
Chapter 104: Exposed!


Hey guys I will be posting this chapter one day early I hope you all liked it 😉. WARNING! LONG A/N AHEAD all about Philippines 2022 election. For those who doesn't want to read this please skip the A/N and proceed to the CHAPTER UPDATE START HERE, thank you so much for respecting I feel like I need to get this out.

To my fellow Filipino who reads my work, I have been refraining myself to post anything about politics here. I have erased it countless of times in my A/N because I know each of us have different out view when it comes to that specially now that literally people's choice on who should lead the country is in fraction. Yes it's in fraction, in my circle of friends alone we have our own split opinions with regards to the candidates. I have known people who unfriended their friends and some are in bad terms all because of such topic. Some are getting too personal that sometimes it no longer has any connections to the topic at hand. It's good that we do care about these things and I'm very much happy that many people have registered to vote the next year election. Please refrain in bad mouthing other people's favored candidate just to make your favored candidate stand out. That's not how things works, we should all respect each other's choice because choosing the next person to lead the country is our right and voicing and openly supporting our favored candidate is also part of our birth rights.

I do believe that each candidates have their own good qualifications and I do believe that the pasts of the people around them should not reflect on their qualifications. People keep of saying that the sin of the father is not a sin of his son and I do believe that that's why on last 2016 election I did vote for him. I based my decision on his character and capabilities to be the VP of the country back then sadly he didn't won but the Victor proven me wrong I have seen her struggle as the VP of this country and I have seen her dedication and hard work even though most people back then are against her, all because of the party who backed her up during 2016 election. Slowly she gained my respect and trust. For our Mayor, I'm from the City of Manila and I am so proud that he is our Mayor, he has proven to us more than anyone else who have handled the City of Manila that age is just a number, that Manila can be a better place if only someone who has sympathy will lead and make it a better place, no bad words I can put to these two people.

To our VP Leni the previous administration mistakes and what they lack is not hers to bare. See her for her works and dedications. I am so proud and happy that she run independently so I hope this will severe her name from that word DILAWAN cause basically she's now her own person with no party to back her up but only the support of the those who believe in her. For six years even with all the bullying, indifferent treatment towards her, she stand her ground and did her best to fulfill her role as this country's VP and I salute her for it. She is no longer representing the Yellow color but the color of Pink.

To our Mayor Isko he has proven enough that action speaks louder than words. He has given the City of Manila more than what he promised us and I am proud to be a Manileño. I know he can do a lot for he is not just a man of his words but also a man of action like what he always says bilis kilos (Fast actions)

To BBM I still believe that the sin of the father is not his children's to bare, let us see him for what he has done all this time not base on his father's sin nor his father's accomplishments but for what he contributed as he is.

To Senator Manny Pacquiao you have given the country so many things to be proud off.

To my fellow Filipino please let us give respect to each of our own choices, we are a democratic country and we have given the rights to choose who to vote without prejudice from others. Let us give respect to each and everyone's choice of candidates.

Discern things properly, watch videos, do some research on each candidates to make a fair decision, remember your vote has a great contribution to what our country's future will be.

I will not be disclosing my favored candidate as I'm not an influencer and I have no intention of campaigning my favored candidate, I'm just reminding you guys to be respectful and also to discern and weight things base on facts and not hearsay. Let us give each candidates equal chance to know each one of them, don't let our biased blinded us. Our country's future and our future is on line with this. God bless Philippines and God bless it's people. I'm praying that we all make the right decision.

Please no hate, let us spread respect, thank you.



Jeffrey flinched at the sound of another glass shattering to pieces, Jeffrey could not take it anymore and signal the newly hired maid to come near him. "I'm really sorry Sir." The woman bowed like her life depends on it. Jeffrey looked at the woman almost kissing the floor.

"Get up." Jeffrey commanded. The woman obeyed.

"What's your name?"

"Alicia Sir, I'm just new here." Jeffrey looked at the woman from head to toe.

"Is there something you're good at?" Jeffrey asked with a calm voice.

"I know how to cook." Maica said in all honesty because she has this feeling that the man will kick her out of the house, she has cause nothing but trouble. It has only been a week she can't risk getting kick out even before serving her true purpose. "I'm a great cook, I won a lot of cooking contests!" Maica halted herself from saying any unnecessary things that will get her find out. "I also know a lot about fashion!" Maica said enthusiastically.

Jeffrey look at her from top to bottom like he doesn't believe anything that she says. Maica almost hit her own head after remembering how she looks like, basically she looks like a nerd, she had her hair perm, wear braces, get back to wearing thick framed glasses with a really bad clothes coordination. "You're funny, how about be my personal maid."

Maica tried to think of a way to reject the offer since it wasn't the original plan. "I'm sorry Sir but I think someone can do much better to that job than me." Maica really do look apologetically.

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you." Jeffrey got up from his seat. "Starting tomorrow you will stick and follow me until I said that you won't. I'll be going out if my brother ask me where I am telling him I went out to have sex since I have not been getting any lately. Not that he cares really." Jeffrey went out without looking. Maica on the other hand was able to breathe when she's sure that the Omega is already gone, one problem is that she is now being assigned as Jeffrey's personal maid. Maica quickly went to his room, she sent an audio Morse code message to Aiden and Axel. Maica sighed she didn't expect that this job is much harder than it seems. Then she got a call from a number ID of her grandma.

"Grandma you called?" Maica said with so much excitement to her voice.

"No, I'm ok. I will be Sir Jeffrey's personal maid starting tomorrow. I'm not sure I can do my job properly if ever I will be transferred to his care, should I accept or not?" Maica asked.

"Hey! Keep your voice down!" Shouted the other maid inside the maids quarter, Maica immidiately apologize.

"Ok, I'll accept every opportunity is still an opportunity. Thank you grandma you're the best. I love you bye, yes, yes I'll take care of my self. You too take care." Maica ended the call, she went out again and went to proceeding in cleaning the monitoring area, The house is highly secured to make sure that it won't be hackable so Maica's first objective is to connect them to the mainframe that controls and has access to overall security of the house. Cleaning of that room is done rotationally to make sure that no one will get familiarize with the room.

"I'm here." Maica whispered. She doesn't made it obvious as there are also a lot of CCTV'S inside.

(Good, have you seen the one that I showed you before?) Axel asked.

"I wait I'll try finding it." Maica said.

(You need to hurry. We only have 40 minutes to do this.) Axel said in a very calm voice.

"I found it." Maica whispered.

(You know what to do.) Axel said. Maica didn't waste any time and with one swift move she plugged in a small drive to the mainframe. She didn't do anything the drive did everything, downloading everything in it's system and synchronizing it.

Maica act like nothing is happening and proceed with the cleaning she put all he's faith to Axel, although she very nervous she didn't show it. The people outside who are constantly looking at her is giving her the creeps. So she was really felt relief when Axel spoke again. (It's done, Maica go get the drive make sure to dispose it the way how we instructed you.)

Maica pretended to wipe the computers and as she wipe the devices in front of her she grabbed the drive. (Good, I have eyes here, I can see you, you're doing a great job. No need to answer me. Go do your task.) Maica nodded


Nash file up the papers for signing by his boss to the desk neatly, he's still recovering and should be in bed but Nash beg Aiden to let him work or else he will only end up thinking what happened even more. Aiden can understand that that's why before letting Nash work he asked for his doctor's approval. Dexter on the other hand asked his brother to give Nash a job. So far he has been enjoying his work. "All done!" Nash happily exclaimed. He looked around and saw no one, his officemates probably went home already. He looked at his watch and saw that it was already 8:45 in the evening. Nash fixed his things and readied himself to go home.

"Hey let me carry that." Nash looked at the man who offered him with help, the man is with another Alpha man.

"Thank you" Nash said politely. He gave his bag to the man who offered him the help. "Why are you and Oliver are still here?" Nash asked.

"Well our friend ask us to look after you and besides in that short period of time we do consider you as out friend too." Dillan said.

"Yeah, a friend of our friend is our friend, wait isn't that right?" Oliver thought.

"Morron it should have been an enemy of my enemy is my friend!" Dillan shouted that made Nash laugh. Every night these two men would sometimes take his home. At first Nash doesn't want to but eventually gave in to the two insistent persuasion. He also enjoyed talking to the two alphas although he felt really scared at first but after learning and spending time with them his heart is at been at ease.

"You and Dexter really are close, to even keep up with me." Nash said sadly.

"Hey don't be like that, we also wanted to be friends with his friends too beside now that we are co-workers it is much better if we stick close together, to be honest we are just new here too. We move to this company because of Dexter's request. We don't really mind the pay is higher than our previous offer just don't tell anyone ok?" Oliver whispered. Nash laugh at these two in them he found a working place where he doesn't really have to walk on eggshells. With them he sometimes doesn't think that he's still an Omega, it's like he's just him a person and not an Omega.

"Yeah, don't worry all three of us will make our names in this company, new company new beginnings!" Dillan shouted.

"Hey don't buy lunches outside tomorrow, I'll cook for all three of us." Nash happily said before he went inside the gate.

Nash went inside his room with a smile on his face, his first week isn't bad, he made new friends who doesn't really mind his second gender. He went to a working place who doesn't mind his second gender also. He learned from them that ever since Dexter worked hand in hand with his brother they made this policy that the criteria for the promotions and positions won't be based on one person's secondary gender but will purely based on their skills and capabilities. No malicious gossips against co employees are allowed inside the office that will bring any strains or doubt in the relationship between co-workers. Because of this a lot of the higher positioned employees were demoted and were replaced by much skilled workers who are either a beta or a recessive alpha. This kind of policy motivated those who are in the rank and file position to work harder so that in time they will also be able to be in the position they thought was just a dream to achieve. Dexter's strategy in increasing the employees motivation and moral at work brought a tremendous change in his brother's company to the point that their profit tripled in just a short period of time pulling out his brother's company out of the line of bankruptcy.

Nash had seen hope when he start working there, when he works hard he forgets about what happened but when he's alone like this he remembers the child who he should be taking care of and his eyes begins to well up even though he doesn't want to cry anymore but he just can't help it. One time George's wife George caught him crying. She comforted him by just hugging and patting his back, she did not say anything nor gave him some advice like he needs to move on or what, she only tells him that it's ok to cry if he feels like crying. It's ok to be weak and that no one will judge him. It still hurts Nash and he doesn't know until when he will keep on hurting but he's wishing for the pain to soon fade away. He's grateful to his friends for being there for him, for taking care of his child's funeral they found out that the baby is a girl so Nash named her as Amara. Nash gave her a name but he never visited her. He can't face his own daughter, he's too embarrassed to show his face as a parent to his daughter who he's not even aware of, he can't even take good care of her and worse is that he's the cause of her death. Nash often cry at night whispering words of apology to the child who was not given the chance to even breath the air and see the light of this world. Nash no longer cries for Adrian the only thing that remains in his heart for the man is pure hatred towards him who he used to love more than he love himself. His tears are for his lost child. Maybe in time he will learn to forgive himself and will be able to bring himself to visit his daughter and ask her for forgiveness but for now he promised to be a better person that his own daughter can be proud of.



(At least 100 people are now behind bars after the biggest human trafficking in the country has been caught Friday night at the west port.

With the forces of different Sherrif's offices together with he intelligence force they were able to locate and successfully subjugate the biggest human trafficking in the country for more than 50 years and just in it has been confirmed that all the people found inside are Omegas I repeat they are all Omegas who are age 12-18 years of age, where there are around 218 Omegas found in this trafficking bust. All Omegas are either promised a good job opportunities or being forcedly sold by their parents because of debts...)

Lee turned off the television that Dexter is watching. "Honey you have been watching that news since early this morning aren't you getting tired?" Lee asked.

"It begins now Honey." Dexter said. "Better be extra careful out there." Lee can see the worry in Dexter's eyes.

"I will don't worry it should be Lance and Terrence are the once who should be careful they are the one who will be the face of this once they start bringing Rion in." Lee's face became serious suddenly.

"I know but still we need to be careful, I don't want to repeat what happened before. If that happens I will join that war and go up front, you don't want that do you?"

Lee shake his head no but he knew that they are already involved from the shadows what he's worried is his husband's threat of joining in this battle in front. "No honey don't scare me like that." Lee pouted.

Dexter laugh "By the way Dexy how long do you plan on keeping that man in our basement?" Dexter stilled at Lee's question, he was not expecting for Lee to find out.

"I'll hand him over to Aiden once the trial starts, it is enough time to heal all his bruises." Dexter answered calmly. "Here eat this, it's healthy. So how did my beloved husband find out?" Dexter asked.

"I'm not dense Dexy how do you think I know Terrence secrets? I may not that strong but Honey believe me I have ways on how to dig information on my own." Lee said. "When I realized that you already knew about Terrence, I started tracking all your expenses, what you buy and all those renovations."

"So have you seen it? Have you seen all of it?" Dexter asked.

"Not all but I have seen most. When I went to the basement there's this tightly sealed door, there's a retinal scan, passcode and finger print. I thought there's no way that I could open it with all those things but I thought that it is Dexy we are talking about so I knew you won't hide anything from me." Lee said.

"So?" Dexter asked with a smile on his face as he wait for his husband to say what happened next.

"I try the retinal scanner and it accept mine, the finger print also which left me with the passcode. Honey why the day we first met?" Lee asked.

"So you also remember that day till now." Dexter said with so much amusement to his voice.

"How can I forget that was the time when I thought I was going to have a heart attack because my heart is pumping and throbbing at the first sight of you! It thought it was because I was pretty nervous I got your foot run over with my car but even after that I still feel the same. So I know the date, don't you know I tried so many passcodes only to end up with the date we first met."

"It's very special to me, I mean if I haven't met you that day I wouldn't be able to live a life with you like this. You complete me don't you know that?" Dexter said.

"Since when did my husband got this cheesy? I'm not an Omega just to remind you Dexy." Lee hmmmppp

"I know, I know you got me pregnant remember?" Dexter went behind Lee's back and whispered behind his ear. "You said you want 5 children, we are still a long way to 5 honey." Dexter nibbled Lee's neck. Lee tilted his head to the other side to allow Dexter with more access to it. Good thing that both of them are inside their room. Dexter work his hands on Lee's polo shirt unbuttoning it one by one. Lee moan at the touches and kisses that Dexter is giving him. Then Dexter pushed him on their bed and got on top of him. Dexter took off his shirt that showed his well toned bulky body, gone all the signs of him giving birth except for the stretch marks he had after giving birth. "Damn how can you be so sexy again?" Lee whispered.

"You have been asleep honey for a long time, enough for my body to recover and go back to it's original state." It has been a month since Lee got out of the hospital is just that they haven't done it. They are still closely monitoring Lee and Dexter doesn't want to strain Lee's body so he himself is holding back so badly. Dexter is a man too so he often find himself masturbating in the shower for months after Lee fall into a deep slumber. He's letting out his sexual frustration by himself, by doing so it helps him to be stable since all the signs of him being an Alpha is already slowly coming back, he's getting affected by Omega's pheromones once again, his rut is getting intense without Lee to control it. He's afraid that one day he'll just blackout only to wake up with another person in bed so Dexter is keeping a close eye on his condition at the same time controlling himself from jumping on to his own husband.

Dexter unzipped his own pants brought it down along with his underwear and let his thing sprung free from it's cage.

Lee swallowed looking at Dexter's jewel that looks like it's about to explode. He watched how his husband sit on top of his thigh leaned back a, spread his legs widely for him to get a better view and begin to stroke himself up and down while moaning Lee's name. Dexter increase the pace of what he's doing and in just short period of time he cum. He used his own cum to lubricate himself back there cause he stopped self lubricating due to a long period of sexual absence.

"Dexy honey let me." Lee said in a husky voice as he flipped his Dexy under him. He put both of Dexter's legs on either sides and placing himself in between his legs, spreading Dexter widely. Then he lowered himself and start taking Dexter by his mouth. He can feel Dexter's hand gripping his hair as he keeps on moaning. "Aaahhh don't stop, keep going aaahhhh. Lee it's good, feels good." It didn't took so long before Dexter reach his peak for the second time around. Lee unbuttoned his pants and took off his pants and underwear. He saw Dexter's eyes burn with lust and excitement. Lee took the lube he prepared, yes he did prepare a lube, he knew that it has been so long since they both did it so Dexter is no longer self lubricating. He doesn't want to hurt him so Lee made sure to prepare everything so when they do it again it won't hurt Dexter.

"Lee honey, when did you get that?" Dexter asked when he saw what he's holding.

"Ssshhhh don't ask and just lay there." Lee said. He poured the lube on to his fingers and some to the entrance of Dexter. Then he start putting two fingers. The stretch his entrance slowly till he got used to it, then he carefully insert another more. Lee would massage his Dexy's sweet spot earning him a moan from Dexter and an arching back.

"That's enough you can put it in, please put it in." Dexter almost begged. Lee followed his husband and start pushing his thing inside slowly.

"Does it hurt?" Dexter shake his head no even though it hurts him a little, he wanted Lee and that's all what's important to him.

"Keep going." Dexter said.

Lee knew it hurts Dexter a little so he tried to be as gently as he could. He went slowly till he sees his face changing to pleasure and that's when Lee start increasing his pace. "Aahhhh keep going, Lee aahhh ahhh deeper. deeper honey." Dexter's head is turning from side to side, he's holding the pillow as if his life depends on it till he felt Lee's body convulse and his thing that is inside him throb and released this warm thing inside that's when he realized that Lee reached his peak even before he did. It was really early so unlikely of his husband who can hold his orgasms.

"I'm sorry Dexy, I can't help it I have been so pent up and you are so sexy that I can't help but release it." Lee's face is all red now that it made Dexter's laugh hard. It may have killed the mood but it surely is one of those days that Dexter realized that Lee is just another man who's lusting after his husband.

"It's ok, we still have plenty of time to make up for it." Dexter reach out to Lee's face to caress it."

Lee pulled out and his seeds immidiately oozes out from Dexter's entrance. Then without a word he turned Dexter's body and put it on all four. Then he placed his thing behind him only to rammed it in without warning as he stroke Dexter's front simultaneously. Dexter can't help but scream from the pleasure that his alpha is giving him...


Aiden is sitting triumphantly after the news about the Omega trafficking broke in the later news but a phone call cut to his victorious moments. (Your promise, you said you will find her. It has been a month so where is she?) Aiden knew right there and then that the man is that man he spar in the gym a month ago. Aiden sighed it doesn't that he didn't find out who the girl was but it's more like he knew who the woman is. At first he can't believe who the woman is, he didn't know how to say it. And he doesn't want to sell out the girl since she's very important to Dexter so he thought of a way in advance on how to fool the man without sacrificing his friend. "Of course, I found her. I'll forward you her number.) Aiden said.

"How can I be sure that your words are true and that she's the one I'm looking for?" The man asked doubtful of the words of the person he's talking to.

"You'll find out soon." Aiden said...

The man looked at the number on that the Omega sent him. It took him more than an hour before he finally took the courage and dialed the number.. "Hello?" He said nervously, he has never been this nervous all his life talking to anyone else not even in life and death situation he's mostly in.

(Hello?) says the woman on the other line, it has the same voice as what he remembers the woman who he met before but he wonders why his heart is not beating as it was then.

"I I ahm I..." He's stuttering, he doesn't know how to introduce himself.

"I saw you months before." says the man, in one of the parties I have attended. "I thought you are pretty." The man says, the other line is silent for a while before someone answered.

"I'm sorry but I don't know who are you so I think I'm going to end this call."

"Wait wait don't, I'm not a bad person really, I just want to make friends. Also I have something of yours that you have left." He said.

(My bracelet, do you have it?) The woman said.

"It's really you, how did you know it's what I have." The man said with excitement.

(Because it's the only thing I have lost in one of the parties I have attended.) says the woman. The man is now sure that she's the one who he has been looking for. He just convinced himself that he would probably will feel those feelings again once he saw her in person but it was such a pity because he needs to go back working, specially after the news broke the media this morning his boss called him and hurrying him to come back so meeting the woman would probably will be put on hold for a while, for now he'll be contented talking to the woman over the phone since it seems that the woman trusted him a little by now. He dropped the call prepared himself. He made sure that his face is far from his original appearance. He put the changing voice changer device. He test his voice to make sure it's the same as what he has been using for years undercovering. That night he went back to the mansion "Finally you're here Robbie." Jeffrey greeted "I'm sorry to cut your vacation off but as you heard the news we have a lot of work to do."

"Yes Sir." Robbie said then his eyes caught a glimpse of the woman standing at his boss's back, she looks timid, ugly and all over the place but for some reason his heart throbs.

Jeffrey noticed that he's looking at his new assistant, yes he promoted the woman as his new assistant after finding out that the woman is really good at organizing things. He just found out about it when she worked under him. "She my new assistant." Jeffrey simply introduced. "You'll see more of each other so better get along with each other, I don't want any problems from the two of you." Jeffrey added.

"Alicia." The woman extended her hand for greeting, he was kind of expecting to hear that voice he's anticipating for some reason but her voice is different.

"Robbie." Says the man.


(Sir I received the call, I handled him well, is there anything I have to do?) Aiden smiled at his husband's secretary. He knows she's the only one who can fill that role, the only person he can trust.

"Thank you Ms. Kim, for now just keep the conversation casual nothing more than that, let me know of any other changes. I will provide you all the details that you will need." Aiden said.

(You are very much welcome Sir.)


"Damn It!" Raven throw turn over the table, it has only been hours since the busted operation and now they are receiving tons of calls about the incident. He doesn't know how but the name of his father got tied up to the incident and that the Omega trafficking has been blamed to them. "It won't be long till that damn old man to find out about this! What the fuck have you all been doing?! Why didn't you even know that those people are already at our neck?!" Raven is beyond furious, he pulled out his gun and fired it to the person he first see. He didn't even bat an eye in finishing all his bullets in one man till it was laying lifeless on the floor.

"What are you all people standing MOVE! FIND ME A GOOD REASON NOT TO KILL ALL OF YOU!!" Raven shout he drunk to his bottle before dropping himself to his chair then his phone rings. He answered it right away when he saw the caller ID.

"Hello, yes Sir. No we are handling this matter carefully, we are greatly sorry for what happened. No Sir we made sure that your name and you business name will stay out of this issue. Thank you Sir." Raven throw his phone to the corner of the room. "FUCK! THAT SLY FUCKING CUNT! What so he doesn't want to go down with us and yet he's expecting us to clean all this mess!" Raven shouted again but his phone ring again so he immidiately run and to pick up the call

"I'm sorry Sir, I was just at the bathroom....."

(That was fast.) Raven stopped talking when he heard a different voice so he looked at the caller ID again and saw a very unfamiliar number. He put the phone back to his ears again. (You didn't check who's calling you did you?" Taunt by the other person in line.

"Who are you?" Raven asked.

(Hey I'm not a fool to tell you who I am but I know who you are, what you're doing and what you're dealing with. Anyways I just called to ask if you like my present to you.) The man said on the other line.

"Present?" Raven asked in confusion.

(Yeah I know it has been a while since I give you a present but I'm quite hurt to know that you didn't even know about it?, I mean the one on the news and also those previous underlings of your dad that are now gossiping with the worms below the surface? How can you just forget about them. Now I feel bad.)Says the man on the other line of the phone.

"Phantom." Raven whispered. "So it's you again. I thought you already run off when I went back here but I guess you are still up to your cowardly ways. Why don't you face me and let's see." Raven taunt.

(If that happens then you're dead so where's the fun in that, there's nothing more exciting than to see a man suffer as all the things important to him got taken one by one. I'll see you when I see you, ow do yourself a favor and don't drink and smoke too much, it's bad for your health.) The call ended and right there and then the glass to his window shutter so as the bottle of alcohol his drinking.

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