

Around five o'clock that night, Hu Xiaoli's door was knocked.

He opened the door, a savvy middle-aged woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses, a slim white shirt on the upper body, and a knee-high skirt over her waist.

Hu Xiaoli stared at the woman outside in horror, straightening upright and exclaimed.

"Sister Lu!"

"Don't be so nervous." The woman stared at the document in her hand and did not look up at him, withdrew an A4 sheet of paper from under the document, and handed it to Hu Xiaoli with a long index finger and middle finger.

"Where you need help in the mansion, you can do one job and one job , and come to my room at six every night to get the day. "

Hu Xiaoli accepted it, his voice trembling "Thank you!"

"This is not a big deal. "Lu Xianglin looked up, and Rui Feng's eyes behind the lens showed a stern look:" Work hard to get paid. "

"Yes!" He unconsciously stood up straight again.

Lu Xianglin turned and left. Hu Xiaoli stood at the door like a good baby and watched her enter the elevator, and then closed the door with a happy smirk.

There is not much work to be done in the mansion. The second and third floors are all other people's rooms. He does not need to manage it at all, so most of the work area is on the first floor.

Hu Xiaoli hastily glanced at a few optional jobs: washing the pool, helping punk, playing chess or chatting with Grandpa Sun for two hours, arranging the library, trimming flowers and plants ...

Each job does not pay much , cleaning the swimming pool is 40 / day with Punk, and Grandpa Sun is 30 / day. It is 50 / day to organize the library and trim the flowers and plants.

Hu Xiaoli feels that he can do a few more things, get a hundred dollars a day, and three thousand a month!

Secretly determined, Hu Xiaoli narrowed his eyes with a smile, folded the A4 paper neatly, and put it in the drawer of the bedside table.

So, he had to thank the man who looked intimidating.

Hu Xiaoli pursed his lips, thinking whether he would find some time to thank him.

But whenever he thinks of the opponent's pressure and the immovable aura, he shrinks.

As he struggled, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated twice.

[Go to the first floor and stop him! !! He is back! !! ]

The sender is Xu Mengmeng.

The four exclamation marks that broke the screen showed how anxious the other party was. Hu Xiaoli took a deep breath, then quickly picked up the pen used when going out to squat the news, hung his mobile phone around his neck, and called up the camera mode. Go out.

Although it was almost done, it was not a long-term solution, not to mention he had to fight for his ideal goal.

Hu Xiaoli stepped out of the elevator and bumped into a tall man with a handsome hairstyle and sunglasses.

He looks very sturdy. Hu Xiaoli, who is more than one meter and one meter seven or four, wants to look at him and can only look up at him. The tall man showed a tall nose and a sharp-edged chin, and the corners of his lowered mouth gave a chilling aura.

He see all his features, but looking at his figure, He knew that the other party was a celebrity!

Hu Xiaoli swallowed his mouth unconsciously and watched the other person walk into the elevator.


Fighting alongside Hu Xiaoli, he suddenly made a faint voice, the magnetic voice seemed to suppress the smoke of the war, thick and gritty.

After two seconds of silence, Hu Xiaoli turned back suddenly.

"Ah, I came in last month. My name is Hu Xiaoli ..."

Already speaking and having a topic, Hu Xiaoli gritted his teeth and spoke out his purpose.

"Although it is presumptuous, but please accept my interview!"


Reina714creators' thoughts
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