
Chapter 14: A Past Untouched

Me and Genrei sat with freshly poured tea in our cups, taking it in hand I begun our discussion.

"You called me on short notice Kakashi, you could've came to my Division office you know" Genrei said taking his first sip

"Well this is sensitive information, I wasn't sure if you wanted this to be kept quiet, Genrei you know that I'm in charge of finding the remaining Rebel cells correct?" I asked taking a sip of my own

"Yes, I was informed that's why I spared some of my men"

"Oh well thank you, but in looking into records to for any clues of where they could be hiding, and I came across a name"

"And that name?"

"Kouga Kuchiki"

The name made him stop his cup just a few inches from his face, just staring into the dark liquid.

"There is no point, you were bound to find out sooner or late, centuries ago when the Revolt was at its highest we needed a saving grace my son-in-law Kouga was my third seat" he confessed

"So he married into the family"

"Yes, my daughter during the Revolt large shock of spiritual energy came from him, and then those Rebels Zanpakuto rebelled against them"

Genrei looked disappointed when he recalls the memory, whoever Kouga was he had remained dishonorable in the elder captains eyes.

"The Revolt was ended soon after that, but we still faced active cells then as well as today, Kouga had charged with making sure they were eliminated"

"So there was no squad?"

"No there was, but Kouga was the spearhead and an effective one though his pride began to grow overshadowing the good he had within himself" Genrei explained

"Then what happened after that?"

"Kouga rebelled he wanted to destroy the Seireitei along with anyone who disagreed"

Now hearing the full account of those events, it still didn't give a solid reason for what the Rebels were looking for.

"Do you know what the Rebels are looking for?"

"Most likely his Zanpakuto"

"What makes his so special?"

"His blade Murumasa had the ability to turn Zanpakuto on their wielders, but it was sealed long ago"

This blade could be a high possibility, but I didn't know where it could be.

"And I'm guessing the blades location is classified"

"Yes, no one knows besides me and Captain-Commander Yamamoto"


My squad had made little progress in finding the Rebels, finding only stragglers or those who didn't know much. Using my tracking finding only faint traces of those worth capturing had left.

"Must have left"

Looking into an old bunker, there were clear signs that they had been there.


"Yes, what is it?"

"We've caught some rebels, they were attempting to break into Division 12!" He answered

Holding Cells

All were sitting bruised and beaten due to them trying to escape. One glared towards me, and in anger began to rant.

"You Soul Reapers! Think you're better than the rest! When you're just as corruptible!" He shouted

"You must be the Rebels, well I'm Vice-captain Hatake tell me are you trying to find the Murumasa blade?"

He bit back his tongue trying best not to give a tell or a reason to suspect.

"Sir! An attack on the vault! Rebels are trying to get in!" One of my subordinates shouted

"Hehe! The just shall rise!" The Rebel shouted

"Get men there now, and tell the Kido Corps to as well"

"Yes, sir"

"We'll see who wins your little game of Revolt"

The Rebel growled as if I had made fun of his cause, due to the fact the indeed did.

The Vault

Soul Reapers surrounded the large building. The vault held the most secret also dangerous weapons and information.

"How many we looking at?"

"Just under 20 sir"

That wasn't a lot and based on information I've received it was also very believable. That was when a very large man wearing a Captains uniform came. I had never seen him in the Captain Counsel, but knew who he was.

"Captain Kenpachi Kiganjo"

The man had dark hair and piercing under his lips, with dark facial hair. Towering over me he looked as if he had gotten up from a nap.

"Vice-captain Hatake, I hear were battlin rebels" he said still sleepy

"The Rebels are outside, but we have the Kido Corps place defensive measures so they couldn't get in" I answered

"Alright, let's get killin!" He shouted

Him and his men charged the gate, bursting to the other side. The Rebels were caught off by suprise, but they had to be strong fighters. As most held up against Division 11, blades and the sounds of battle roared throughout the Seireitei.

"How are we doing?"

"The Rebels are putting up a good fight!"

More Soul Reapers rushed in to take the place of their fallen brothers. I could see from outside the gate that Rebels were injured and still willing to fight. Looking at the courtyard of the Vault many of the property was about to be damaged.

"Watch out!"

A massive orb of fire possibly a rogue Kido was in flight towards us. Using my artificial limb I redirected the orb to the nearby woods. A explosion set the tree tops aflame, sighing at the tremendous paperwork after this.

"Let's finish this, before were ruin the Vaults courtyard"

"Yes sir! All units charge!"

The rest of the units had charged in the Rebels eyes widen. As most were impaled as the first line clashed with their numbers. As their numbers dwindled a large spark of energy shot into the air. As a Hollow appeared, an Adjuchas thrashed and whipped his tail. It resembled a three headed snake, as it hissed and spat venom.

"How did they do that?" A subordinate asked

"They must've opened a gate to summon, they plan on dying" I answered

It was then determined I had to enter the fight. The reserved squad and I went to lend assistance, the others were being tossed over the walls.

"We need to surround it! Keep it contained!"

The Soul Reapers in Division 11 were fairly disappointed in our involvement in their battle. Nonetheless we needed to end the battle before the Rebels could break the protective Kido around the building. Most of my men were killed by one swing of the tail, Captain Kiganjo appeared by my side.

"Vice-captain Hatake what're you doing interfering with our battle?" He asked

"Sorry Captain, but we must end this before the Rebels break the Kido around the Vault" I apologized half-heartedly

The Hollow chomped and ate those who couldn't move fast enough. Sacrificing men we could need for future conflicts.

"We need to redirect the men to attack the remaining Rebels, Captain Kiganjo?"

"Yes, Vice-captain Hatake?" He growled

"We'll handle the Hollow"

Smiling he gripped his sword tight, as I pulled my own out. Approaching the beast focusing its eyes on us. Charging I deflected one of the heads with my blade, Kiganjo ran in blade in hand. Jumped he slashed at one of the heads leaving a good size gash on one of the heads. The middle head speared him able to block the attack with his Zanpakuto. One spat venom at me able to flash in front of its maws cutting off its tongue.

Howling in pain I flashed away before it could take a bite out of me. Kiganjo slashed at its belly, but only to be knocked back by its tail. Flashing over to the right head striking its eye, though it caught my artificial arm in its jaws.


Holding tight not loosening one bit, I had to stab its other eye. The right head began to rampage as it was now blinded. Hitting any and all those who had surrounded it, killing Reaper and Rebel alike.

"Everyone leave!"

All our units had made way to the exit. Seeing backing up still unable to control itself. I had no choice, but to put it down with rest of the Rebel forces.

Focusing my energy on my black arm, a small orb formed. Shooting straight into the Hollow it exploded killing all those in its radius. A large tower of bright blue shined across the Seireitei, I was even shocked at what had happened.

"Mayuri was right" I whispered

"What was that?" Kiganjo asked

"Oh nothing"

"That didn't seem like nothing, you blew that animal sky high, and almost broke the barrier the Kido Corps put up" He explained

I truly didn't know, but it sure was something I was going to look into...after the paperwork that is.

AN: Sorry it wasn't longer

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