

Aoi and Arunika spent the entire day and night preparing to leave. Arunika finished packing everything except for what they would eat for dinner, the bedding, and the cottage itself. She was done by early afternoon, so she didn't have much to do so Aoi told her to work on times tables. She had long finished single digit numbers and was working on double and triple digit numbers.

Aoi was really happy for her wife's remarkable talent with numbers. It only took a few weeks to catch up with late elementary school math. She expected her to be able to work on high school level equations within a month's time from now. Not only are her arithmetic skills increasing at a wonderful pace, but also her understanding in biology and geography. She also has a better understanding on this world's logic to utilize more fantastical applications of said magics.

Aoi on the other hand was having an extremely difficult time. She couldn't quite figure out how to get a safe wormhole made. Her understanding of wormholes is based completely on theoretical beliefs and applications. She has no understanding of how one would safely use it in this world, so the progress is a little hindered.

On one test she threw a rabbit-like creature, although it looked like one, if it wasn't for the barbs on its legs, through a wormhole she created. That wormhole used the basis of gravity and let's just say the little critter didn't end up faring so well. It kind of came out of the other end as a hardened, but still glistening with juices, pellet. Many tests went like that. The objects being tested may have made it to their destination, but they ended up completely deformed. It kept going like that until she remembered actual scientific understanding isn't always needed.

She could use a plausible theory from a fictional source like how Dr. Weir in Event Horizon described the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, but she would have to add something else to it. She didn't want to make a wormhole and discover a chaotic evil god to turn her and Arunika insane. Aoi imagined a gate, just in the size of a door large enough for a person to travel. Then she focused on bending the space to connect those doors together.

And just like she imagined, when she opened her eyes, there was a door shaped opening in front of her, and in that door she saw herself facing the opposite direction and an infinity mirror effect. 'Holy shit! It worked? Thank God my college roommate was a huge Cthulu freak and forced me to watch it otherwise I wouldn't have even thought of something like this. Phew... okay. I know my aura protects me from effects of my own magic, so lets throw this stone and see what happens.'

Aoi tossed the stone and it flew in and hit her right in the back. No increase in velocity, mass, weight, or anything for that matter. Just a normal tossed stone. She picked up the stone and saw nothing changed. "It worked," she muttered. She looked up at Arunika, who was focused on her own work, and smirked. 'Let's play a little trick on her.'

She closed her eyes, removed the doors, and placed small window sized openings connected together. One opening was right in front of her but the other one was right behind Arunika where she was squatting. 'Oh boy, this is going to be so much fun!'

Aoi reached in and saw her hand appear right behind her wife. Chuckling to herself, she darted her hand out and smacked Arunika's ass causing her to fall forward face first.

"Hiii!!! What was that?!" Arunika looked behind her but saw nothing.

"What's wrong, honey?"

"Something just smacked my butt! Did you see anything?"

"No? Nothing out of the ordinary. You sure you didn't just imagine it?"

"How could I?! It stings!"

"Come here and let me see then."

She walked over and pulled her pants down enough to show Aoi her cheek, which obviously had Aoi's hand print glaring right back at her in a dull red. Aoi reached out and caressed it and said with a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, "I don't see anything, honey. Are you sure you didn't imagine it?"

"I- I don't know... It was so weird. One second I'm working on my math and the next I get smacked." She turns around to look Aoi in the eyes, who only has a concerned look on her face. "Are you sure there's nothing there?"

"I'm positive. Does it still hurt?" Aoi asked with concern.

"It's fine now, I guess. Pain isn't really there anymore."

Aoi rubs the dirt off of Arunika's face and clothes from her face plant with a small smile. "Alright, then. Let's go ahead and get back to work. We only have a few hours for me to get this right, so don't distract me unless it's something really important, okay?"

Arunika pouts and mumbles an 'okay' and Aoi kisses her on the forehead before sending her back over to where she was working. Aoi turns around and covers her mouth to contain her laughter. 'HAHAHAHA! That's too funny! What should I do next?... OH! I got it!'

She turns around and looks to make sure Arunika isn't looking in her direction before creating another window right behind her head. Through the window, Aoi can see her wife is already a little jittery from her previous scare and silently chuckles to herself. Aoi smirks, places her head through the window, and takes a deep breath before...


"AAAAAAHHH!!!" Arunika jumps up once again and leaps forward about 3 feet before turning around to see nothing and no one there. She turns to Aoi and sees her just laughing her ass off. Arunika gasps, "You're such a bully!"

"Hahaha! I'm sorry! I had to do it! Haha!" Aoi walks over. "Haha! I'm sorry I scared you so bad. Haha! I looked at you and just couldn't help myself!" Aoi reaches for a hug. "Come here, honey."

"NO! I'm mad at you! You smacked my ass too, didn't you?!" To which Aoi only responded with more laughter. Arunika jutted her lower lip out in angry pout and crossed her arms across her chest. "You always bully me!"

Aoi hugged Arunika and peppered kisses on her face. "Look, I'm sorry, honey. I got my magic to work for teleportation and I just thought... maaaayyyybe to prank you a little."

"It was too mu- wait! You said you figured it out?"

Aoi nodded. "YAY!" Arunika broke free from Aoi and jumped around in excitement. "That means we'll be okay!"

"Yeah, it does. Now let's make dinner and get to bed early so we can leave before the enforcement team shows up. Aaaaand to make it up to you, we can make out a little before going to sleep."

"I'll hold you to that, Aoi-chan!"

"Fufu. Alright, let's go."


"I'm not getting anything, Captain. Only small creatures nearby."

"How could they just disappear?! This was the last plausible location for those two in the region!"


"What is it, Greyald?!"

The man named Greyald cowers a little at his captain snapping at him. "I uhm- I found traces of a camp not far from here."

"Lead us to it!"


"Sir! I've found two sets of foot prints, but there's something weird about them."


"You can obviously see two sets here leading away from camp but the trail suddenly vanishes."

The captain gasps in realization. "SHIT! She isn't a gravity mage! She's a space mage! FUCK! We need to capture her... NOW! Does anyone have any suggestions on where they could have gone? Specialist Eva!"

The captain looks around. "EVA! Where is she?! Sherwin! Did you notice her leaving when you were checking with your sonar?"

"No sir! I only had a 180 degree fan activated in front of me and she was taking up the rear of the squad."

Captain Alonsis growls, "She's a Gods damned spy! She was helping them! Men. Turn around and find her. We can't let any of these women escape! FUCK!" A blue and red aura bursts from the man. He lashes out at the forest around him and instantly the trees are engulfed in a blue flame. Everything is burning but there's no heat radiating from the flames, only a biting cold. The flames are massively destructive and it's reflective of the rage flickering in the man's eyes as he stomps from the forest.

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