
Choices Lead to Outcomes

I can at least text him.


You: Yuu


I typed his name, but I didn't know what to say next. Ask him where he is? What's he doing? Why?

You: Yuu, are you coming to the festival?

Of all things, was that really the only thing my fingers managed to type? I smacked my phone against my head. Upon hearing a ding, I quickly pulled my phone away to look at the screen.


He responded instantly.


Yuu: Is Haru-chan missing me?


I cringed.


I haven't heard from this guy in awhile, and the last time we were face to face was when he was killing someone. Yet, he's shameless enough to say that?


Of course, it's Yuu.


Should I play along? Maybe I'd get answers or keep him calm.


You: I guess you could say that


Yuu: Haru, I know you're just scared. You're so easy to read even through texts


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