
I Love You, Goodbye ~ Nina [Part 2 of 3]


You need someone willing to give their heart and soul to you.

Promise you forever. But baby, that's something I can't do.

Oh, I could say that I'll be all you need.

But that would be a lie.

I know I'd only hurt you, I know I'd only make you cry.

I'm not the one you're needing…

"S-Sunduin mo na ako."

"Pero April…you should think this over. Huwag padalos dalos."

"Napag-isipan ko na'to Christian. More than enough to stand my c-choice." Pinilit niyang pinapatatag ang boses.

* ~ ~ ~ *

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P.S. Young Hearts is currently on a non-exclusive contract under GoodNovel. Thank you so much for patiently waiting and still reading my stories! Maraming Maraming Salamat po!

For a better reading experience, the writer urges you to play the songs included per chapter. Please visit my Facebook page for the Playlist on Spotify, feel free to listen to them while reading!

Please wash your hands regularly, humans!

Thank you so much for giving time to my story! Appreciated! Will work hard more for your reads :)

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