
Northern Lights

When Penny heard the door closed, she waited a few seconds before she opened her eyes. Looking around, she locked eyes with Cyrus who from the look on his face also heard what those lab weirdos said.

Seeing her childhood friend made her calm down a little so she hurriedly tried to get down from the bed which made her trip. Cyrus who already got down from the bed rushed up to her and held her up, preventing her from falling.

"Penny are you okay? Did those people do anything to you?", Cyrus asked as quietly as he could.

Still feeling a little dizzy, Penny leaned on Cyrus and said, "No, I don't think so? What about you?"

"I'm fine Penny, from what they said they performed the experiment on a 16-year-old girl, so are you sure they didn't do anything to you?", asked Cyrus who was still feeling restless and uneasy.

"But I am not the only 16-year-old girl in here", Penny said pointing at the card on top of the beds which were occupied by another boy and girl in the laboratory.

"Okay then, let's get out of here", Cyrus said while supporting Penny towards the door.

"Let's wake them up first Cy", she said while peering over her shoulders at the girl and the boy still unconscious in the laboratory. Not knowing who the 16-year-old they performed an experiment on was, Penny decided not to leave any chances.

"Penny no, now's not the time for this. Those people can get back any minute now. We can come and save them later but we can't do that unless we save ourselves.",Cyrus said already feeling guilty about what he just said.

But then Penny freed herself from his grasp and started walking towards them. Stumbling along the way she wondered why she still couldn't get her bearing right.

On getting to the corner where they were placed, Penny widened her eyes in shock, "It's Timmy and Avi!", she said before she took half a bottle of water from the counter and doused them with it.

Successfully waking them up, Cyrus and Penny helped them get down from the bed.

"Thanks", Timmy said.

Placing a hand on her slightly wet face and hair Avi said, "Thanks guys, I don't know what happened after the Ice Fest, we got separated when we went to see the Northern lights".

"Yeah that's when those people barged in, but we can talk about this later, let's get out of here first", Penny said before turning around.

She was about to place the bottle right where she saw it when she saw the brown file that Ann was holding earlier.

Glancing at Cyrus, they both nodded their heads showing that they had the same thought and started to destroy the papers in the file.

After destroying the papers, Penny kept them in her pocket while Cyrus checked if there were any of the files on the computer.

After blankly watching Penny and Cyrus go crazy for a minute, Avi asked in one go, "What are you guys doing? Why are you tearing that paper? I thought you said we had to leave right now? What are you looking for on the computer?"

With his eyes still on the computer, Cyrus replied, "Those guys want to make mutants out of us and the whole of Platinum Valleys, so I'm checking if they left any files related to that on the computer then destroy it".

"What?", Avi and Timmy asked.

"Mutants? Have they done anything to us?", Timmy asked while feeling around his body with his hands for any significant changes.

Penny hearing this question left Cyrus and the computer and looked through the Petri dishes placed in a white airtight enclosed space which had a glass barrier with two holes which looked like where one could place their hands.

Placing her hands in the holes, she took the Petri dishes and washed the greenish-yellow and yellowish blue liquids down the sink nearest to it. By the time she was done it was already fifteen minutes since Ann and Damien had left.

Returning to Cyrus and the others, she thought how poor the security consciousness of these people are.

What she didn't realize, however, was that when the weird-looking liquids came in contact with the sink, it emitted an azure and citrine coloured gas that was slowly moving towards the smoke detector.

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Here's another chapter~

I hope you love and support Penny!

Thank you so much! God bless you as you do!(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤



Daisy_Tcreators' thoughts
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