
God of Protection and the Toatie

Lin Haung had been extremely depressed since the death of his child, Lin Dao, he was not the only one as his wife, Qin Wen, was more heartbroken than him. She blamed herself constantly that she shouldn't of allow him to leave on that day, however, as people living at the very edge of society, they all had specific parts to play inside the family, each had a job that ensures their basic needs of food; however the cost their boy had to pay was too much that their needs seem insignificant. They could tell from how mangled his corpse was, it was as if ravenous wolves had eat his body, or maybe his bones had disappeared from his body, either way it was a tragic sight that cause Qin Wen to faint and sleep for weeks having nightmares as she could see the face of her son blaming her, causing her heart to shiver and become dark. She lost all hope in the world, only clinging to her husband, someone who shared in her pain.

While he was extremely furious and wishing to find out how his son had died, Lin Huang knew there was no way his son could have died so mysteriously. He believes his son might have been captured and forced to be a part of an experiment. This wasn't the first time things like this have happened and he predicted it wouldn't be the last.

In the city they lived in, there is said to be an organization called God Genetic and Human Empowerment Circle. This organization was not approved by the government and was instead labelled as an terrorist organization on par with Isis, or maybe more sinister and hidden as it was impossible to locate them. No matter how the government tried to approach eliminating the scourge from the world, the organization was one step ahead of them, ceasing their activities and keeping a low profile. There was not much the government could do other than placing a special suppression force there and telling the citizens to be aware of the dangers.

Shaking his head, Lin Huang remembered grabbing his wife's body and lifting his son's corpse back home, looking at the ground as he walked. His body shook with each step he took, as his hand trembled over touching his son's body. His body was so cold, as if an ice cube, this shattered his heart as a grown man burst into tears as he stared blankly into the skies, wondering why the heavens and gods were so cruel! If he had the power, he would swear he would make this a world where there were no unjustified deaths, everyone would be protected until they no longer needed his help, however, he knew he was in the wrong world, as there were no gods on Earth.

Returning home, He places his wife on the folded blankets placed on the ground, which they call beds, as they were too poor to afford a real one, before carrying his child's body to the backyard. In the backyard which only reaches a couple feet from the house, a small cherry blossom tree sat, with dark yellow leaves on the verge of falling off. Lin Huang began to dig a hole underneath the tree, his hand shaking the entire time; he had not in a hundred years thought he would be burying his son, after all, a parent is never to live longer than their child but here he is, burying not only his son but his family bloodline, with his son gone, the Lin Family although living in poverty now, was once of the top five families in all of China was no more as he was too old to produce an heir.

Laying Lin Daos body into the hole, Lin Haung caressed his face one last time as he closed his eyes which had tears falling from it and before gently tossing dirt over the corpse's body. The body was soon covered, lying peacefully, underneath the cherry blossom tree, which will convert him into nutrients to grow.

Days went by after that day and he began to take care of his sleeping wife, drinking his loneliness away.

As he drank his booze underneath the cherry blossom tree, Lin Haung looked up at the skies and noticed how the skies seem to change all of a sudden, yet he didn't care. Even when he heard the voice of God he did not move, as he sat down in peace. He simply watches over his sleeping wife and son, as he will protect them if it's the last thing his old bones can allow.

He saw a huge black tower piercing into the heavens, even faintly pointing into space. He felt even though he was far from the building, he could make out it's appearance down to a single brink, which made a weird feeling of confusion rise up from him. It was around this time God spoke again, making him aware that the tower is called the Tower of Heaven a place of opportunity, which made his heart beat a bit, maybe he could find something that could resurrect his son, he soon shook his head though as he couldn't leave, not anymore.

Just like this, a year passed and something starting happened. While tending to the cherry blossom tree, he notices two fruits on the tree, which alarm him. The cherry blossom tree is incapable of producing any kind of fruit, it was just a beautiful tree, yet here he was, before two oddly different fruits, one greyish black and the other golden.

He soon wonders what to do; not finding anything, he decides to ask Qin Wen, his wife, what to do. His wife had slept for two and a half weeks after Qin Dao had died, waking up with pale cheeks and grayish hair that seemed like a dust mop. Her eyes were soulless, and murky, only becoming bright when she saw him.

Hearing her husband call her, Qin Wen stopped cooking and went outside. Walking outside, she saw her husband next to the cherry blossom tree that he took care of as if his child. Currently the cherry blossoms no longer look small or weather burden as it was taller with many branches and a thick trunk. As soon as Qin Wen walked out, her eyes were drawn to the two fruits on the tree which were pulling at her eyes, she couldn't move her eyes away. She felt something was calling her, she had to go!

Approaching the tree, she looks at the dark fruit and picks it off the tree. She did not see the struggling look on Lin Huang's face. Lin Huang had not told her the truth of what happened to Lin Dao's body as he simply said he cremated him placing him in the jar in the living room. He did that to ease her mind, however, he was not willing to let his son's body be corrupted again so he places him underneath the tree, and since the tree absorbs the nutrients of his son, he thus treated the tree as an extension of him. She picking the fruit was akin to damaging his son!

Qin Wen held the fruit that was oddly shaped with spirals that look like blood veins and ate it, devouring the fruit while in one quick succession.


<Congratulations, you have absorbed the bloodline of one of the most powerful Beasts in the universe, a Taotie, one of the Ominous Beasts, a beast on par with a Divine Beast.>

A screen appeared before her before fading away.

<Name: Qin Wen

Age: 45

Race: Human( Taotie)

Abilities: Bottomless Absorption

As the last descendant of the Taotie bloodline, you are tasked with the continuation of the Taotie race. You can inject your blood into ten beings turning them into pure Taoties.>

Qin Wen stood there in shock as she felt all the pain and weakness she was feeling over the years vanish, he looked down at her hand and saw all the wrinkles disappear, as her skin became creamy white and elastic. She didn't have to look in the mirror to know she had become youthful again. As she stood there, knowledge about Taoties emerged into her mind, their history and abilities.

Lin Huang looked at the beautiful female before him and wondered who she was. If not for the fact he saw the transformation for himself, he would not believe she was his wife. This was because she looks nothing like she did when she was young she looks more charming and devilish?

Lin was a smart man, so he was able to easily conclude the fruit was the reason for his wife's transformation, looking at her youthful body and charm and then looking at his old and worn body, he didn't hesitate as he grabs the other fruit and ate it.


< Congratulations, you have consumed the Fruit of Godhood. This fruit is able to generate any godhood, decide upon which god you wish to be. Warning: Once one becomes a god through this method, all future progress is halted, choose wisely.>

That's how Lin Huang became the God of Protection. He wanted to protect his wife and son forever. Sitting beneath the cherry blossom tree, he wonders if he should have become a god of death instead? If he did he could see his son again, sadly he already made his choice and he will gladly live with it.

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