
Chapter 20: The Demon Within (Part 1)

Dragon: "That is Barry's blood."

Ha! Ha! HA! HA! HA! I don't even know if I'm laughing out loud or not but I just can't stop.

What a pathetic lie that was. He never even fooled me for a second. And now he has lead me straight to the point where it is proven it wasn't his blood.

Dragon: "This might mean that Ethan Kales is here."

Might mean, huh? What a joke! He understood Ethan really is here and tried to act like he didn't understand anything. What a sickening display of treachery! Should I kill him? I should, right? He has only been trying to deceive me after all. Liars like him – there's no need for them in this world, is there? No, I don't need them. So obviously, the world can't need them either.

Barry: "You okay?"

A voice comes from somewhere. Whose voice is that? I think I have heard it somewhere before. But … who … oh yeah, I remember. This is that guy who I placed so much trust in, isn't it? And then the bastard broke that trust. I thought he was a good person who wouldn't harm anyone. But the bastard went and killed hundreds of people. So I killed him. Yeah, it's that guy. But why is he here? I did kill him, right? How is he here?

Barry: "Hey, you dunce. Are you day-dreaming or something?"

That bastard's calling me a dunce? I remember he used to call me that when I was a kid. That bastard! He thought he was so special, didn't he? He thought nobody in the world could defeat him. I bet he never saw me coming. But because of all that, he should be dead. So, what's going on here?

Kais: "Why are you still alive, you traitor?"

There's no point dawdling on that question. Since the bastard is here, might as well just ask him straight.

Barry: "T-that voice? I see, so that's what's going on."

Dragon: "Mind explaining?"

This is that dragon's voice, right? Yeah, I think this is his voice. Yeah, it definitely is. So that bastard doesn't know what's going on either?

Barry: "Well, to put it bluntly, Kais is not here at the moment. The psycho who murdered me is."

The psycho's calling me a psycho? How ironic! But what does he mean by that? I'm Kais and I'm here. Why's he saying I'm not here?

Ethan: "Hey, mind telling us your name?"

Now whose voice is that? I think – yes, it's another familiar voice. Oh yeah, this is that man who can never betray my trust. Because I never put any, not a single grain of trust, in him. Why is he asking me my name?. He should already know that.

Kais: "I'm Kais."

Ethan: "Oh, really?"

He says in a very doubtful tone. Why? I'm Kais. Why are those two acting like that?

Barry: "Actually, it's not like he's lying."

Huh? It's good to hear that but isn't this bastard contradicting himself. Ah, damn it! Is this bastard trying to confuse me? I see. He's trying to create a chance to attack by confusing me with his words. That sly bastard! No wonder he was so respected. He was always so good with using words and weaknesses of others after all. He's exactly the kind of person the society loves to have, isn't he?

Ro: "Will you elaborate?"

This voice – now who is it? I am getting agitated by there being so many voices around me. Oh wait, I have heard this one before too. Isn't he … isn't he the one who kidnapped me? Yes, yes, he is. This is that guy who came from Vermillion and kidnapped me and left me on this island. I could have been living a peaceful life if not for him and other Embers like him.

So – I gotta kill this guy. I gotta make an example of this guy.

Barry: "To make it simple, there's a demonic personality living inside him."

I don't even care what that bastard is saying anymore. I gotta kill that Ro guy.

Barry: "But he doesn't actively come out nor does he converse in any way with the Kais we know. So both personalities keep thinking of themselves as Kais despite being different."

Kais: "Hey Barry!"

I am not looking at them but I can sense everyone present here looking at me. So then –

Kais: "Just shut up! Or I'll kill you first."

No one gives any comebacks. Everyone is silent. They are all afraid of me. Now I can do what I want without disturbance. Only if that were the case –

Ethan: "First? So there's someone other than Barry you are planning on killing now?"

Does this guy have any idea who he is talking to? How the hell is he so casually talking to me like that? I know he has 'Eyes of Truth' or whatever. So he should know how powerful I am by just looking at me. Then why the hell is he talking like he doesn't fear anything.

Ethan: "Let me guess then. It's the dragon."

Don't be so cocky, you moron. You think you'll know whatever I am thinking as if you're a psychic.

Dragon: "Huh? Why?"

Ethan: "No, that's the wrong answer."

Dragon: "What!"

Huh? So was he just messing with the dragon … or maybe he was messing with me? This guy is a sadist after all. Whatever! I'll deal with him later.

Ethan: "Then is it me?"

Is he just taking random guesses or something?

Ethan: "So, it's not me either. Then I guess Sneha."

Who the heck is Sneha? I think I have heard that name before. Uh, I'll ignore that. I can try to remember who she is later. I need to go and kill that Vermillion's dog.

Ethan: "I see. Not her either. Well, then it can only be Ro, right?"

I don't understand. How was he able to know that his guesses were wrong? I am pretty sure I didn't give him any clues. My expressions shouldn't have changed all that much. Don't tell me – his eyes of truth can …

Ethan: "… can see your bloodlust."

Tch! So that's it.

Ethan: "And to elaborate, your bloodlust stayed still when I named us three but it increased when I said Ro. That's how I knew."

Kais: "So what? If you thought you'll get a prize or something, Tough luck there."

Ethan: "Nah, why would I want some petty prize without even doing anything?"

Huh? I hear the voice of footsteps from his direction. From how it sounds, it looks like he is walking towards me.

Ethan: "I would much rather take my prize after doing what I have to do."

Now what does he mean exactly? This guy always manages to steal my attention whenever he talks. Ignoring him isn't a good idea. Maybe I should kill him too. Yeah! Why not? Let's do it.

Barry: "You are going to die if you are reckless, though I guess that would benefit me."

Ethan: "You don't need to worry about me."

He probably said that to that bastard. His steps haven't stopped. He is coming closer to me with every step. Is he that eager to die? Okay, I will do him justice then.

Ethan: "Hey, I don't know what you are thinking right now but, didn't the question 'how is Barry here' cross your mind?"

Huh? What? I stop readying my attack as I hear that.

Kais: "Yeah, it did. Do you know the answer to that?"

Without even noticing when I did it, I started to look Ethan, who is only a meter away from me, in the eyes.

Ethan: "I do."

I see. He does. Huh? Yeah, I guess. He has the Eyes of Truth, right? Of course, he would be able to know a lot of things by just looking.

Kais: "Then, tell me."

A smile surfaces on his lips.

Ethan: "On one condition?"

Kais: "Tch! You think you are in any …"

Ethan: "Position to ask for a favor, huh? Man, it looks like even this personality is fond of cliché lines."

What the hell! Does he wanna die?

Ethan: "So here's the deal? You protect me from all these other guys who probably want to torture some information out of me right now."

He says while pointing at the four people behind him. They all have a look of shock on their face.

Ethan: "It's easy for you, right? Or are you telling me you can't even do something so simple?"


Kais: "Fine, fine!"

He gets surprised for some reason.

Ethan: "Oh, it worked."

Then he starts smiling.

Ethan: "I guess that's why people use clichés so much, they work some times. Still though …"

Kais: "Enough with your nonsense. Answer me already!"

Ethan: "Oh yeah, it's because he is a ghost now."

A ghost he says? I see. So he did die after all.

Ethan: "Not only that, but he has retained his psychic powers too. He is much stronger than before."

Kais: "Oh, that's it? He's still weaker than me."

I get a feeling that chills ran down someone's spine right now. Good to know they can see how much difference in power there is between us.

Ethan: "Also, he is working for the Vampires."

Huh? Working for Vampires? From where in the world did they enter the equation?

Ethan: "Isn't it ironic?"

He closes his eyes as he says so.

Ethan: "A psychic-ghost working for vampires. All three factions in one, right?"

He says while chuckling.

Kais: "Anyway, now that I know that. I want to get back to what I was doing. Get out of my way."

He does get out of my way immediately but then says,

Ethan: "Killing Ro, was it? He's a ghost too."

Kais: "Huh?"

Ethan: "I killed him already. And then he became a ghost."

Oh, that's how it is. Well, just because he already died …

Kais: "… Doesn't mean he can't feel pain, right?"

No response comes. Why? Cat got your tongue now?

I walk towards him triumphantly when Ethan says,

Ethan: "And you were calling me a sadist."

Kais: "Huh? What's that supposed to mean? You are a sadist. What's wrong with calling you one?"

A laughing sound comes from him. Why is he laughing though? I don't think there is any reason to laugh here? Then again, it's not like I ever understood his reasons for doing anything anyway. I doubt he even has any.

Ethan: "'He probably does this for kicks or something, right?'"

Tch! Again, this guy loves to act like a mind-reader, doesn't he? The thing is – he's good at it too.

Ethan: "'It's almost as if he's a psychic but is hiding it from me?'"

Kais: "You are gonna die by my hands someday."

His grin changes into a wry smile as,

Ethan: "I would like to avoid that. And no, I really don't have any psychic powers. Don't worry about that."

Kais: "Why would I take your word for it?"

Ethan: "Oh, you won't. Well then,"

He turns towards the bushes for some reason and then continues,

Ethan: "Why don't you ask her about all this then?"


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