
Chapter 62

"Thank you, everyone." Honoka smiled gently and was grateful that the group was with her.

Hiroto pointed to their table. She looked where he was pointing before her eyes turned into sparkling stars. She immediately sat on her seat and was delighted seeing the refilled food on their tray.

"Let's eat the meal first," Kotori called out to the others before they head back to their table.

"Ahh, there's so many french fries! and dessert too!" Honoka had upturned her mood as she immediately recovered back to where it was before. The dealings with the black-haired girl felt like it didn't happen and was just forgotten with the stack of free treats on the table.


"Let's visit the student council tomorrow," Honoka mumbled while she ate the fries with so much gusto.

"This ice cream sundae is also delicious!" Umi approved while relishing in the delicious popping flavor.

"But that's a coke float with ice cream on it?" Hiroto felt puzzled, he pointed at the bubbling cola beneath.

"Ahh, i-it's.." Umi looked down while she sipped the cola beneath.

"After all, she liked carbonated drinks a lot!" Kotori smiled gently at her.

"Ahh, that's surprising!" Hiroto nodded knowingly which made her embarrassed.

"Kotori!" Umi blushed while waving her face denying her claim, but her face was a giveaway. She can only sighed afterwards as she didn't pursue the topic.

He saw Maki who hasn't eaten her hamburger on her tray. She was lightly eating the desserts while listening to the other discussions.

"There are tomatoes in it, why aren't you eating?" Hiroto pointed to the outcropping tomatoes in the burger.

"Because the tomatoes were only toppings of it, of it was your dish I might have eaten it already." Maki pouted while she opened the bread and saw the small cuts of tomatoes.

"Why don't I eat it?" Hiroto suggested since she wouldn't eat it seems.

"Here.." Maki gave her share to him to eat, and few curious people saw their dealings.

"I'm so full!" Rin patted her stomach while relaxing in the seat while slightly purring like a cat.

'Isn't she a humanoid cat in disguise?' Hiroto looked at Hanayo who just finished eating the rice over her tray. She had a delighted face as she reminisced about the taste of it.

They waited until the rain let up so they could go home easier. They decided that after the group study, all members had to study on their own just for the exams even if it was only a day or two. It would bring their grades, at least in the passing ones. Hiroto hoped that they will give some effort in studying when the time comes. While the exams were nearing quick, they didn't seem bothered in the slightest.

"How did you ask Kirisu-sensei to teach us?" Honoka asked, all of them got curious as they waited for his answer.

Rin and Hanayo was the first experience of that. Since Kirisu had only transferred to the school this term, the second-year members were lucky since she don't teach them. The first to experience her counseling was the third year which made them sour throughout. Kirisu was only teaching the first and empower the third year for their futures.

"Well, she made me do something so I was able to get a favor from her, then I just asked her to teach us." Hiroto plainly said as Maki looked at him with keen eyes before she ate the dessert cooly. He wryly smiled, he hasn't said that Kirisu was living in the nearby room beside them. Maybe, he can make it a surprise so that her reputation will get better, at least when near the group.

"Is that so.." They looked at him wanting details but he couldn't speak much or else he may divulge her secret life.

"Where do we hold the group study?" Hiroto asked them, his house was applicable but now his mother would be there.

"Can we do it at school?" Maki questioned him, she wasn't allowed to have a sleepover but if her father was busy then she might be able to do join them which she really wanted.

"We can only stay there until 6:00 pm. Remember that we have 7 members, 1 hour isn't enough." Hiroto raised his fingers counting everyone. Teaching a subject for one student is okay but these numbers weren't easy besides they had different topics they had difficulty off. Even if Kirisu was good, multitasking to teach would be a pain in the ass. Of course he would help Kirisu in teaching subjects he was good at. He had advanced his knowledge in few subjects already.

"Where?, Hiroto-kun's house?" Kotori minutely suggested while she asked it curiously.

"I approve! We should have one!" Honoka immediately raised her hand. She didn't think of the conclusions over the said words.

"I don't think it's a bad idea but.." Kotori looked at the slightly troubled Hiroto but he waved his head to her before giving his ok sign.

"Kuh!!" Umi suddenly lightly smacked her head to the table which made all of them look at her weirdly.

"What's wrong?" Kotori asked Umi waved her hand frantically signifying she was okay.

"Our group official first sleepover! Just thinking about it is making me so pumped up!" Honoka suddenly got so excited.

"Are you sure? But staying in my house." Hiroto asked them again unsure of the development.

"Don't worry his Mom is at home." Maki pointed it out while leering at him before he sighed and gave up worrying.

"We have many beds in the house so if everyone wants, then we will use my house albeit it would be a bit rowdy with Mom there." Hiroto wryly smiled, thinking of the teasing events that will happen. Thankfully Kirisu would be there albeit in just a little time. Hiroto's house had a big living room which they can use to study.

"Hiroto-kun's Mom!" Umi had some imaginations again that she was lightly headbanging her head on the table.

"I wonder what his Mom looks like?" Kotori also felt curious about his mother.

"Why not Honoka's house?" Hanayo looked down while feeling shy. She had gone to Honoka's house and bought some bread and was able to enjoy the rice bread over there. So if they had a sleepover there she might be able to enjoy some freshly made rice bread. Her eyes shined while daydreaming.

"We can but it will be cramped over my bedroom beside every room at my house is occupied ha~ha and there's no living room since the first floor is a bakery shop." Honoka denied since even the three of them were unsavory to space if the seven of them were to go study and add their teacher. If it would be a disaster, studying in public places with the six of them would be quite loud. The first floor is used for the family business so Hanayo was denied which made her world turned black.

"My rice!!" Hanayo turned down as she got depleted.

"Are you okay Kayochin!" Rin puckered while she rubbed the back of Hanayo who was downtrodden.

"If it's settled then everyone must ask for the permission of your parents first if they don't then I will just teach and focus on the topic everyone had a hard time at school so that at least everyone will pass.." Hiroto smiled while he stood up. They felt his care and consistent motivation, they nodded to him gratefully while saying thanks as well.

'This guy is always troubling himself.' Maki smiled helplessly while she leered at him while blushing for abit. She had her thought for it as well, being in her boyfriends house again. How could she stay so calm besides the others would be there too.

"After that, we can focus on practicing again!" Umi recovered from her mental stupor as she didn't looked in the front and just sipped the cola while looking at the window.

"Ekk." Rin heard Umi's declaration as she nearly spatted the food on her mouth.

The group finished their meal, they headed home albeit it was still raining. Maki quickly asked her mother if she can have an overnight in the house. Shio agreed but she had to confirm if her father would stay at the company. After calling for a moment she smiled at the two.

"You're quite lucky, it seems that the hospital is a bit busy for this week. There was an influx of patients you see." Shio chuckled while she thought of the timing. Meanwhile, he had some sweat on his face while laughing wryly.

"Is that so." He removed the sweat on his head.

"Hmm? Did you do something bad?" Maki found him nervous before removing it in her thought.

"That's just your imaginations, ha-ha..."


In the house, his mother waited for him in the living room while she had something on the side of her a moderately sized canvas used for painting.

"Can I have this painting?" Mamako asked him while she held the caricature painting of a cat.

It was a result of his daily quest, he forgot to put it in his inventory. All of his art was held in the inventory to make a keepsake. Just a month ago, he suddenly remembered that he had an inventory and so he used it for keeping everything he had made.

He got an idea, "I have some painting of you to Mom." Hiroto smiled while he moved to his bedroom and got the painting of his mother. He had made around 14 arts on canvas and was stacked on his inventory. He quickly got the canvas in his inventory while making it look like it comed from the closet so that his mom wouldn't have other ideas.

"Wow, how lovely!" Mamako was surprised and elated seeing her son so considerate. She saw him bringing a painting of herself sitting on the sunset as they watched from a great tall horizon of the mountain. The colors were deeply meaningful as it was made up of 32 different colors of paint.

His system tallied the art with a score at 80 artistic score rate, it was nice while appearing something great and valuable. If a collector sees this, he/she might shit their pants wanting to ask how much it was priced and wanting to buy it badly with hysteric expression.

After unloading all the paintings, he designed them in his room. Mamako entered the room and got dumbfounded seeing the row of beautiful creations he had, he chuckled at her expression.

"I didn't know you were hiding so much stuff and like to draw girls as well." Mamako nodded as she approved of the different types of arts in the room. He was hiding so much beneath the bed and the shelves that she didn't notice since he always cleaned the place and didn't let her do it. He might as well be hiding a porn magazine, how amazing he could have kept it secret from her.

'How did he do this.' She touched the one painting that had a drawing of Maki sitting in a parasol with her casual dress.

"It really feels alive!" Mamako muttered as she looked at the drawing and felt that it wasn't that far off from reality.

'Well, it would be..' Hiroto got proud of his work, it was something he had put some effort into while he thought of the memories they had when they had a date.

"When did you learn to draw?" Mamako looked at him with piqued interest, of course, she wasn't angry with him and she was more happy that her son was doing things that he liked.

"I had taken some interest in it, it started last month after you moved Mom and I didn't know I was good at it." Hiroto smiled while he showed his artworks to her that made her really happy.

She saw the other girls which she hadn't seen before drawn in different styles of painting. She asked him what the drawings were and who was in it with no filter while he answered her words with great pleasure.

"Who's this and why did you make drawings of other girls?" Mamako gave a questioning look. She looked at the drawing of Kotoko who was fighting the delinquents valiantly while posing a fierce expression.

"They are my inspirations.." Hiroto plainly said but his Mom didn't budge in his ordinary words before giving up.

"Let's eat our supper, I prepared a mackerel fish today!" Mamako immediately changed her mood as she decided not to pursue the topic.

Today he had a daily quest that he needed to finish. After helping his Mom with the dishes he sat in the living room while looking at his quest function.

[Quest: Daily

Wood Carving! :

As an art form, it includes any kind of sculpture in wood.


0/1 Wood Sculpture over a rate of 70 Artistic Score and above.

Reward: 250 SP, 5 XP]

The artistic score depended on the skill he gained. So it wouldn't matter and he just needs to do his best in doing work. Depending on the effort will the score go up or down.

Hiroto prepared his woodcutter and a chisel before going to the bedroom and getting from his inventory a wooden plank that he got when he was using his chopping abilities. He wryly smiled thinking of the event, he had cut the tree with a slight effort which he didn't even perspire. That tree had every grate treatment the world will take until he chopped it mercilessly.

He was only making small ones since the system accepted this type of work moreover making sculptures smaller is much harder to do since it requires consistency and accuracy. Why make it bigger as it will only make his work time consuming and making a handheld sized one only took 1 hour if he grasps the main idea on what design he carves to it. With his physical control and abilities, he can easily pull it off and might be able to make a masterpiece out of it. With his Fine Arts (Master) Skill supplementing him, it was bound to happen.

He sat on the sofa while preparing the tools and positioning himself so that he wouldn't get numbed of making the sculpture.

"What are you making?" Her curiosity got piqued while looking at her son who had started making something out of the wood he brought with maximum focus.

"I'm carving," Hiroto said without looking at her.

'What a weird hobby he has.' She just nodded before watching the event unfold.

Many techniques can be used for carving, essentially one equipment had different methods to use. Hiroto used the chisel to carved out the base outline of the body, making all parts of the face and before moving to the smaller indentions and it's tail that had a fire on the tip of it. After 30 minutes had passed, the finished product was revealed as her eyes lit up.

"Is this a dinosaur? It's so cute." Mamako showed curiosity at the model that he was showing in his hand.

'He's really a multi talented kid and he's my son...' She thought while nodding inwardly.

"It's called Charmander, a type of po…a type of animal from a certain TV show. 'Wait'." Hiroto stopped his words since there wasn't a pokemon in the world.

"Can I take a look?" Mamako looked at it with adoration. She liked it as shown in her current expression.

Hiroto gave the pokemon sculpture to his mother while thinking of a plan. The Pokemon franchise had spread into different entertainment, but it first came off as a game on a handheld device. Those black and white retro games were loved by many and so they had improved it to the better handheld devices leading to the game diving in the different entertainment.

'Maybe I could make an anime or a manga version of it?' Hiroto rubbed his chin while his mother was looking

"It could work, but maybe making games will be better. How about a Pokemon game on a mobile phone? Like Pokemon Go I supposed or start through the bottom and make a single-player game with a sharing feature on it." Hiroto nodded while he made his decision. He looked at his Mom who had finished playing with the sculpture and was looking at him curiously.

"Mom, we have a group study tomorrow and I proposed our house for it," Hiroto said while looking at her

"Why not? Will they stay overnight?" She rolled her eyes. He was more afraid of the events that would come afterward.

"Yeah" He nodded.

"Maki is going to come, right? Did Shio agree?" Mamako immediately added which made him freak for a moment. She smiled before putting her hands on her chin making a cute gesture that can captivate many with her looks.

"Yeah.." He looked to the side while scratched his head.

"How many of your friends are coming? So that I could prepare some food for everyone."

"Just 6.." Hiroto whistled while looking at his phone.

"Are all of the girls?" Mamako smiled at him jokingly, his eyes turned wide-eyed but he just nodded.

"Th-that's...Yeah." He suddenly had some sweat on his cheeks as his Mom's eyes turned fiery for some reason.

It was expected while he made a heartfelt tsukkomi/reasoning as the majority of the school students were girls. He gave very descriptive information about the girls and what he had been doing at school.

"School Idol!" His mother turned curious again, which made him feel helpless.

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