
Pink Haired Woman

After signing and contracting with Tom and his Tom's Work, Xin and the two Big Mom Pirates crew start their journey back to Cake Island, where the Tea Party will conduct.

But before he left, Xin made a call and asked Ikaros to get 2 Angeloids and guard Tom while he finished his plan.

He dont want something to happen to his new shipwright while he is gone, of course the 2 Angeloids have stealth ability and can monitor the safety of them.

Two days later, in the New World, Baron Tamago suddenly asks to stop near the Island to buy some local sweets.

Of course, Xin only nodded, he also wanted to walk for a while, after all, he felt bored while staying on the biscuit boat.

"So where are we going next?" Xin asked.

"We are going to Dressrosa to buy a local sweet, don't worry, we already called for a reservation so we don't need to wait for a long time," Baron Tamago said.

'Dressrosa?' Xin suddenly thought about Doflamingo, it seems that he is also on that Island, trying to play like a king.

"Sure, also if you can, I want to get some local sweets too," Xin said.

"Then we will get you some local sweet," Pekoms gladly said.

After 2 days of staying with them, Pekoms and Baron Tamago become close to Xin, why if you asked?

Well, Xin is easy to befriend, humble and not arrogant like other Pirates that they meet, not only that, he never said any bad or hurtful words at them.

And the best of them all is, Xin can make different varieties of food, from meat, sweet, and fruit, he can make them measly, fast and delicious.

They even start to think that Xin is too perfect for a kid his age, and it seems that their family got a big bargain if they get Xin.

Of course, they only wishful thinking, Xin did not come to join them but to confront one of the most powerful people in this world.


Dressrosa is an island and kingdom within the New World, and one of the Twenty Kingdoms of the World Government.

The country is well-known for its flower fields, its cuisine, its passionate women, and its battle colosseum. The local women are prone to violent acts of jealousy, leading to a high crime rate in the country.

The residents of the country also believe that "fairies" live in the country as well, taking away people's belongings and treating them as "offerings", according to the residents themselves.

Xin looking at the whole Island, it feels that Dressrosa is more like a rural town, not like what he read in manga, the town seems poor.

While walking he can hear some gossip about the King's deed, and the new king ascension, it seems Doflamingo already gets the Dressrosa already.

While walking Xin notices a woman with pink hair hiding her head using a piece of clothing, the most important is there are a bunch of people following her behind.

Xin is curious and follows them, after all, he likes to beat rob slave hunters and merchants, and just in time, Xin feels bored.

After following them for a couple of minutes, the woman ran and she did not notice that he was already cornered by them.

A group of people encircles the woman, then a tall man walks in the middle while grinning at the woman.

He wore an old and worn pirate hat that covered up his forehead, a large robe, a tattered tank top, and striped pants.

"We finally found you, the last heir of the Royal Family. I did not expect you to be stupdi enough to go back to the town after knowing that we were hunting you," The man said.

The woman looks at them and she feels dread, she knows that she will never escape from them for sure after being cornered by this.


Ding! You recessive Main Quest: Save Scarlett

Main Quest: Save Scarlett

Scarlett was the first daughter of the Riku Family and the former crown princess of Dressrosa, after being hunted for 2 days, her daughter already hungry, she didn't have any choice but to go back and find food for her.

But she is suddenly discovered by Doflamingo's crew Diamante, saves her and brings her into a safe place with her daughter.

Duration: 2 Hours

Reward:+1 Level, Title, Random Devil Fruit


Xin suddenly remembers where he sees this woman, she looks like Rebecca in the colosseum, so she is the former princess Scarlett.

Scarlett looked very similar to Rebecca, wearing her pink hair in a braided ponytail with two pieces hanging down from the sides. She sported a light-colored button-up dress with frills at the bottom.

'So this is the time when Diamante killed Scarlett,' Xin whispered.

"Hehehe, Doffy will be glad to eliminate you here," Diamante took a rifle and pointed it to her.

"Sorry about this, your family is weak while mine is strong so you need to die for us," He then shot her without a second thought.

Scarlett nerve closes her eyes and prays,' Rebecca, please be strong.'



Suddenly a stone staff appears in the middle of them blocking the bullet the commit from Scarlett.

Diamante look at the staff and the boy who appear in front of them, Diamante's face become gloomy, he asked," What are you doing here Rear Admiral Fei?"

"What about you, what are you doing Pirate?" Xin asked.

Diamante suddenly realize that he is a pirate, while the other party is a Marine, of course, he is not stupid enough to not know his crime.

He tried to kill a person in front of a Marine and that is a huge crime.

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