
Chapter 51 - Freaky Reunion?

September 6th, 2017

0955, Naval Air Station Key West

"But Chief." Quake says, "We've superpowers now. We can handle whatever comes our way."

"We'll discuss everything further soon." Fire says, "But think it through. Skull Reich had no qualms attacking an American military base on US soil. We might not get hurt but others will."

Fire and Director Nick Jones exit the room and begin to walk to the stairwell entrance. They pace is gradual while they converse.

"Aren't you overreacting a little?" Director Sam Jones asks, "Taking Skull Reich too seriously?"

"Sam, they orchestrated and executed the abduction of the Presidents' granddaughters." Fire says then sighs, "There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent."

"Lao Tzu." Director Jones says while nodding his head, "Alright. Point made."

"This should be his retirement week as well." Fire says.

"Who?" Director Jones asks, "Beggingson?"

"Yeah." Fire says, "We were supposed to be celebrating retirement week together."


General George Beggingson had made the 3 minute walk from the Command Centre to the base clinic. On his way, he had seen the level of destruction wrecked across the base. Some people were critically wounded but no deaths had been reported yet. However, like all disasters, the death clock didn't stop when the crisis was over. Fortunately, none of his marines had reported injuries. He had even seen some of his marines running about lending aid.

When communications returned, General Beggingson had contacted the two captains commanding the rest of his 200 marines. With Captain Mark Keyes' blessings, General Beggingson ordered his captains to rally the troops to support and aid in any way they could. He was glad that they had acted quickly on his orders. He hoped their efforts would be enough.

At 0949, before he walked over, General Beggingson had received a call directly from President Gertrude Pond. She ordered him to aid Director Nick Jones in a National Security issue by locking down the clinic's basement. She assured him that Captain Keyes will be briefed.

The reason for the walk to the clinic was a call from Colonel Miranda Sheppard about 18 minutes ago. She had informed him that Director Jones met up with his asset and requested his presence at the clinic basement for a National Security issue. Her tone betrayed her suspicious view regarding the smoke and mirrors. But General Beggingson figured it had to do with his mentor and the mythical top secret team he leads. That would explain the President's direct call.

Now, General Beggingson salutes the saluting Colonel Sheppard and says, "At ease, Colonel."

"Sir." Colonel Sheppard says as she relaxes her stance, then pulls open the stairwell entrance.

"What's the sitrep?" General Beggingson says as he steps into the stairwell.

"Permission to speak freely, sir?" Colonel Sheppard asks as she follows in behind him.

"Permission granted." General Beggingson says as the duo descend down the concrete stairs.

"I don't like the situation, sir." Colonel Sheppard says, "First, he runs into the Command Center asking for backup. Only, before we get to the destination, he splits our forces to chase his asset. Then we arrive at the clinic only to be greeted by his asset, a scrappy man. Said asset hints at whatever is going on regarding National Security implications and Jones just goes along with it."

General Beggingson chuckles.

"Did a young man really get under your skin so much?" General Beggingson teases.

"Not funny, sir." Colonel Sheppard says in protest.

"You're right. The situation does look suspicious." General Beggingson says, "But, I've known Jones practically as long as I've been in uniform. I trust him. And the President called me about 5 minutes ago. Whatever's going on is definitely a National Security issue."

"The Commander-in-Chief called you?" Colonel Sheppard says in shock.

"Yes, she did." General Beggingson says, "I've been ordered to lock down this clinic's basement with my own forces. So, I will put you in charge of managing that. I already ordered the captains to aid the MPs so just utilize anyone not engaged in essential tasks."

"Yes, sir." Colonel Sheppard says.

General Beggingson and Colonel Sheppard approach the same two Marines who rode with Colonel Sheppard. The Marines salute the passing duo who reciprocates and continue past because the Marines are one floor above the fifth and final basement level. General Beggingson and Col Sheppard finally arrive at a door being held open by Director Nick Jones and a scrappy man General Beggingson had never seen before yet strikes him as strangely familiar. Déjà vu.

"General Beggingson, let's have that talk." Director Jones says, still holding the metal briefcase.

"Yes." General Beggingson says, snapping out of a mini riverie, "The President already called."

"Excellent." Director Jones says, "You can station your troops right at this entrance."

"Colonel, you've your orders." General Beggingson says.

"Sir." Colonel Sheppard says as she salutes before making her way back upstairs.

"I'm sorry but have we met before?" General Beggingson finally asks after being ushered in.

"When you were five, I came to your home with a letter." Fire says, "I stayed until you fell asleep tired from crying. I carried you to your bed. Even though you looked asleep, I said a quote."

Fire looks into General Beggingson's dawning eyes of realization then says, "Do not go gentle-"

"Into that good night." General Beggingson says softly then asks with wide eyes, "Uncle Aidan?"

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