
They Were Waiting For Us

Almost at the same time, Prysm's body swelled thousands of times, then dissolved into a thick forest of scarlet flowers that covered all the surfaces of the hypermarket like a huge carpet. The petals then detached from their stigma right after blooming, then became rigid as razor blades.

"You have eaten my friends, you rotten angels. Let's see if you can take a bite out of me that easily." Her angry voice echoed throughout the building and beyond as if amplified thousands of times by a high-powered megaphone.

The millions of petals stagnating in the air suddenly began to spin, and with inconceivable speed the peace was replaced by a hellish storm of sharp flowers. The petals, so numerous and clumped together that from a distance they looked like a tide of red sand, began to spiral at supersonic speed, raising a tornado of bright red blossoms the same diameter as the building.

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