
The First Test

Shiloh was surprised to have been able to sleep through the night, mind clear of any thoughts at all. Waking from the almost trance like state she rolled over on her side, Peter's eyes already wide open, locked on her.

"It's about damn time you got up, it's almost noon-"

"Sorry... Haven't done that in a while,"


They made their way downstairs to scavenge around for something to eat, eventually deciding on expired spaghetti o's - yum. Splitting the can into two bowels, they both seated themselves by the counter, enjoying the food in silence. The day prior was still listed under the too soon to discuss category. Luckily for her, she'd rather not even think about it. Peter continued to stuff his face, Shiloh placing the bowl down after only a few bites. Her appetite suddenly just disappeared. Quickly noticing this, Peter put his bowl down as well, shooting her a look of concern.

"Hey, you alright?"

"I'm fine."

But she wasn't fine. Her hands began to shake uncontrollably. She tried her best to hide it, slipping both between her legs in hopes of masking it. For a few moments it worked, Peter continuing on to devouring his meal. Her stomach dropped, queasy as ever. Almost as if she had been free falling for thousands of feet. This was a new feeling, one she couldn't even force herself to ignore. Something bad was going to happen, something bad was on its way to her. She feared the closer it came the worse the feeling would become. After only a few minutes the pain became unbearable. She slammed her hands down onto the counter, quickly standing up.

"We need to get out of here."

"What are you talking about-"

She grabbed his arm, leading him back upstairs into the bedroom to gather their things.

"Trust me-"

He followed along in silence, watching carefully as she rushed to fit as much as she could into a single bag. Still confused, he slowly joined in, trying to help as best as he could.

"Sooooo, why exactly do we have to leave? Are you afraid your parents are gonna come home to you with a guy in the house or something? Ha-"

Before he could even finish a loud humming came from the distance, quickly approaching.

"-And I spoke too soon, let's get the hell out of here.."

They both grabbed their belongings, rushing downstairs to the front door. Peering through the front window, a dozen helicopters circled above, ready to land at any given moment. Taking a closer look it was all too clear, the infamous red and white Umbrella logo adorning each one.

"Shiloh, what the hell are we going to do?"

"We wait..."

That wasn't the answer he was looking for. Shiloh was terrified, she knew exactly what they were capable of. More concerned about Peter's well being, she began to plead with him.

"Go to the basement, they won't know you're here."

"I'm not leaving you..."

"You need to... I should have never dragged you into this... I'm so sorry, Peter."

Her pleads unsuccessful, he stood by her side, a supportive hand on her shoulder. That simple gesture alone gave her the courage to stand there, waiting patiently for the inevitable. As the helicopters began to touch down on the small island, the house shook violently beneath their feet. As soon as they landed, armed guards exited, surrounding the perimeter. There was nowhere to run now. Three stragglers eventually made their way onto land, another two armed guards with a third more shielded figure. The two 'body guards' hesitantly broke off to each side, far enough to give the man his space but close enough to strike and protect within seconds. The blonde haired man made his way up the stairs, face inches away from the small window on the front door. His glasses tapped against the glass, eyes peering in. With a smug smile staining his face, he quickly locked eyes with the girl, giving a short lived glance to the boy beside her. Peter offered her one last reassuring squeeze, both ready for anything. The man, Wesker, tapped the glass three times cockily, offering a weary smile.

"Shiloh, why don't we just do this the easy way? Simply open the door and leave with us, where you belong. You are too young to be here unsupervised, and with a boy of all people. Come out and we will spare the boy's life. You wouldn't want to be responsible for that, would you?"

She clenched her teeth, fists forming by her sides.

"I don't even know you, I'm not going anywhere with you - of all people."

The man turned to both sides, amused by her response.

"You hear that men? My little girl won't listen to her daddy, should we punish her now, or let this play out?"

"What do you want?"

"I want you to come home, Shiloh. We need you."

"If you let him go, I will come out..."

"Shiloh no..."

Peter grabbed her arm tightly, refusing to leave her alone.

"Promise me that."


Peter pleaded against her, trying to talk her out of it. She pulled him in for a hug, whispering into his ear, "I'll think of something... trust me."

He nodded, Shiloh offering a quick nod back as if to tell him he was free to make his escape. He made his way to the door, carefully turning the lock and opening it up. Albert stood still, not making a single move. Peter slithered past him, making his way down the stairs, peeking back every few seconds.

Albert slowly raised his hand, announcing to his men, "I've got the girl, now shoot him."

Albert lunged at Shiloh, wrapping his arms tightly around her making sure she couldn't escape. The guards drew their guns, all pointed at the boy before her. Her body began to shake uncontrollably once more, anger building up inside of her. The first guard shot his gun, Shiloh screaming at the top of her lungs, "No!"

Within a split second, the ground began to shake before them, Albert's body flung across the house like a ragdoll. The single bullet now frozen in time, face to face with Peter's eyes, widened with fear. The bullet fell to the ground with a small thud, each of the guards pinned to the ground by an unknown force. Quickly making sense of things, Peter rushed to Shiloh's side, embracing her in a quick hug. Eventually she lost control, slamming the front door to the house shut, locking it instantly. The men all stood in unison, some clearly more frightened than others. Were the others prepared for her breaking point? Had they seen this before?

Shiloh still had no idea how to control this power of hers. From what she's seen so far, it's almost as if it's fueled by her emotions, anger and fear. Anger towards the man who ruined her life, fear towards the safety of her friend. Albert now back on his feet, shot the young girl a smug grin. Was he challenging her strength? This was all just a sick game to him.

His reactions fueled her fire, had he no guilt? No shame? Any emotions at all?

She let out a low growl, slowly making its way up from the pit of her stomach. Within seconds the men collapsed to their knees, screaming in agony. Shiloh grabbed Peter's hand tightly, both racing out of the house, across the yard, and toward their boat. With no control and no clue of how long her effect could last, she feared for their lives as they raced to freedom.

Struggling through the pain, Albert managed to scream out from the distance, "Release the Cerberus! The guards struggled, pressing a button on their device. Eyes locked forward, the howls of dogs rushed toward them.

"Shiloh, what the fuck are those things?"

"Don't know, don't care, get in the damn boat!"

Peter jumped in, Shiloh closing in from behind. He struggled to start the engine, Shiloh's heart racing as each second passed. The mutant dogs were starting to close in, ready to lunge at any given moment. With shaky hands she pulled out the pistol, silver bullet blowing ones head to bits as it flew midair. Peter got the engine going, speeding off into the waters. Guts and blood stained her face, scattered about the small boat. She held onto the strange feeling as long as she physically could, making sure they had enough time to get away.

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