
Chapter 65 - Casus Belli?

September 7th, 2017

1.02 pm, Key West, Florida

"It's been over 15 hours and we still have no explanations." President Gertrude Pond says.

The Director of the CIA, Nick Jones, sits beside POTUS. Both are occupying the large screen on the table. Fire, Spectrum, Wave, Kaori, Quake, Aviator, and Dr Kabeer Wong take up the seats surrounding this table. Another call with the President in less than 24 hours is underway.

"As the President pointed out, we have no new leads on what happened." Director Jones says, "The only thing I can remember is fog rising from the floor of the plane before passing out."

"How about a wild thought." Spectrum says, "Seeing how possible it is for me to phase through solid objects, I wager that Skull Reich has something which mimics such capability."

"We must now expand our definition of what is possible." Dr. Wong says scratching his chin.

"Stretching that reasoning might explain how they evaded detection." Aviator says.

"This is some real outside the box thinking." Quake says.

"Or are we just giving these scumbags too much credit?" Wave asks.

"No use spinning our wheels on this." Fire says, "We must focus on a direction."

"The Chief's right." Spectrum says, "I say we counterattack."

"But attack what?" Kaori asks.

"There's a lot we don't know." Fire says, "We don't know how big this enemy is. We don't know where this enemy is. But, we do know they are serious and they have resources."

"We might be sorely lacking in information." Dr. Wong says, "But you now have powers."

"Which are growing." Wave says.

"The results from today's tests can serve as some type of benchmark." Dr. Wong says.

"I want a report on that as well." President Pond says.

"I will forward the details to Director Jones, Madam President." Dr Wong says.

"We also need new identities." Spectrum says.

"Already on it." Director Jones says, "I will bring the necessary documents when I return."

"To think all of our other identities became useless because we actually aged backwards." Quake says, "That's definitely a first. A world record."

"I am giving you identities within the 25 to 30 age range." Director Jones.

"That means we can still gamble in Vegas." Quake says, eliciting some laughter from the room.

"So, how are we going to find Skull Reich with so little intel?" Aviator asks.

"The only thing we still have are these notes I kept in my pocket. I will be keeping these close to the vest." Director Jones says, as he raises some papers, "And, I believe we have data on them that we have probably overlooked. It's almost impossible to be invisible. There must be a trail."

"Information gathering must take priority." Fire says, "We will remain secret until we are ready."

"Remaining hidden while we train is the wisest course of action." Aviator says.

"There needs to be a public response." President Pond says.

"If we take this attack as Skull Reich probing us." Director Jones says, "Then it could serve as justification for assembling a task force to tackle them."

"Are you suggesting I tell the American people we lost our only prisoner and all the leads for this attack after I told them that all the attackers were killed just last night?" President Pond asks.

"No, Ma'am." Director Jones says, "I'm saying that the public attack on the military base is justification enough to mobilize some resources for counterterrorism."

"Weren't you waiting for Skull Reich to use a proxy to take credit?" President Pond asks.

"Ma'am, instead of just waiting, I suggest a three-pronged plan." Fire says, "Team Six will serve as the secret spear. On the public face, the CIA and the Pentagon can form a joint task-force. But we need someone we trust absolutely to organize the military offensive."

"Sounds like you have a name in mind." President Pond says.

"Brigadier General George Beggingson, Ma'am." Fire says.

"He's a good man." President Pond says with a nod, "But he is going into retirement this week."

"He is willing to be reinstated, Ma'am." Fire says, "We want him to take charge of Area 51."

"Isn't Matthews in charge of Area 51 currently?" President Pond asks.

"Yes, ma'am." Fire says.

"Then what should I do with Matthews?" President Pond asks, then says, "You might not know this but he has strong political backing. I can't just shuffle him around as much as I dislike him."

"Well, the Director of National Intelligence position is currently available." Director Jones says, "I am sure he will accept a forced promotion."

"That would technically make him your superior." President Pond says.

"It's a sacrifice I am willing to undertake, ma'am." Director Jones says as he looks at Fire.

"Alright. I will greenlight Matthews' transfer and reinstate Beggingson." President Pond says.

"Thank you, ma'am." Fire says.

"Your team's actions ended the need for Operation Inherent Resolve. Now you all wish to start another military campaign using this as Casus Belli." President Pond says as she glares at Fire.

"I wanted to retire, Ma'am." Fire says, "Team Six was formed on the ideal that if war could be prevented then war must be prevented. Skull Reich already has a leg up on us. But, I assure you. We will do our darndest to avoid a return to the War on Terror."

President Pond looks around the table at the faces of the team and Dr. Wong.

"Jones?" President Pond asks, "Do you support this escalation?"

"Ma'am, we have been blindsided." Director Jones says, "We need a comprehensive offensive."

"I promised Alena's parents and the American people swift justice." President Pond says after sighing, then she stands up, "Help me fulfill that promise."

"Will do, ma'am." Fire says, standing up with everyone as well.

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