
Chapter 69 - Back where they belong

Gin noticed the thick log his kunai was embedded in and felt an ominous aura behind him. Ren's attack went through Gin, but it didn't dig in his flesh. Instead, Gin's body turned into a flock of white swallows.

The swallows flew a distance away from Ren and gathered up, until Gin appeared again.

Ren eyed Gin.

He knew about Gin and his techniques, especially since he incorporated swallows into some of his skills. It was unique, but not one of a kind. There were others who used something similar to him. Especially that ninja in the hidden leaf.

Gin swiftly made a few signs with his hand before he flicked his hand in Ren's direction. With it a blade of wind flew in his direction.

'Child's play.'

Ren scoffed as he raised an earth wall to block the attack.

Little did he know that was exactly what Gin wanted him to do. In the process of blocking his attack, Ren also covered his own vision. Gin was fast, he might not be the fastest shinobi but he was a cut above Ren.

In that moment Ren lost track of Gin.

"Sealing Jutsu: Cage of the Eternal Frost!"

Bars made of ice caged Ren in. He was being smushed by the bars from above, it did not match his height. Ice covered the ground beneath him, preventing him from getting away.

Gin approached the cage slowly as he rotated the kunai in his hand.

"It's about time to return what you've taken."

Gin's arm flashed once he was in front of the cage and with it the an eye appeared in his hand.

Ren howled in agony, but Gin did not stop there. That was only the first eye, Ren still had another one.

"Death is too easy for you. You've always portrayed yourself as a blind man, so lets see how you'll live as one."

With that said, Gin plucked the other eye from Ren, denying him of all vision.

Seeing the two eyeballs in his hand, Gin could not help but look at that beautiful pattern. It belonged to his family, to his clan.

Although he was unsure whose eyes these were, he did know it could be helpful for his clan. They were recovered and it was up to the elders to decide if they wanted to keep or destroy them.

"I will kill you!"

Ren screamed as his arms clenched the bars made of ice tightly.

Gin ignored him, he was a dog that was all bark and no bite.

Instead, he paid more attention to his students. How were they faring?

Haruto jumped out of the way of the man who was wielding two long swords. In the process, he managed to toss three kunai at him.

The man deflected the kunai with ease. At least, the first two. The third one had a paper bomb attached to it that exploded upon contact with his sword.


"I know!"

Karin shouted as he moved her hands creating various signs. Slapping her palm against the ground two chains that had purple aura emerged.

The chains attached themselves to the mains arms, restricting his movements. He found it hard to move, but Karin found it difficult to keep this up. After all, her opponent was stronger than her and she was not used to this technique yet.

She only managed to use it six times before, today would be her seventh. But she enjoyed this move, it gave her chance to control her enemy which would let her teammates be able to finish them off.

Dashing forward, Chibi jumped and swung his fist down at the man. His arm was covered in rocks increasing his power.

The strike connected and with it, the man's head went back.

Chibi landed on the ground and twisted his body while throwing two kunai. One stabbed his left foot, the other his right.

Haruto jumped over Chibi, his cheeks were puffed out as he finished his hand signs.

A giant flame emerged from his mouth and covered the shinobi completely. Haruto made sure to burn him from head to toe while he was trapped.

The chains wrapped in purple aura let the man go as they returned to the ground. It was fine, as the man himself was defeated.

Gin had to give it to them, their coordination with each other improved. Still, it could use more work.

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