
War: Devils, Demons, and Gods Part Two

Moments later the ground began to rumble as a strong earthquake hit. The ground cracked open right underneath the magic circle, wit ha span of the entire circle itself, destroying half of Tokyo in the process. If you looked closely you would see that the spot that opened up did not show the sides of the ground, it was just a black hole that looked as if one fell into it they would fall eternally into the dark abyss. 

From this large crack, a large ghastly looking pirate ship that seemed to be alive rose up out of the crack. As it did, screams and wails of the dead could be heard. The boat's structure seemed to pulsate as if it was the heart of a biological life form. If you looked closely you could actually that it was indeed a life form of some sort. It was like it was made of muscles and veins without the skin to cover it all up.

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