
chapter 14: kushinada clan part 2


A person was heard screaming, and from below the sculpture, an immense power came out that forced me to step back a few steps, just shouting caused a strong gust of wind that was combined with some black rays, from a barrier to around me to be able to protect us. Since he was still exercising more power, he was destroying everything in his path, the cave was shaking and the walls and floor were cracking. The rays thundered very strongly when they collided with each other, causing a heartbreaking noise as if it will be a thunderstorm.

I could not see the person who was causing this whole disaster, you could only see the silhouette of a man who was sitting, but nothing else, I was with my arms in front of me and I had to cover myself with haki, to be able to withstand this immense power, that every time I dragged back under the ground I left my footprints so strong that I was exerting myself to support myself and not to fly away, I was busy protecting ourselves so that we would not fly backwards, I could not do nothing in this situation, but to protect myself and Mikumo who still slept with all this situation that was happening.

Suddenly I saw that from behind me I began to see a light that shone very brightly, so I turned my head back, and I saw that it was the necklace that had mikumo on the neck that was shining, and as soon as the necklace began to shine the power that forced me to retreat and was exercised throughout the room, which made the cave tremble, disappeared and everything calmed down. But with everything that has happened now I was not going to calm down and relax, in fact I was more attentive now, but I noticed something very strange in all this, and that was because I could not feel it, since I was standing in front of me, "I had no time to process everything that had happened since the voice of the person who started talking to me was heard."

"Hey boy" ....... "Come on .... don't be so nervous ..... .. I just want to ask you something, that's all."

The man spoke to me in a deep voice and, I do not know why I felt that this person, who now I know is a man, did not want to harm us, but could not be sure but, when I speak, I could not help going back a few steps and not moving away the view of where it was supposed to be.

Hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi ..... well ... do not get nervous and urinate in your pants, you must relax man, I know you can be restless and with the guard up, for the moment that just happened, and you don't understand anything .... so first I will introduce myself, then explain everything calmly, but before that I just want to know something from you, if you could clarify my doubt.

At the time he was talking to me, I just looked at him or tried to look at him since I could not see where his body was located, because he was hiding in the darkness around us, he did not have enough light to reveal his body but you could only see a shadow of someone sitting there. And although the person was standing in front of me, I could not feel his presence, even though I was there, it is as if I did not have a presence, and if I was not seeing him or if he had not spoken, I could not know that he was next to me, standing in the same place, just a few meters away.

After thinking a little and being silent I answered him; If the answer to your question is among my knowledge, I will gladly answer it, but only if you answer mine later. "I replied since I have no other choice, also that he is only going to ask a question, I also already have an idea of what he is going to ask me or rather of whom" ..... because it is already clear when I shout the last name of Mikumo along with her outburst of energy that followed after screaming, besides, that she has been sleeping for some reason that I don't know all this time.

"That woman ... the one you bring on her back, is from the Kushinada clan, ..... when she asked me that question, it was as if a puzzle was completed in my mind, because it seems that now I understand better ".... apparently the Mikumo family was an entire clan but, for some unknown reason, only she and her mother remained, but she may not know about this, or she would have told me at some point.

"Hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi ... "Your face tells me that you didn't know that the last name" Kushinada "was the name of a clan" ..... and just knowing that, I can reach two possible conclusions. The first one is that the Kushinada clan remains hidden from the rest of the world as if they did not exist, for option two; it is that the Kushinada clan has ceased to exist only with that woman on your back as the only one alive. ... and I am sure that it is option number two, since the necklace she is wearing, the one that shone a while ago, can only be worn by those who are the leader of the clan, and like her she is here with you and not within the barrier, that may mean that she is the last one left, and she got bored of being locked up and left to know the world, since for many years the members of the clan were not allowed to leave to the outside world.

- "Well, apparently I do not have to answer your questions since he is answering them alone, also, that I am still trying to wake up mikumo by any form, but that is not possible, well .... There is only one method left that I haven't tried, but I don't want to do it. "

-hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi .... it is useless to try to wake her up to my boy, since I put her to sleep in when I felt a woman from the Kushinada clan was approaching this place.

[But when the fuck is wrong with this person, I'm already disliking him for some reason] so I answered out loud. Well, apparently I will not have to answer anything since you know the answers to everything you ask me before I can answer you, oh great mysterious being, (Mr. X) ".... I replied to him already being a little annoyed at all this situation that is happening.

Well if you have nothing more to ask me, you could wake up mikumo to leave this place, .... I asked him to wake up mikumo and stop doing whatever he did to put it to sleep.

Hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi .....

You can stop with that stupid laugh that you have * sigh * "You know that I better leave it like that, I will just look for a way out of this place and leave, then I will look for a way to wake her up, so she doesn't have to do anything anymore, bye! I answered him and turned to walk away, but only took a few steps when he called me again.

hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi .... you are sure that you want to leave this place without waking up the child or woman ... because if you leave this place and she is still sleeping, nobody will be able to wake her up, since only I can and nobody else ... you can try all the methods that exist in the world, but none will work, since I myself have created that magic that I use to sleep it, and if I do not I wake her up, she will sleep for all eternity.

-What makes you think, that there is no method to wake her up, I don't know how long you've been in this place, but apparently it's a long time, let me tell you just in case you don't know, but every day new magic is created in the world, every minute and every second a new kind of magic is born, and some of that will work to wake her up, I just have to look for the right one, or I can simply create one that wakes her up.

- Ohhhhhhhh ... so you're telling me that you know a magic that surpasses the one I've created, the magic I threw to put it to sleep.

- "That's right ... I know a magic that surpasses yours and can wake her up", I told him with confidence in my face.

- What confidence you have there child ... so why don't we make a bet .....

-yuujiro: a bet you tell me, and what it is about ..... you just called my attention; I answered him to continue with what he said.

-see .... if you can wake up the woman with the magic you have ..... I will give you something from me ..... I will give you a very powerful magic that I have in my possession. "What do you say"

-yuujiro: So you will give me a magic if you lose ..... then it is a deal .... I will start immediately, I said to him since I was interested a little of what he said. but he interrupted me just when I was going to start.

-Wait- wait, ..... we still have not agreed what you will give me if you lose, ...; he told me in a hurry to remind him but I answered him. ; I lose ..... idiot, I'm not going to lose, and I cleared my throat, and prepared my voice, to say the magic words out loud.

yuujiro: Mikumo, some women are there .....

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡where are those damn women to be able to kill them!!!!!!!!!!

-I did not finish the sentence when mikumo jumped up like a rabid dog ready to kill, looking around for the supposed women who tried to do something to me, and it is not necessary to be able to see the face of Mr. x, since His silence indicates that he was speechless and surprised, since his supposed ultra-powerful magic was defeated with only a few words.

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