" I shouted, knowing the father to be had requested to join Team Gamma, the Hokage's protection detail, after Team Zetta disbanded. His wife was due in three months, no way was he going to be away from her.

The goliath of a man appeared, kneeling before me. "Captain." His deep bass rumbled in respect.

"You heard Lord Fifth. My team needed to be gone five minutes ago. Go inform Naruto Uzumaki and Genma Shiranui. If they aren't at the gate in three minutes, I will have you running suicides, in nothing but your mask in the market distract until I get tired. Understand?!"

He nodded and was gone within a heartbeat. I turned to Ami.

"Do you have your mission gear?" I asked, Jaguar's persona sliding into place. She better freaking have her mission gear. If not, I'll have her running suicides alongside Bull!

She nodded, lucky her. "After you gave me the Tora mission for six months straight for forgetting that ONE time, I never leave home without it." She smiled. The smile never reached her eyes. Shit. She still remembered that. I was going to pay now that I wasn't "Captain Jaguar" anymore. Two could hold grudges though. Ami better not try anything.

"Let us come with you, Kenta." Sasuke's voice spoke up suddenly. "We can help."

I turned to Sasuke and Her and shook my head. "Negative. I have no idea what you two are capable of. You're wildcards. I don't know how to incorporate your skillset into our team. You could be a liability as much as a boon. Maybe next time, after I've seen what you two can do. Well, you, Sasuke. I wouldn't trust Her if the fate of the world was at stake."

Sasuke bristled. "Look, Kenta. Don't you think you're being unfair?"

"No," I replied back instantly. "She hasn't given me a single reason I should ever trust her again. She's going to have to work ten times harder to earn back the trust she lost. I won't make you choose Sakura or us, but until I have Sakura's trust back, you are being held at arm's length as well."

Sasuke's frown disappeared and he nodded. "A reasonable deduction. I hope that the two of us can prove our loyalty to the village sooner than later."

I nodded. "Perhaps, but we can discuss this when I get back, with my father, cousin, and her teammates."

And with that, I bowed low to Lord Fifth and exited the room quickly. Ami right on my heels, the waves of anger rolling off her not lost to me or anyone else in the room.

****************************GO TEAM 11! SAVE INOKO AND INO!***********************

"That's our mission. Any questions?" I asked Team 11.

Naruto had a hard look in his eyes. "No. Let's go, Kenta. We're saving Uncle, no matter what!" Naruto declared boldly.

I gave the boy a small smile. "You're right, Naruto. Let's go."

We shot off into the woods, taking to the canopy. I set a hard pace, we couldn't waste a single second. Dad might have orders not to engage, but that doesn't mean that Akatsuki wouldn't notice them or let them go.

We were traveling at high Jonin speeds, uncaring of Chakra usage. The incident happened at the fire temple, which is only hours away at normal Chunin speeds. I had given every member a Yamanaka chakra boosting pill. We were in a race against time once again. This time, though. We didn't have days, we had hours.

On and on we traveled. My panic slowly creeping back up the closer we got. What would we arrive to? Another wave mission? Or would we make it in time to reinforce and drive off, or hopefully kill these two assholes?

My heartbeat quickened, and sweat slicked my palms. I tried to take a few calming breaths, but they only served to enhance the growing sense of panic.

"Kenta. Calm down. Your father has taken down S-Rank threats before. Or did you forget that? Inoko is strong. Believe in him like he's believed in you your entire career. He was made a Jonin at 13 for a reason." Genma's reassuring voice suddenly spoke up. He had been quiet this entire time.

I glanced at Captain, his words helping to banish the panic once again. I sent him a grateful smile, but didn't respond. He was right, of course. Father was one of the strongest in the village. And of course I knew he has taken down S-Rank opponents before, but it was never two at a time. Genma was right though, I had to believe in my father, as well as Team 10. They weren't a combat oriented team like ours was, but they weren't pushovers either. Choji was personally trained by Lord Third. Shikamaru was one of Tsunade's apprentices. Ino had been trained by two deadly Kunoichi; One a Jonin, the other ANBU.

I narrowed by eyes against the blinding wind, pushing even more chakra to my legs to increase my speed. Despite everything I mentally listed, this pit in my stomach wasn't going away. Something was going to happen if I didn't arrive in time. I would NOT let that happen. I am Kenta Yamanaka. Jonin, Ex ANBU Captain. I WOULD save my father!

******************************Prepare yourselves for Chaos*******************************

The panic was back, but for good reason this time. Team 10, led by my father, was currently engaging with Akatsuki. We were still traveling, but I could tell. I could feel it.

Minutes ago a chakra signature I'm nearly as familiar with as my own entered the fringe of my range. Seconds later, the familiar signatures of team 10 were distinguishable. All of them felt uneasy and nervous. Not terrified or distraught, that was the only saving grace.

Two smaller signatures that were familiar in passing were quick to join the others. I had no idea who they belonged to, I just knew that they were people I saw on a somewhat regular basis.

Finally, I zeroed in on the two signatures I didn't want to feel until I was standing side by side with my father.

The first wasn't anything to write home about. An average Jonin if I was to guess on first meeting. However, the vileness I felt coming from that signature had my stomach in knots. The pure ecstasy and elation I felt wasn't helping either.

Finally, the last signature. The person that simply dwarfed all the others. Someone who was on par with Naruto when he wasn't accessing The Kyubi. Though it felt, somehow, off? I didn't know how to explain it. I would need to be face to face with the man or woman and delve deep to figure out what made their chakra so distinguishable. The only thing I knew was this person had Kage level reserves. A true, S-Rank opponent. My first real taste of the cast of monsters we would be facing to keep my fiancé and best friend alive.

"They're in my range. Team 10 is still alive, though their chakra signatures are under duress. They are engaging Akatsuki. Two smaller signatures, most likely Chunin have joined their team. Akatsuki is there. One member has average Jonin level reserves, but his chakra is absolutely vile. It feels sickly and tainted. The other…" I rattled off the information I processed to my team.

"The other what, Kenta?" Ami asked softly. Eyes focused ahead, filled with absolute determination. Not an ounce of fear.

"He or she is an absolute monster. Their chakra rivals Naruto's without using Kyubi's Chakra." I admitted apprehensively.

My teammates nodded, but none wavered in their conviction to see Team 10 home safe and sound. I took heart in their courage, using their emotions to regain control of my own. My father, Ino and everyone there needed me on my A-Game. I couldn't let them down. We were seconds out, we burst from the canopy of trees, taking stock of the entire situation in a single glance.

My heart sank, and my soul cried out. My world quickly evolved into a nightmare.

********************************Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn************************************

Izumo and Kotetsu. Two skilled Chunin that were normally manning the gate. People made fun of them as "The Eternal Chunin Gate Guards." Those people were idiots. They were our first line of defense if someone broke through. You had to be skilled enough to hold your own long enough for ANBU to arrive to be stationed at the gate. It was not a glamourous job, but it was one of the most important in the village.

It didn't matter here though, in the real world. The Chakra beast, who I quickly realized as being Kazuku, the man Cpt. Genma warned us of, had the two by their necks. His grip slowly constricting, forcing their airways to become tighter and tighter by the second. A strange, hulking, black creature was keeping Choji at bay who was trying to free the two.

Ino was on the ground, panting heavily. She didn't appear to be injured, but I quickly realized her chakra levels were dangerously low. Shikamaru was dripping sweat in buckets, his 'Shadow Possession Technique' attached to the other member of Akatsuki. The man who was grinning maniacally as Shika was slowly attempting to move him from the strange symbol he was standing in the middle of. His skin was pitch black, with white markings resembling bones marring his skin.

Father. Father wasn't looking to good. He had electrical burns across his exposed skin. His chakra levels were bottomed out. He was panting and had a large gash across his shoulder. There was a hole in his thigh that was bleeding profusely; another on the opposite shoulder. He was in rough shape, but he was alive. I felt the pit in my stomach loosen slightly, before it quickly became an absolute crushing feeling of helplessness.

Skikamaru's chakra levels plummeted. His shadow receded. Skeleton guy laughed in euphoric pleasure, raising a wickedly sharp spike high above his head. I stared on in confusion, the events playing in slow motion to my panic-stricken brain. I barely registered Cpt Genma breaking off from the group to rescue the two Chunin. I had eyes only for my father.

He brought the spike crashing down, driving it straight into his own chest at a slightly downward angle. I laughed. He was killing himself? Why?

My laugh turned to a cry of pure anguish.

Blood erupted from my father's mouth. He collapsed to the ground, clutching his own chest. I flickered and caught him before he hit the ground.

"Dad? What's wrong? What did he do to you? Skikamaru! Hurry! Dad is injured. Heal him!" My mouth was moving faster than my brain. The words coming out automatically. This was standard procedure, why was no one moving?!

"Shikamaru! HELP HIM!" I screamed. Shikamaru mumbled something. "What did you say?!" My voice was hysterical, but I didn't care at this point.

"I'm out of Chakra. I can't even do a diagnostics technique right now." He said in a sad voice.

I threw him one of our clan pills. "Eat it. Then help him!"

He popped the pill into his mouth, his deathly pallor instantly improving as his chakra levels began to rapidly rise. His hands lit up in a soft green glow and placed them on my father's chest.

"I'm sorry, Kenta. There's nothing I can do. I don't think Lady Tsunade herself could heal this." He told me, voice laced with emotions.

I growled ferally at him. "What. The. Hell. Do. You. MEAN?!" Each word was clipped and filled with annoyance. "My father is dying! Your shitty lazy attitude doesn't give you the right to just GIVE UP before you even start!" I yelled at the boy.

He shook his head slowly. "Kenta. That attack. It destroyed three of the four chambers of his heart. Even with surgery and a skin graft, the damage is too intense."

"I DON'T CARE! JUS-" I cut off as dad squeezed my hand weakly.

"It's ok, son. It's ok. Do not yell at your friend. He is right. I can tell." Dad's weak voice interrupted me, a smile on his face.

"Dad. Don't you dare give up." I ordered.

He shook his head slightly. "Kenta. My son. My beautiful son. I am so proud of you. Since the day you were born, I've always been proud. When I'm gone, it's your duty to take care of your mother and your siblings. They will need you."

My eyes burned, but I held back the tears. "What are you talking about? Mom needs you. Kono and Iroko need you. I NEED YOU! They don't need me! They need you!"

"Promise me, son. Promise you will take care of them." He pleaded. I could only nod, the lump in my throat had grown too large to form anymore words.

"Thank you, son." He said, smile back in place. "My time… Is growing short. Remember what I… Told you all those years ago. Do not," He coughed violently, blood pouring from his mouth. "Do not… Give into the… darkness."

I nodded vigorously. "I won't, dad. I swear. Please. Don't go."

"Fulfill… Your dreams… My son. Take… Our clan… to new heights."

"I will, dad. I swear on everything I hold dear. Our clan will be feared across the elemental nations one day. But you have to be there to see it. It won't mean anything if you aren't there!" I was losing the battle, a few tears escaping.

"Son… I love… you. Before I go. I must… tell you… something." His voice was becoming weaker and weaker. His chakra was fluttering dangerously. His breathing becoming shallower by the minute.

"Anything, dad!" I yelled, the tears falling faster.

"Ask… Your mother… about… your brother." He whispered so low I had to bend down to hear him.

"Iroko? Why?" I asked in confusion.

Dad weakly shook his head. "Older. Brother. Protected. You. Save. Him." Dad wheezed out.

I nodded, the news not registering, the only thing my mind could focus on was my dad's erratic heartbeat and shallow breaths.

"I. Love. You. Tell… Tori… I'm… Sorry…" Dad finished, his last words coming out in a slow exhale. I opened the eyes I had pried shut to hold back my tears. Glassy eyes stared back at me. Dad's chest wasn't moving. His chakra was still.

"Dad. Dad, wake up. Please." I whispered, giving up the fight, my tears fell fast and hot. "Dad. DAD! Please! Don't leave me! I have so much to learn! I need you! We need you! Dad! DADDY! WAKE! UP!" I screamed, my soul itself weeping. The sheer agony I felt was unlike any physical pain I had ever felt before in my life.

"Kenta. He's gone." Ami's emotional whisper came as she rested a hand on my shoulder. I shook it off and wrapped my arms around my father, sobbing for all I was worth.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YES! Despair! Lord Jashin will reward me greatly for such a satisfying sacrifice! He will praise me above all others! I am his number one Priest! Your sorrow and tears give him strength!" The other Akatsuki member screamed loudly. His face was pure, unrestricted ecstasy. His chakra was pure joy and elation.

I stared at the man, mind completely shut down. I wept, and he laughed.

And it all made sense.

This. This was who my father warned me about. The man I would become if I let my darkness consume me. This vile chakra. This unhinged madness. This zealous fervor to cause endless suffering.

This is what awaited me.

I promised my father that I wouldn't let this happen. It was the only thing he made me promise before he passed away. I would honor that promise or die.


I stood up. Pure hatred and malice pouring off my very essence. This thing. This abomination. It would DIE today.

"Kenta, be careful. He's immortal." Ino's scared voice called off to the side.

"What do you mean?" I growled out. Eyes burning with hatred never leaving the creature.

"I took his head off. Shika stabbed him in ten vital areas with his 'Shadow Sewing.' Choji broke every bone in his body. Your dad electrocuted him with one million volts of electricity. Nothing keeps him down." Her fearful reply came.

I growled even more savagely. I would do the impossible. My father deserved it.

"That look! Yes! Your hatred! YOU SINNER! I will sacrifice you the same way I sacrificed that sinning FATHER of yours! Lord Jashin will be ELATED!" The abomination screamed out in delight.

"Beheading. Vitals ruptured. Electrocution. Skeletal frame crushed. Nothing worked, eh? Let's try…" My own madness was taking over. My hands were flying through a long and complex chain of hand seals. The technique I was performing was my grandmother's strongest technique. My strongest technique. A technique I had never successfully done before. My hands ended on the Dragon Seal. "Complete vaporization." I growled hatefully.

"Storm Release: Fury of the Storm!" I called out. I raised my hands directly above my head. A completely enormous sphere of energy appeared. It was the size of a small house. I grinned in triumph at my prey. "Say hello to Lord Jashin in the afterlife."

The ball of energy began to compress rapidly. Smaller and smaller it shrunk. It was now the size of a cart, now a horse. Smaller and smaller it rapidly shrunk. A dog, a cat, a watermelon. I brought my hands down, and began to forcefully compact the ball of volatile energy. Smaller and smaller. The size of a melon, an orange, a walnut, an ant.

"Bring it on! Lord Jashin's protection will save me from any attack cast upon me by a sinner of His Worship!" It called out it zealous fervor and rushed me quickly. His triple-bladed scythe gleamed dangerously in the afternoon sun.

"Don't let him draw blood! If he does and ingests it, he can use that strange technique to link your bodies together!" Shikamaru called out, but I brushed it off. My technique was ready.

Fifty feet away, forty, thirty, twenty, ten. I flicked the ant sized ball of energy at my target. It flew through the air faster than light. Before my finger had completely extended, the tiny pin-prick of light made contact with the abominations chest, and the world exploded in light.

Upon contact, the ball of light erupted into a column of pure energy. Everything within a three foot radius of the victim was instantly incinerated. The column of energy shot off into the sky, the top breaching the clouds.

The things screams of sheer agony were snuffed out within the first second. I had instinctually closed my eyes at the bright light, but I knew what was happening. I had never performed the technique successfully, the last stages of compression always too much for me to handle. Today wasn't the case. My righteous fury brought a certain level of clarity and concentration I didn't have training alone. For five seconds straight, the technique lit up the sky. Evaporating everything it touched, down to the cellular level.

I opened my eyes as the light began to fade and smiled in vindictive pleasure. Gone. Not even a scrap of the hideous clothes he wore were left behind. I had done it. I had avenged my father. I sank to one knee, my chakra levels were dangerously low. I knew we had another opponent, but I trusted Naruto and Genma to take him on. Maybe seeing his "immortal" partner die for good would scare him off. Just in case, I popped a pill into my mouth. My chakra began to recharge rapidly.

"So, it seems that Hidan could be killed. A dangerous technique in one so young. Its sheer destructive power rivals that of Onoki's Particle Release. I should retreat for now, I do not think even I would survive a… Well. This is a surprise. His immortality is the real deal." Kakuzu's surprised voice called across the field.

That statement, and the spark of chakra I was now feeling sent a chill down to my very bones.

"Impossible." I whispered out. "There's no way! I vaporized his very existence!" I shouted to know one in particular. I rushed to the edge of the twenty foot deep crater and peered inside. Nothing. That was when I noticed the ritual circle he had originally been standing in.

The rusty-brown liquid that made the symbol I now realized was dried blood. It was bubbling ominously. It began to meld together, becoming a mass of dark, reddish-brown.

I fell to my knees, disbelief the strongest emotion I was feeling. Helplessness and distress were not far behind. I literally erased him from existence with an S-Rank technique, and somehow, someway, he is still alive.

Hope, vanished from my essence. Despair was all that remained. My father's killer couldn't be killed. I would never get justice for him. He was dead, and his killer wouldn't even join him in the afterlife. The injustice, it wasn't fair. But, that's life.

I let out a humorless snort at the irony of the entire situation. For years, I broke people's will to live. I basked in their despair. I always wanted more. I always needed more. Karma was truly a bitch. All those lives I ruined. All the pain and sorrow I caused. It was all coming back to bite me in the ass.

So, with no hope, and no plan, I did the one thing I've never done in my life.

I prayed.

Not to The Sage of Six Paths. He wasn't a god. God's don't die. He was an incredibly powerful man with god-like abilities, but god he was not.

I didn't pray to any of the many God's our culture worships. None of them had ever spoken to who I was as a person. I had my own morals and values, instilled into me at a young age by my parents.

I didn't even pray to The Creators that Lady Korinna mentioned so many times. They were the last ones to care about the going on of mere mortals unless they opened a direct link with them. I would 100% use the technique she used that day. If it meant my life to get justice for my father? Well, that isn't even a question. But it was not within my knowledge, nor power, and as far as we knew, Lady Korinna had the technique destroyed when she left the world of the living.

No, that day I prayed to the ones I knew would at least hear my prayers and share in my sorrow. I prayed to my ancestors. The only ones who would even listen to the desperate prayers of a 17 year old kid.

I prayed for forgiveness to my father and ancestors for the shame of not being able to bring his killer to justice. I prayed for the strength I would need to take down an actual immortal. I prayed for the skill to pull off such a feat, for I realized now he wouldn't be beaten down with brute force. Above all else, I prayed for knowledge. None of my techniques could defeat this man. The 'Despairing Mind Trap' wouldn't work against a religious fanatic. His zealous devotion would let him shrug off that technique quicker than Shika's shadow possession. No, I needed the knowledge and wisdom to defy what seemingly was a blessing from some type of deity. As Lady Korinna once said, if enough believe in a higher power, The Creators reward their unwavering devotion. She never said it couldn't be a deity that promotes sacrifice, pain and suffering.

I prayed, and I prayed. I do not know how long I sat there, but it couldn't have been too long.

Forgiveness, Strength, Skill, Knowledge. Forgiveness, Strength, Skill, Knowledge. Forgiveness, Strength, Skill, Knowledge.

I prayed, and I prayed, until finally, finally my prayers were answered. An audible 'click' resonated inside my mind, and I knew.

*******************Yamanka Clan History Lesson! Brought to you by Aello!*********************

The Yamanaka Clan dates back to well before the time when the world had chakra. We were a small clan, living in the capital city of what is today known as "The Land of Dragons."

For years we were a clan of highly skilled doctors. Our clan was well versed in the human physiology. We were paid by the royal family to assist in healing the troops after the war. We were a clan that always wanted peace above all else, but we knew the world didn't share our viewpoints.

For years our kingdom went from battle to battle, war to war. Our King was a conqueror, and wanted the entire world under his rule. Our duty to the royal line was to make sure that their troops were always in the best shape to get sent out to another battle.

This was our way of life for over a decade, until one day the Clan Head's eldest son was conscripted into the King's Army. He left with the other able-bodied young men, and we didn't see him for over a year. When he finally came home to us, he was a changed man.

No longer was he the happy-go-lucky boy we all remembered. A boy who wanted to be just like his father and heal the sick and wounded. The man who returned to us was cold, angry and paranoid. Loud noises would set him off. Surprising physical contact would cause him to lash out violently. We realized quickly that our beloved heir had returned home to us, alive and whole. But he was not well. He was wounded, just as gravely, if not worse than many of his comrades. For his injury wasn't one we could cure with tinctures, potions or stitches. His ailment was an injury to his very soul.

It was after this day that the Yamanaka Clan changed its path from caring for the sick and wounded, to caring for those who brought home those grievous yet invisible wounds of the psyche.

For years we studied human behavior. We dug deeper than anyone had before us. We were the ones to notice that nearly every man returning from war suffered similar injuries. It was our duty to get these brave men back to their normal selves. So we studied, and we studied. We began to take in patients. Offering sessions for them to talk about their experiences; what changed them. We began to find remedies to heal these invisible wounds, but not a cure. Never a cure. A cure would come much later.

Decades of service healing the minds of men gained us great honor among the royal family and their armies. Mental Health was quickly becoming just as important as physical health. The King himself granted our small clan the title of nobility, which allowed our research to soar to new heights with access to the royal libraries.

Many years later, she came. The Rabbit Goddess; Lady Kaguya. She ate the fruit of the world tree and gained powers that rivaled the God's themselves. She ended the never ending wars, bringing the first real peace our world had ever seen.

We were happy. Our clinic simply boomed with business. With no wars to fight, men came to us for help getting used to being every day citizens. We helped hundreds of ex-soldiers readjust to daily life.

The Goddess herself recognized the saintly work we were doing. She applauded us and lavished us with gifts to help even more men recover and get back to the men they were before the war.

As they say, nothing good can last.

Lady Kaguya turned on humanity.

She lashed out, destroying countries, killing thousands. We fled the capital and travelled east. Away from the fighting. Away from the killing. Years later, we heard the rumors. Lady Kaguya's sons defeated and sealed her away. Our world was saved!

We continued our research and helping more and more people. We branched out to all trauma's people had suffered. Their hardships, the trials, we took them all in and helped them work through the mental strain. We were heralded as saints, and apparently the gods took notice on us.

The Sage of Six Paths one day visited our clan. He praised our work, similarly to what his mother had done many years ago. However, his gift was much more useful. He granted us the ability to use Chakra, and with it, taught us the way of Ninshu. Our family was mesmerized! With Chakra, our research soared to impossibly new heights! We could scan a brain now, and see how certain events triggered specific emotions in certain regions of the brain. We could dive into our patient's minds, seeing first hand their experience, making our empathy much more in tune to the specific patient and giving them the best treatment.

Chapitre suivant