
655. Technocracy

Everyone returned to the village and continued innovating. The Tsukasa empire was taken over. But Senku was thinking about something else.

It was unbelievable for Senku that someone on the other side of the ocean was not just alive but also had the means to send such long-distance messages. He himself was able to set up such a big communication system because of Ajax, if he were to do it alone, it would have been a very short-ranged version.

"We should go there," Ajax advised.

"Why take such a risk?" Chrome asked.

"Because we need to expand our Kingdom of Science around the world as soon as possible. If we wait, then it is possible that large scale settlements will start thriving, then they will declare themselves countries and that will divide the world again." Ajax explained.

Ajax's concerns were real and were able to move Senku to agree that going to America was a priority now. Even Tsukasa agreed that if they wanted to make a good society then staying united was important.

"Okay then, let's make a ship." Senku excitedly announced.

But Ajax stopped him, "Actually, my grandpa has a lot of warships. He made them a very long time ago but now he has his own space warship fleet so he does not use the old ones.

"They even come with an artificially made crew that doesn't need to eat or sleep."

Senku and everyone else who knew what a warship was were left speechless.

"How many ships do you have?" Senku inquired.

"Umm, I think there were one thousand. How many do you want?" Ajax asked nonchalantly.

"ALL OF THEM," Oki shouted quickly.

Senku denied it almost immediately. "No, we don't need all of them. We are not here trying to start a world war or anything. Also, we don't have enough space to keep them. Ajax, 5 would be fine. If you can, can you get us 50 more trade ships?"

"Sure, I'll be back soon." Ajax vanished from the spot.

Everyone knew about Ajax not being ordinary by now. Many when heard that he was the literal grandson of god, realised that their resistance was futile from the start.

After Ajax's disappearance, Senku started organising a team of people who would be coming with him. Rei was, of course, staying because someone with a decent scientific brain was needed here. He also did not trust the new scientists he had revived. All of them had too much brain and that meant they might develop some bad idea.

He trusted Rei and really treated her like his sister. She had gotten even more human-like due to the upgrade she got from Phixheim by Alfred. Now she could eat, drink, dance and smile like a normal person. She was also extremely strong.

Soon after, Ajax returned. But this time there was someone else with him. An adult. A huge adult.

"Senku, this is my uncle, Uncle Dobby. He is the God of Nature and Elfs." Ajax introduced.

"UNCLE DOBBY..." Thea saw Dobby and ran to hug him quickly. Dobby smiled and made her fly into his arms.

She hugged him tightly. "Uncle, I had so much fun here. My friend, Suika is so funny."

"Oh really, where is this friend of yours?" Dobby asked warmly.

"Ummm... there, SUIKA... come here," Thea shouted cutely.

Dobby looked at the girl with a watermelon shell on her head. He also made her fly into his arms.

"Hello, Suika. I see you have problems with your eyes. I shall heal you then." He patted Suika's head. In an instant, she started seeing blurry images through the glasses fitted on her helmet.

Dobby pulled her helmet off. "Look around now."

Suika was absolutely adorable without her helmet. Her innocence was visible from her face.

She looked around herself in wonder and shock. "I can see... normally."

Dobby caressed her head, "Of course, little one."

"You really are as Thea said." Suika exclaimed.

Dobby was amused, "What did she say?"

"She said that you look big and scary but you are very kind and sweet." Suika revealed.

Thea acted embarrassed. "Hehe, I wasn't lying. See."

Dobby let the two sit on his shoulders. "Okay then, I have the ships. Let's go."

"YES..." Ajax was pumped for the adventure. Many others were just shocked by the abilities of Dobby.


They travelled and reached the American continent. There, they found a group of pre-petrification Americans brought together by Dr Xeno, who used to be NASA Scientist.

Similar to Senku, Xeno was brilliant when it comes to science. But, his thinking was totally different. Xeno had already told everyone before petrifying that if he was sent back to the Stone Age then he would rule as a dictator over all those he saw as beneath him.

So, a conflict was inevitable. Xeno was much more dangerous than Tsukasa because Xeno had the brain to invent things that could threaten the Kingdom of Science.

So, after defeating him and his followers, they were made to sign a magical contract that made them unable to use their science to harm the world or its people in any way.

After this was done, a large scale exploration was conducted by Senku and Ajax. They did not find any more colonies or villages at all. So, they made it an expansion of the Kingdom of Science. This meant that the whole North American continent was now theirs. South America was still being explored though.

After this, they returned to Japan. But on their way, near japan. They found an island, inhabited by people. They seemed as if they were tribals. A kingdom by the name Petrification kingdom was there.

So, Ajax and Senku infiltrated it to find the truth. It turned out, the people here were also descendants of astronauts. They set up the kingdom here but, later the original ruler of this place was overthrown by someone who had a petrification device.

Looking for more info, they found out that at some point a few centuries prior to the current events, several of these devices fell from the sky above Treasure Island, whose inhabitants began abusing its power. They also learned that the original Petrification of the whole world took place from somewhere in South America.

For 20 years, it had been under Ibara's reign of terror, he abused the Petrification Weapon to petrify anyone who defies him in the slightest.

Later, after the Kingdom of Science exposed Ibara's crimes by Ajax and Senku's work, the rightful heir Soyuz, who was living in Ishigami village, took his place as the kingdom's next ruler. It also became part of the Kingdom of Science.

After this, no bigger problems arose. They eventually found a pyramid made of petrification devices in South America. But it was still unknown if it was used to petrify the world because these small devices did not have such ranges.

Dobby helped Senku, and the rest develop at a very fast pace and keep things linear. The most important thing was connectivity across the world. Without it, any one part could rebel and become a headache.

Unity was very important for a successful Technocracy. Slowly, planes, ships and trains were introduced as the population was increased. But it was only increased by the speed at which they were able to sustain it and also make people accustomed to living in the new world with no borders.

Eventually, Senku was able to create the Technocracy. With Rei by his side, he was unchallenged in any way. Dobby placed many charms around the world to make sure it stays united and for a reasonable time, no threat from space comes to them.

After this, Thea said goodbye to Suika. Thea gave Suika a device, pressing that would make Thea aware that her friend wanted to meet her. They would play then.

Ajax said his bye to Senku. Senku was very thankful for all the help. Ajax also gave him a special phone that could connect to him.

"If any crazy problems come that you can't solve. Call me. You are my friend. Okay, now I must go. Take care." Ajax waved.

Hats had only been gaining weight all this time. He also left for Phixheim with them.


After they were gone, a few years later, Senku created a rocket and went to the new Space Station in space. It indeed looked like a huge beautiful city. This was the start of the space era.

[You can see Suika and Ibara on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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