A caterpillar suddenly emerged within the inside of the egg- I mean, it didn't hatched yet, it was an egg after all. but inside the semi-transparent egg, there was clearly a caterpillar larvae swimming inside.
It was nobody else than Bubu, I could recognize him any time!
However, he was way, way smaller than I remember him, only being as big as the palm of my little girl hand.
"BUBU! I missed you!" I cried, running to his side.
Bubu seemed confused, looking around everywhere, but then it quickly jumped to my side after recognizing me, even in this little girl form, he simply couldn't forget about me.
He jumped over me and with his enormous tongue, he began licking my face. Yes, his tongue began to come out of his transparent and slimy egg.
"You missed me too?! I thought you were with Rimuru! What happened to you when I died?" I asked.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: