
Strange Question

Cage, Katherine found, was a light sleeper and he sometimes awakened and night and would gently stare at her face until he felt sleepy again. Her mother always said that you would always know if you were being stared at while you were asleep and that was what happened to her. 

She didn't think anyone had ever looked at her like he did. She was sure that she slept with her mouth open and drooled quite a bit. He didn't seem to mind in the least and embraced her without an issue throughout the night. The handful of boyfriends she had in the past were nothing of the sort. Even Jonathan, whom she planned to move in with, hadn't looked at her this way or made her feel like the butterflies in her stomach were going to eat their way out. 

Thank god that morbid image was full of romance of she really would have needed to go see a doctor to check her head. 

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