
The Booth of Bottomless Terror Part 2

As the man or shadow continues his inexorable approach towards them, Claire whispers, "Is this real?"

"Don't worry," Miguel says, and grabs Claire's hand and steps in front of her. "I won't let anything to happen to you."

Gabriel takes note of that. Claire glances at him as she has no choice but to cower behind Miguel.

"That's a long knife, right?" Gabriel calmly notes. "Can you defend against that, Migs?"

"I've defended against knives longer than that," Miguel mutters. "I think we can disarm him easily. I'll snap his head off."

Gabriel says nothing. His gaze is straight at the approaching shadow—and at Miguel's hand holding Claire so tightly. He knows this isn't the right time to think of such things, but he couldn't stop himself. So what he does is he actually grabs Claire's other hand, and places himself in front of her and right behind Miguel. Miguel turns to look at him and has no choice but to let go.

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