
What Kind of Luck She Has?

"Chairman Lu, apology… but may I dance with this lovely maiden who is with you?" He politely asked Grandpa Lu, flashing his friendly smile.

Grandpa Lu was taken aback to see the person who approached them. For some unknown reason, he was intrigued by this person.

When it came to beauty, he was not on par with his grandson, Tristan. But he had to admit that his emerald eyes looked very enchanting that could make any woman be mesmerized by them.

Grandpa Lu was still assessing the man before him when he heard Zhen-Zhen's soft voice.

"Liam…" Zhen-Zhen mumbled to greet the man.

"Hi Lillie," Liam greeted her back with a bright smile.

Grandpa Lu darted his gaze back and forth between Liam and Zhen-Zhen.

'So they knew each other. Hmm, it seems that my grandson has found a worthy competitor here. Is he interested in my granddaughter-in-law?' Grandpa Lu pondered at that thought.

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