
Chapter 31: Setting You Free

Liam doesn't know what to do. So he did what he think what's best and that is to run away. He stayed in Chester's home for hours he cried and pour his heart out but he knows full well that his Husband will come looking for him there. He doesn't have much friends and it won't take long before his husband noticed that he's not at home.

"Liam are you alright?" Chester asked, he still holding Liam who's crying.

"Damn that woman can't bring anything but bad news! I'm really sorry Liam but I think you need to hear your husband." Liam looked at Terrence.

"Terry what do you mean? Do you know anything about this?" Chester asked his Husband.

"The only thing I know is that Lance loves you so much, you just need to trust and hear him out. I'm in no position to tell you the whole story. You need to hear it directly from him." Terrence tried to persuade Liam. As much as he doesn't want to tolerate his friends wrong doings he also doesn't want to mask Lance mistake.

Terrence sit near Liam. "Liam I know it's hard and painful but you need to go home and sort things out with your husband."

"Liam you don't need to go home if you don't want to." Chester suggested.

Liam wipe his tears away and gave his friend a crack smile. "I'll go home, I'll talk to him. He must be worried about me." Liam stand, fixed himself and get his bag.

"Are you sure? We will take you back to your home. Terry can you ready the car? We will take Liam home." Chester asked his Husband which Terrence gladly do so.

"No, no need. I'll just go take a cab back home." The couple did try to convince Liam but in the end Liam insisted in going home by himself.

"I'll get going. Thank you Chess, Terrence and Theo I'm sorry we have met this way. I'll make it up to you next time." Liam bid his farewell after which he got inside the cab.

"Where to Sir?" The Driver asked.

"I don't know, Just Drive me to a place where I can spend some time."

Liam didn't went home instead he went to a family restaurant and stayed there till the waitress already informed him that they will be closing soon. He stayed there for hours just sitting and doing nothing. He didn't even touched the food on his plate. He doesn't want to go home, seeing the face of the Alpha is too painful for him.

He took a quick glance of his phone which was turned off. He doesn't want to open it cause he knows that there's a high chance that his Husband will track his where about. He feel cornered and doesn't know who to turn to. He really has no family to turn to and all the people around him are people that his Husband knows till someone came cross his mind. He turned his phone on and the moment his phone was on messages came flooding his notification and seconds later his phone ring. It was his husband he kept staring at it not wanting to answer it till it stopped ring but the moment it stop it begun to ring again. Hesitate in answering but in the end decided to answer it.

(Hello?! Liam? Where the heck are you?) Liam can here the anger in his tune. (Please answer me, Talk to me Love. If this is because of that interview, I can explain.) Liam can hear the cracking of his husband's voice.

(I can explain just please talk to me. Don't do this to ask. You promise that you'll never going to leave me right? You promise you'll fight for us.) He can sense the desperate in his Husband's words and it's breaking his heart but what can Liam do when his mind is divided with a lot of things. What if letting Lance go is the best for the two of them. What if letting Lance go is a chance for the man to have his own family and to be with the woman who he has been in love with for a long time now.

"Lance." Liam broke his silent. (Love what is it. Listen to me let me see you. We will talk this out, where are you?) Lance asked.

"Don't come find me Lance. I'm letting you go. Be with the woman you really love, don't mind me I can handle myself. That will be my gift to you, advance happy birthday Lance my wish for you is to be happy. I love you, goodbye." He can't help but cry his heart was breaking bits by bits with every words that is coming out of his mouth. (No, no, no Liam listen to me ple------) Liam already end the call and proceed to his original plan. He is hoping to find it

and tried looking for his number in his phone list and luckily he was able to save it. Liam tried dialing the number hoping that it is still active. seconds later the number that he's been calling starts ringing it took 5 rings before the other person in the line answered.

"Hello? Who is this?" Base from his tune it seems that the man has just woken up. "I-I'm sorry B-brother, Dexter. It's me Liam t-the pregnant man t-two years ago. R-remember?".


Liam now is riding a cab going to Dexter's house. The man agreed to help him. Liam only told the basic and didn't went into the details. Dexter told Liam to throw away his SIM card and phone and that his Husband might trace it so he just wrote down important numbers and throw the Sim card away just like what he was told.

He was looking at the window the whole ride, when the driver opened the radio and from there Liam can hear the voice of a man singing his heart out.

🎵Each day we meet my love for you

Keeps growing stronger

But everytime we meet

Makes leaving you so much harder

So how are we to know

That this just wasn't so

That we just have to let each other go🎵

Liam's eyes begin to tear. He knows deep down he doesn't want to leave Lance but he no longer knows what to feel much less what to do. There are a lot of things that are running to his mind. Maybe letting Lance go is what's best for the both of them.

🎵If loving you is all that means to me

When being happy is all I hope you'd be

Then loving you must mean

I really have to set you free🎵

What if Bea really is the one for Lance and what if she could give him what he can't. Maybe the reason that Lance did that is because he finally realized that he still have feelings for the girl. These are the thoughts that runs in Liam's mind. He wipe his tears away.

🎵Letting go is not an easy task

When smiling feels like I must wear this lonely mask

It hurts deep inside

And I just cannot hide

That there's anguish at the thought

That we should have to part🎵

There's a part in his mind that tells him that if letting Lance go would make the man happy then that would be ok. Even though it is killing him he would too will be Happy for his happiness. Others might label him as a martyr but no matter what pain the Alpha cause him he just can't bring himself to fully hate him. He wipes his tears away and tried to take a deep breath to calm himself down.

🎵If loving you is all that means to me

When being happy is all I hope you'd be

Then loving you must mean

I really have to set you free🎵

The sad song only adds to Liam's sadness like it knows just how he feels right now and he can't take it so he asked the Driver to turn the music off.


Lance throw a kick to his car, after the call he can no longer contact his wife. The last place the tracker point is the family restaurant which is now closed.

The news came as a shocked for him he didn't thought that the model would answer boldly to the questions throw at her. Lance quickly went home to see Liam but he's not at home, he went to his work place but the owner told him that he went with Chester so he went to Chester's house but according to them the Omega already went home. So Lance went home again but no Liam greeted him. He tried calling his wife but he can no longer reach it. He can't track his wife's phone.

But after talking to his wife one thing that he knows he is sure. His wife is running away from him.


Author's Note:

Hey there beautiful people another update yey!

Let me just share a piece of me. The Song title was "Set you Free" it was sung by Side-A.

When me and my boyfriend broke up I was constantly listening to this song and the lyrics. The way it was sung was really heartbreaking. I can still remember the time I was crying to this song like literally crying and telling myself that maybe letting him go is the right thing to do. This happened a long time ago by the way.

Well me and my boyfriend was able to fixed and sorted things out so we are back together. hahaha anyways you can try listening to this song. It was kind of old like early 2000 song but it was a good song to listen to.

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