
541. Creta

Ajax threw Edward at Alphonse, who was standing outside the building for some reason. He sneakily ran away with Hats. They were careful and ran as far away from the site as possible.

"Let's hope the old man doesn't find out." Hats said.

"Me too, he would ground me if he found out. I can already hear him say, 'a 5-year-old has no need for fighting experience,'" Ajax mimicked Alexander.

"Haha, but you do need experience. Your kicks and technique were lousy. She pierced you so easily." Hats scolded him.

"I know I need to train more but everyone in Phixheim refuses to train me. They say that I'm too small and I should just have fun." Ajax pouted unhappily.

"Well, I will train you then. You will be my student, I will be your Shifu. Got it?" Hats asked.

"Yes, Shifu." Ajax saluted.

"Good, now, let's go and see how the Elric brothers are." Hats led the way.


Alexander was at the Creta Border. Unlike Aerugo, a full-on war was going on at this front. People would die every day from both sides.

Although Amestris was only using its western forces in the war, it was still dealing a heavy blow to Creta as they were forced to use a large number of military men. They didn't have a big enough army as Amestris.

Amestris had been using the western town of Pendleton as a morale booster for its army because it was the first town Amestris won in the border war.

"How are we going to deal with this one?" Ragnarok asked.

"Well, I'm gonna give these men what they crave for. Peace and life security. Creta has been fighting this war for a long time now. While Amestris keeps on getting stronger, for some reason, Creta seems to keep on getting worse as they increase their military spending.

We need to give them hope that if they surrender, they won't be treated harshly. I don't know who started this war but I just want it over." Alexander said firmly.

"But we will eventually have to find the reason behind all this. Amestris is at war with all its neighbours. This can't be a coincidence." Leonidas added.

"Yes, it is suspicious indeed." Alexander agreed and headed towards the border with others.

Unlike the Aerugo, Creta didn't have a prince who could decide things. Creta had a Central government that was only responsible for administration work. Then there were also semi-independent state governments.

"Raggy, Iroh, Leonidas, and Dobby, I want you all to spread out and stop the fighting going around the borders. Meanwhile, I will go and try to contact the central government of Creta."Alexander instructed them and went away.

He ran fast towards the border. There was a fight going on and he kept on casting freezing charm on everyone around him to stop them from firing any more bullets. He also deflected any bullet flying towards any soldier.

He found the current commander of this front. He was a Lieutenant general responsible for the Western Command of Amestris army.

"I see that you are having a hard time here." Alexander greeted the old man. He was currently surrounded by his soldiers from all sides, and they were helping him stay alive.

"Ah, General Universe, they must have sent you to relieve me from this war." He greeted him back.

"No, they didn't send me to relieve you. They sent me to end this war. You stay put. I will go and deal with it. Don't do anything stupid till then." Alexander warned him and kept on going towards the enemy lines.

Dobby and others were doing the same. The soldiers were in a crazy state at the moment and wouldn't hear to anything they said. The only option was to use magic and freeze them.

In just 1 hour, the whole battlefield became so silent that it was chilling and creepy. Only the Amestrian general and the Cretian General were left moving.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" The Amestrian general panicked.

"Calm your pants, we did this. Just stay put here now." Dobby appeared beside him.


Alexander reached the Cretian general.

"Oh hello there," Alexander appeared.

"W-Who are you?" The general asked.

"A friend from another country. I have stopped the war from intensifying. Take me to your government so we can talk about a peace deal." Alexander demanded.

"And why do you think we should do this? We have already accepted that this war will only stop when we have either destroyed the Amestris or we no longer exist." The general claimed.


"Come on, you and I both know how devastating that would be. Also, do you really think you can destroy Amestris? They have just ended their war with Aerugo, now they can send their Southern Army here. You couldn't even stand against their western army, what gives you the confidence you will win then? Is your government really that keen on getting your people killed? Don't you value the lives of your soldiers and people?

"Surrendering and losing a war is better than getting utterly defeated and then having no say in the ending of the war. If your people surrender now, then you can at least get some favourable treatment signed in the form of agreements." Alexander advised him.

The general stayed quiet for a while. He was an old man and also had kids and grandkids. He refused to think that his little grandkid would also die someday after they lose the war.

"Follow me, then." He agreed to take him with him to the central government's Secretary of War.


Alexander was taken not far from the battlefield. It was a big government building. But, in their way, Alexander saw the condition of the people living there. He was saddened by their state.

The people were looking at the military car from the sidewalks. They wore ragtag clothes and looked sick and malnourished. They looked at the car with hopeful eyes that they might be given some leftovers if they were lucky.

"These people, is the condition of Creta so bad?" He asked.

"Yes, sadly this is the reality. We were forced to put all our resources into the war. If the Amestris wanted they could have defeated us long ago but they dragged the war so they can force us to empty all our resources on the war, so when we are finally defeated, we'd be fully at their mercy." The general replied.

"Normal people are the ones who suffer the most in these wars. Don't worry, no matter what decision is made today, I will make sure that enough food is donated to these people. I am a bit influential, you know."Alexander assured him. His decision was even stronger when he saw a woman holding the hands of her weak daughters and looking at him with hopeless eyes. He waved his hand and their clothes got patched and rice balls appeared in their hands. Nobody noticed this.


Soon, he reached the office of the War secretary.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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