
The Avian Race

They traveled through the tall plateaued rocks until they came to an area shrouded in mist. Within that mist, you could see faint flashes of light. This was the barrier that Lor'ia was talking about. "We are almost there, do not stray behind or you will be caught in the barrier when it closes." Lor'ia warned.

They swiftly flew towards the mist. Misaki held on to both Miyu's and gen's hands as she flew at her fastest speed, acting as Lor'ia's shadow. It seemed Lor'ia's race was among the fastest of all the monster clans. "It's open, quickly enter!"

All seven of them shot through the small opening in the barrier. Right as Misaki pulled Gen and Miyu through the barrier slammed shut. If they were even a millisecond slower, they would have lost their feet. Misaki had to hand it to the Avian race, their barrier was truly terrifying. "Mitsu I need new boots..." Gen Complained. 

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