
A reluctant Ciri

Inside of the Leaky Cauldron Reima sits on a table placed nearby to the stairs the lead to the Inn rooms, he sips the tea he had ordered from Tom while planning out his future plans. He's no longer wearing his plated witcher armour as it drew too much attention, instead he's wearing his black shabu guard vest paired with cloth shorts and sandals... While not the most inconspicuous it's the most normal looking thing in his rather vast selection.

Reima takes another sip and sighs "Ahh, that's a good cuppa" he mutters in nostalgia.

He spots a shadow quickly descending the stairs and revealing it's caster, Ciri, she's still wearing the same outfit as yesterday but she still managed to reapply the eye shadow somehow? She notices him and takes the chair opposite him.

Reima "Mornin." she nods. "You want some tea?"

Ciri "Tea?"

Reima "Yeah, you never had it?"

Ciri shrugs, "No, but it looks similar to "Coffee" that Zerrikanian merchants sell... I've never personally tasted it though."

Reima nods and waves at Tom, "Tom, another cuppa please!", he sits back and glances at her, "Do you have any other clothes?"

She shakes her head, "It's not like I have time for shopping..."

Reima "Well, that's another thing to add to the list... We'll need to start learning this worlds magic to catch up to our age groups... Oh, by the way, if anyone asks you're 17 ok?"

She nods as a waitress delivers Ciri's tea to her, it gives off a pleasant aroma that makes her feel parched. Reima pays for the drink and tips the waitress a Galleon before gesturing for her to drink.

After taking a few tentative sips to check it's taste and temperature she takes a long drink, she lays the cup on the table and looks wide eyed at Reima. "It's delicious, albeit a little sweet."

Reima shrugs, "Ask for no sugar in your next one."

The two sit and enjoy the morning for a couple minutes when an grey owl flies over them and drops a parcel onto the table, almost knocking Reima's tea to the floor were it not for his quick reflexes.

Ciri watches in mirth as Reima tries to swat the owl away, fearful that it'll shit on him or the table.

Reima "Get lost your blasted thing!" he says as it finally flutters away, somehow exiting the building probably via magic?

He opens the parcel and finds a letter with two British passports attached, one for "Ciri Rivia" and another for "Reima Ludvig", "Looks like the minister came through for us." he says as he opens the letter.

"Dear Miss. Rivia :

After having you and your close friend Mr Ludvig visit I immediately felt the need to get your things in order, the conversation between myself and Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore was a long and arduous one. You may or may not be surprised to hear that the Ministry of Magic does not have administrative rights over the educational institution due to it's existence predating the Ministry itself. Despite this I was able to convince Albus to allow your transfer, as I was lacking some rather vital information when I contacted him you may be questioned on arrival, but rest assured it will be restricted and will not encroach on your civil liberties.

Below I have taken the liberty to attach this years Hogwarts checklist of all the items you will require for this year."

Reima looks down and sees various books, potion materials, equipment and clothing required to actually attend the school... Truthfully he's extremely excited to go to Hogwarts, the movies had always been excellent and he's grown up watching them. If there was one thing he didn't like however it'd have to be Ron's relationship with Hermione, back then it could be attributed to bad writing but in a world based off of those events some else must be going on...

Ciri "So what's the plan?" she asks while curiously peeking over and reading the letter upside down.

Reima points to the burgundy booklet, "This is your passport, without this you will be restricted from leaving this country, It's actually quite fortunate the Minister was able to produce this so quickly. We've also been accepted into Hogwarts school for Witchcraft and Wizardry, though we'll probably be assessed when we enter to see what classes we will attend."

Ciri "How long do we have to prepare?" she asks anxiously, she felt that Reima's confidence in her abilities was misplaced as she'd never done well around magic.

Reima "Well it should be the 2nd of July today so around 2 months?"

Ciri "And how much are we expected to learn in that time?"

Reima turns his head away sheepishly, Ciri sees this and asks again, "Reima, how much do we need to learn?"

Reima mumbles, "----- Y---- ---th"

Ciri couldn't make out his quiet mumbles and presses him, "Stop messing around and tell me."

Reima seems to bite the bullet and just comes out with it, "Seven years worth."

Ciri gapes at him, seven years?!? You think I'm Vilgefortz or something!?! She slumps in her chair, a dark look overtaking her features.

Reima looks over at her, "Don't worry, we'll manage."

Ciri lifts her head and glares at him, "We're going to make fools of ourselves!"

Reima "We'll be fine, who's going to mock the woman who killed Black anyway? Think of this as a means to get stronger for your eventual confrontation with the Wild Hunt, I can guarantee this will prove useful."

Ciri "I thought this was just to save this world? I'll juts camp out nearby and wait for the action to start." she tries to convince him but he immediately rejects her, "This is supposed to be your reward for stopping Black, how do you think it'll look if I'm the only one who turns up? No, if I have to help clean up your mess then you're coming with me!"

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