
Chapter 74

"Give us time, Jay. Don't rush everything or it may not work out." I felt tears filling my eyes, "don't make me run again. Please, I want to make this work. I want to be a family, but I'm not completely ready."

He pulled me down to his chest as he took over moving us together and apart aggressively. "Don't cry," he whispered before wiping away my tears. "I won't force you. I won't. I just got caught up in the moment." He kissed me sweetly, "I want your whole heart. I can wait."

I wrapped my arms around him as he continued screwing me. When we both came, we finally had calmed down enough to separate from each other and I laid on top of him.

I shuddered as his essence began slowly trickling out of me. I finally recognized how tired I was and closed my eyes as I listened to Jayden's heart beat. Soon, I fell asleep in his embrace.

When I woke up, it took me a moment to remember where I was. I slid out from Jayden's arms, got out of the bed, went to my bag, and put on my athletic gear. I quietly crept out of the room and shut the door before putting my phone into my arm band and placing my headphones in my ears. I put on the music I'd become accustomed to running with and made my way down the hall to the elevator.

I took the elevator to the main floor and walked out of the building. I found a secluded area near the front doors and did a small amount of stretching. I began my run around the large medical campus and focused on lessening my normal running speed and hopes of not affecting my heart rate.

I focus on the path and nothing else as I tried to stop thinking about the problems that soon had to be dealt with. At some point, Hunter will find out that Jayden was his donor. And soon Hunter will want to have that discussion he spoke about and I will also have to explain myself to Asher.

I paused in running when my phone began to ring. I selected to answer the call as I slowed to a jog. "Hello?"

"Where do you run off to?"

I smiled slightly as I heard the annoyed tone in Jayden's voice. "I went for a run," I replied in a slightly joking tone. "I'm actually just about to come back to the main doors. I'm going to come up and shower and then go see Hunter."

I heard Jayden chuckle slightly, "well hurry back. I'm not done with you yet," he said in a very gruff tone that made a shiver go up my spine.

I just chuckled slightly before hanging up. I jogged the rest of the way to the front of the building and immediately went to the elevator. As I waited for the elevator, I froze as I hand touched my shoulder. I cautiously turned and was relieved to see it was only Sean. I smiled towards him as I took my headphones out of my ears.

"I thought that was you that I saw a running. What on Earth are you doing running while pregnant?"

I gave him a smirk, "I gotta keep that swimsuit body," I replied which made him laugh. "In all seriousness it's good for the baby."

"But now you're all sweaty. Are you going to go home and change before you go see Hunter?"

I paused in order to think about my word as I had to choose them wisely. I shook my head slightly as we both looked to the doors of the elevator as they opened. Sean and I were the only ones on the ride up so we continue talking. "An old coworker of mine is actually here for another procedure and offered to let me use his shower."

"Well that's convenient," Sean said and I notice his tone changed. It was almost skeptical.

I chuckled slightly, "the world doesn't have many things that work out for me, but every once in a while I catch a break."

The doors opened at Hunter's floor and Sean began to get off, but paused and turned back towards me. "Cam did not mean to treat you the way he did yesterday. He's torn up about what he did, but he was conveying his true feelings. You two really need to sit and talk at some point soon."

I nodded as he finally got off the elevator and the doors shut. I let out a deep breath as I allowed my nerves to finally show. My body began trembling as I fought to slow down my breathing. As the doors opened, I smiled at the lady at the desk. We went through the process of her guiding me to Jayden's room. As I came in, he sat up from the bed and gave a broad smile.

"Took you long enough," he said before standing up and coming over towards me. The woman shut the door as Jayden embraced me tightly.

His hands immediately cupped my ass as he leaned against me. "I'm all sweaty and gross, Jay. Let me shower."

He gave me a smirk before kissing my neck, "you're not dirty," he replied between breaths, "you're scent drives me crazy." I felt how large his bulge already was so I knew he was telling the truth. "Let me help you shower."

I groaned, "you serious think I'm fooled by that?"

He kissed me before laughing, "you're annoyed face is beyond sexy." He took my hand in his before going to the bathroom. I was surprised at how large the bathroom was. Clearly this area is very different from the rest of the hospital.

He led me straight into the glass shower area, "I'm still in my clothes!" I protested and he laughed again. He shut the door behind us and turned on the water. I grumbled as the water soaked my clothes.

Jayden quickly pressed me back against the wall that held the shower head so that our heads were out of the water but our bodies were not. He brushed some of my wet hair out of my face before kissing me. His pheromones took over as mine burst out. I quickly followed Jayden in wrapping our arms around each other. I nipped his ear, causing him to growl and whip my body around. He pressed my body against the wall, but quickly backed up. I sighed, even though a smile came to my face.

"It's okay. It's not going to hurt Addie."

He smiled before pulling my shirt off and guiding me to lean against the wall again. Jayden slid off the rest of my clothes and I looked back when his body moved off of mine again. Jayden smirked toward me as he seemed to slow his movements of taking off his clothes. I felt a shiver go up my spine as he undid his pants and allowed them to drop to the ground.

He came back against me and I felt how hard he was as he began grinding himself between my cheeks. He licked the back of my neck and I felt my entire mind focus on that spot.

"I love you," Jayden whispered before his teeth sank into my skin. At the same time, Jayden wrapped one hand around my member and began stroking it while grinding his against me. I cried out as we both came just from the pheromones overtaking our minds. Jayden began sucking on the mark as he slid his member into me. I gasped and rattled as I fought not to cum again. He began thrusting into me as I moaned and grinded with my hips. I turned my head to the side, grabbed the back of his head, and pulled our mouthes together.

"Faster," I pleaded and he quickly wrapped his arms around my hips underneath my large stomach. He rammed even harder until we both came. As he removed himself, I slid my fingers in and quickly cleaned out my insides. Jayden began washing my body as I worked to get everything out. I washed my hair after brushing his hands off and getting out before he could pull me back into his grasp. As I got dressed, Jayden finally got back into his hospital bed, put regular clothes on, and laid down.

"I might be down there for a little while," I reminded him. "I'll be sure to come back up before the twins get here. They're very excited to come see you and Hunter."

His smile broadened, "I can't wait."

I slipped on my shoes before leaving the room and going to the elevator. I quietly took it from the floor Jayden was on to the one for Hunter. For the entire ride down, I focus on calming my nerves and trying to stop thinking about what could happen.

I made my way out of the elevator as it opened and went down to Hunter's room. I knocked on the door and listened quietly. "Come on in," Hunter called, so I opened the door and was relieved to see he was the only one there."You just missed Sean. He left not even 5 minutes ago."

I smiled towards him before walking over and sitting in the chair near the side of his bed. I took his hand in mine, as he gave me a broad smile.

"How are you feeling? You already look a lot better and your complexion is improving."

He squeezed my hand slightly, "I'm in a little bit of pain but nothing compared to before. I can't thank you enough for doing all this."

I smiled towards him as I fought back tears. "I would do anything for you. Hopefully this will at least begin to make up for me leaving. I don't expect to ever be forgiven, but I hope to repair things."

Hunter seemed unable to decide what to say. He took a deep breath before looking directly at me. "If you want to repair things, you need to tell me the truth, always. I know you're lying. So many things don't add up about what you've been saying."

I look down to our joined hands and could not fight back tears. "Some things just shouldn't be said," I whispered.

"If you can't tell me everything, truthfully, we will never be able to fix our friendship and go back to the way things were. You've lost a lot of my trust. Do you really want to fix this?"

I squeezed his hand as I nodded vigorously, "I want that more than anything."

"Then tell me everything. Right here, right now." He took another hard breath, "I feel like I can't trust you. Almost everything you've said since you came back into our lives has not been the truth, at least not fully. I feel like you're not my friend anymore. You're not the same person you been since you left 6 years ago."

"You're right," I whispered and Hunter looked to me with shock.

For tomorrow's chapter, I have decided to add a multi- POV chapter to set up the final chapter and the events that unfold. Let's just say....get the tissues ready for the final chapter.

BUT don't stress! From group discussion/comments yesterday, I am going to continue the story. But after the next two chapters, I will summarize all that has happened so that the next part can begin! Prepare yourself now for our biggest climax so far!


I will also be releasing my other book today!

K_B_Bloomcreators' thoughts
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