
18. Proving Asher’s Innocence (2)

Nikola frowned as she observed her son's condition. His pale skin was flushed red with a fever. Asher's breath was feverish and uneven, causing Nikola much worry. Unfortunately, there wasn't much she could do to help his condition. The only thing Nikola was able to do was to take off his coat and unbutton his dressing shirt to relieve the hotness Asher was feeling. After that, they were taken to a different room where Asher could rest in.

Zacharia couldn't help but sigh and glare towards the corner of the room as he rubbed his temples in frustration. Asher was giving them information- really important information. The name of the group, Rising Faeries, and that they were planning on causing a huge ruckus that will serve as a distraction. But for what? This was the information that he was unable to get. Just when he was about to get the information that might've been able to lengthen his lifespan, Asher had fainted with a high fever.

The young lord's deep obsidian eyes stared into Nikola's with suspicion, uncertainty, and desperation. It would've been a lie to say that he wasn't afraid. He didn't want to die just yet. He has yet to achieve his vengeance, after all.

"Nikola Pierce. How can it be that, when Asher Pierce was about to give important information, he turned into a drunk old fogey?"

Zacharia spoke in a crude manner, expressing his annoyance. The noble air surrounding him broke down and was replaced by a suffocating and provoking atmosphere. He could still feel the younger's warmth as he fell into his arms. It was the type of warmth that he was unused to. The warmth emanating from another human being, another life form such as himself. How disgustingly uncomfortable. The dark-haired teenager scoffed while narrowing his eyes towards Asher's mother.

Nikola sighed as she glanced towards Zacharia before returning her gaze towards Asher. Her gentle eyes burned with anger as she said, "Lord Zacharia, be at ease. You mustn't forget that I am not your enemy. I'm also not here to hide any information regarding the Rising Faeries. I'm here to prove my son's innocence and I will not let your suspicion about what just happened to stand in my way."

Standing up from the plush chair she has been previously sitting on, Nikola slightly turned her head. Her emerald eyes turned into a darker shade of green with anger, causing Zacharia to widen his eyes in disbelief.

It was widely known how Nikola Pierce is an excellent fighter who possesses great control over the element of water. There were many stories detailing how she had to defeat many large magical beasts with what people considered to be a weak magical element. Unlike others whose water power was either weak or gentle, Nikola's was like a storm. Her power was destructive.

Listening to all of those stories, Zacharia felt admiration towards this woman. There was only one thing all of those stories had in common. Despite Nikola having the water elemental power, her eyes could bring forth a burning and passionate fire whenever she fought. Those eyes he had heard so much about where now being shown to him without the need of a battle. Actually, in second thought, this was a battle in itself.

While Zacharia stared into her burning eyes, Nikola couldn't help but silently curse at herself. She didn't know anything about this young boy and she had spoken to him in the heat of the moment. Coupled with the fact that her elite guards weren't able to get much information about him made her deeply worry about what course of action Zacharia would take.

The information she had regarding him was little: Zacharia is a teenager who is basically already an adult. His father is Arthur Ace, a man powerful enough to make Zatheusyl's king pale in fright. There is no information about his mother, his ancestors, nor his tendencies and personality. Talking to a boy such as himself is as if walking on a land mine. Still, she couldn't help but burst out what she was thinking. Nikola has always had a hard time stopping herself from running her mouth and speaking her mind.

The room was now quiet. The only thing that could be heard was Asher's ragged breaths that were slowly growing more and more steady. Nikola was calming herself down by focusing herself on her son's breathing while Zacharia thought about how his suspicion was not only unnecessary but also misplaced. Pithos, on the other hand, felt deep worry and anger for his little human. How could so many things be happening to his little human all at once?

Archer, who had been standing alongside his lord sighed and shook his head with a frown. Zacharia turned his head to look at him and urged him to speak.

"My lord, if I may, forgetory is a rare herb that grows in the Xestal Empire. Not only is this a rare herb, but it is also a herb not known by the masses or the people outside of the Xestal Empire."

Nikola was stunned. She could help but take a sneak peek towards Zacharia as her expression hardened. "An herb that was hidden by the Xestal Empire?"

Archer nodded before continuing. "It is an herb that is only grown inside deep underground in moist caves. Only the emperor and the high standing nobility of the Xestal Empire are given the honor of knowing the existence of this herb and its uses."

"In low quantities, forgetory is only capable of erasing the memory of when the victim smells the herb's fragrance or if it is ingested. However, the victim must first recall the memory before the herb takes effect. It is only able to immediately erasing the memory if it is inhaled in extremely high quantities. And, if mixed with other herbs, it can create a strong poison that slowly eats away at the victim's mind."

Zacharia's eyes turned cold throughout Archer's explanation. His teeth were clenched in anger and betrayal. He was only a pawn in his father's game. He had never, not even once, heard about this rare herb from his father. There's even the possibility that his father had used this herb to erase his memories countless times.

"So there's a noble person from my Xestal Empire that is working for that vile group," said Zacharia, his lips arching into a scowl.

It wasn't just him. Nikola also wore the same frightening scowl on her face. "Lord Zacharia, maybe it's time to solidify our alliance."

Zacharia laughed loudly. His cold laughter echoed throughout the room, creating an eerie symphony. However, this didn't seem to bother the people present. His smile was unbefitting of a child his age; his smile was full of hurt and malice. Nonetheless, he stared at Nikola with eyes full of mirth.

"I'll think about it once you erase all of my suspicion towards your son."

Nikola laughed as well, albeit more gentle like a proper noble lady. "There's no need to worry, Lord Zacharia. You won't be able to even breathe with all of the evidence and conclusions I will pile up once my son wakes up."

Soon after she said this, Asher cracked his eyes open. He was sweating profusely. His clothes were sticking against his skin, making him feel uncomfortable. Pithos, who had been by his side throughout the entire ordeal, had immediately pushed his furry head against his cheek in an attempt to completely wake him up.

Noticing her son waking up, Nikola wasted no time in getting up and helping Asher sit up. "Are you okay?"

Asher nodded. He was mostly okay besides him feeling uncomfortable and a slight headache. Asher couldn't remember clearly what had happened after trying to remember what he had talked about with Duke Acker.

"Now that your son has recovered, shall we continue?"

Asher looked towards Zacharia who had just spoken. He flinched as he stared at those deep, obsidian eyes he was so uncomfortable with before nodding.

Nikola nodded as well as she took out a small, wooden box. Asher's eyes widened as he stared towards his mother with a surprised yet scared expression. How did his mother come to possess the box that held his deepest and darkest secret?

Asher was shaking. Fear overtook his body as he shivered uncontrollably at the sight of Nikola opening the box and taking out the letters he had addressed towards his family. He had written those when he was in his darkest state. Asher had no pillar at the time. He had no rock. He had no one to speak about those dark feelings that had grown within him in the span of a few years.

Please don't read them. Not now. Not ever. I'm not ready.

Asher clearly heard his small and meek voice that was begging for Nikola to shout out 'Just kidding!' and put the letters back into the box. He was clearly not ready for this. He wasn't ready to face that darkness nor those demons that had haunted him months prior to this day, to this hour, to this second. He shook in fear and desperation as he knew that his vulnerability will be exposed here today.

Fortunately or unfortunately, neither Nikola nor Zacharia noticed Asher's intense shaking. It was quite strange how they didn't notice, actually. It was as if they had gone into their own little world. One where Nikola needed to protect her son while Zacharia had to protect his own life. But, how could Nikola not notice his sorry state? She was here to protect him and was doing a mighty fine job at it, but why can't she notice him now when he obviously needed her the most?

Pithos and Archer, on the other hand, had noticed Asher's ever-growing fear. Pithos felt anguish for his little human and his suffering. He had never seen his human so shaken up; so scared before. He remembered when Archer had first come into the Pierce household. Asher was left scared and anxious because of this butler's lack of consideration. He was shaking in fear just like today, but today's was much more intense than that day. Asher's fear was even affecting his own feelings.

While Pithos tried comforting his little human, Archer was staring at the two with an expressionless face. He didn't even know what to feel. Fear? Anxiousness? Regret? Archer slightly shook his head before returning his gaze towards his little lord. There was nothing to regret. He hadn't read those letters and had only given them to Nikola who balled after reading them. He was unaware of the contents and just how and in what way it affected Asher's well being. However, there was one thing he knew; this was for the best. This way, he could rid his young lord's suspicion while gaining him an important ally. With these thoughts in mind, Archer pushed down whatever he was feeling and focused on Nikola's and Zacharia's conversation.

"... half of my elite guards are placed inside the estate while the other half gathers outside information. It is thanks to having a large group of talented individuals that I can easily obtain information like this."

"How fortunate. I only have few talented subordinates, so it is harder for me to gain such information," Zacharia sighed and shook his head. His tone was light and filled with mirth as he played around with Nikola, throwing out small bits of information about himself that he knew she would be grateful for.

Nikola laughed at the seemingly light conversation. However, it was obvious to everyone the true intention of this small talk. They were gauging the other's strengths and weaknesses. They must at least know this much before even thinking about forming an alliance.

"Now now, I'm a bit curious about that box you have there. Is this the information that will leave me breathless?"

Nikola nodded at Zacharia's comment before turning serious. Seeing this, Zacharia also dropped his warm facade as he waited for Nikola to speak.

"This is the last piece of evidence that I have left. It is also the most important and straightforward evidence that I've got that will tarnish all thought of Asher being involved with the Rising Faeries."

Asher's body shook as his vision turned hazy. Please don't read them. Not now. Not ever. I'm not ready yet.

"The first thing we have here is a small note. It says: [I said no. Finally, finally, I was able to finally reject them. I never divulged information and I tried my best to avoid them. But I'm afraid that since I know about them, I'll either be eliminated or kidnapped and used as their pawn. Those pesky bastards, I just want to rest. That's all I want.]"

Zacharia nodded as he leaned forward. By doing this, he managed to glimpse at Nikola's sad smile before her lips turned into a thin line.

"That right there is the clearest piece of evidence that states that he was never deeply involved. But of course, that is not all."

Nikola gulped as her hands slightly shook. She took out six letters. They were addressed to Nikola, Kio, Ian, Alejandro, Asher himself, and the family as a whole. Nikola placed these letters side by side, never opening them for Zacharia to peek at. She did, however, open the letter addressed towards everyone and began reading with a soft voice.

"[Well, this will certainly be awkward, won't it? I'm not here anymore, am I?]"

Nikola stopped before taking a deep breath. This was hard for her. Unfortunately, she had to say it aloud.

"[I tried my best. I really, truly did. I wanted to live in a world where I wouldn't be judged by my magical abilities. I loved painting and drawing more than anything, although my likes weren't really accepted by dad. I didn't want this in the beginning, you know? I wanted to be a mage capable enough to protect all of you, to protect our happiness. I was blessed with two elements, water, and air. I would've been considered a talent if it were not for my small magical core. It was really disappointing having to give up on my dream. But then, it hit me. I didn't need to be a mage to protect all of you. Everyone was capable of protecting themselves except for me. Which is why I thought of another way.]"

"[If I become a renowned artist, I could protect you guys in a slightly different way. I was talented in that field, and it's no lie. However, dad didn't wish for that. He wanted me to fight; to fight against my weak magical core and become strong. But I can't- I couldn't.]"

Asher kept shaking, his eyes widened in fear. Please stop reading that. I don't want to listen, I don't want to know. I want to bury those emotions deep within me, never to be touched again. So please stop, respect my wishes and stop. However, unaware of his current state of mind, Nikola continued.

"[I didn't know what else to do, so I gave up on everything. That's when they came, promising me a happy life if I were to betray you and join them. I didn't, because I loved you all so, so much. Despite how everyone treats me, I wanted to protect you all towards the very end. Am I weak or strong in that sense? I don't know. I declined. I said no. They will soon come after me, but that is not the reason why I write this letter.]"

"Stop, please stop..." Asher whispered. He couldn't even feel Pithos' soft fur against his arm.

"[I'll protect you guys until the very end. I'll fulfill my dream while also fulfilling another darker desire of my own. I'm sorry for being such a selfish son, such a weak brother, but I can't handle it anymore. Maybe one day, we'll live as a family again. When that day comes, I'll have my own strength and I'll battle my own wars. But right now, I'm not capable. So, I'll relieve you guys from the heavy burden. I'll save myself from being killed or kidnapped by them. I won't be used to harm my family. I'll kill myself. I'll kill myself to protect you and I'll kill myself to protect myself from you. I'll drown myself while my element surrounds me. I'll die being surrounded by the element that I could never hope to control as the air leaves my lungs. I think it's a rather nice death, incorporating both of my elements, right? Thank you, and I'm sorry.]"

The room was quiet. Everyone was stunned by the sudden revelation. He had attempted suicide to protect himself and his family.

Zacharia turned to look at Asher in disbelief. That's when he noticed the hot tears running down the young one's face and his uncontrollable shaking. Nikola couldn't dare stare at her son and simply stared at Zacharia. Archer, just like his little lord, stared at Asher. He didn't know to what extent he was hurt, but now it had all been revealed.

"T-thankfully, A-Asher c-came out alive," said Nikola, her voice breaking. She herself couldn't dare imagine just what her son had gone through. Reading those letters made her realize just how much she had failed as a mother.

Hearing his mother say that he survived made his shake his head furiously. He was still shaking, he was still crying. He looked towards Pithos before staring at his mother, his eyes narrowed.

"You're wrong."

He shook his head again. Asher was hearing another voice inside of him, the voice of the person he had merged his soul with. I don't want this. I don't want these stares, this fear, these tears. I wanted to relieve myself from that pain. I'm afraid, Asher. I'm afraid...

"You're wrong," he said again. He was unstable, and it was quite noticeable to the people present in the room. However, no one made attempted to get close and comfort him. The only one by his side was Pithos, his only pillar in this world.

"You're so, so wrong, mother."

"I died. Your son died that day, drowned by the water as the air slowly left my lungs. My body grew and the light turned fainter by the second. I felt how my life slowly left my very being. And I was relieved. So, so relieved."

Nikola sobbed while hiding her face in her hands. She didn't have the courage to face him. She had failed him.

"I really, really died that day. But I was brought back by a miracle."

"I died, mom. I really died. And I was happy about that."

Heyy~! As promised, I’m here to stay! I just promised I would :D. Anyways, enjoy the chapter! I’ll make sure to update more often!

mya_colondrescreators' thoughts
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