
Chapter 83: Military

To conqueror Manhattan, I need to make the city into a Safe Zone for humans to survive on first.

The borough of Manhattan is full of high rise buildings and skyscrapers thus the Zombies high up in those buildings are going to be a pain to get out of.

Those on the ground, on the other hand, are a much simpler matter to deal with.

For those on the ground as long as I create more dungeon entrances and let out the power of the Special Zombie Core all the Zombies will come flocking towards the dungeon-like moths to a flame. But the ones on skyscrapers are a different story.

Those zombies on skyscrapers are high in the sky like really high. The power which is being let out of the dungeon won't reach them after a certain distance and even if it did they would be trapped in the skyscrapers due to them not knowing how to unlock a fucking door.

So for the thousands of high rise builds and hundreds of skyscrapers in order to clear them all out you would need a lot of time.

With only, the almost two hundred or so guys I have is not nearly enough time to clear out all those buildings in New York. That is were getting more men will come in handy. For more men equals more manpower and more manpower equals faster clearing. But even with more people them being inexperienced in combat will lead to deaths.

In addition to that to expand and get more manpower also means that I will have to use more resources to feed them all. I don't have that amount of food. Thankfully the city of NYC has that food in shops and stores.

But to fully utilize these people I also require weapons, in this case, Firearms and I have to say that it's going to be a pain in the ass to find the number of guns to arm each and every one of the people I'm going to save. Not to mention teaching them how properly to use the freaking thing.

Properly, in this case, is not how to load and release the safety and shoot but how to use the gun in a combat situation to get rid of the Zombies.

It takes time to teach them and that isn't something I have a lot of if I am to conqueror all of Manhattan within the first month.

There are more than 1 million buildings in all of the manhattan and to clear them all out is going to take a really long ass time and a lot of men.

I don't really have the time to teach all these guys on how to fight for there is not enough time. Thus I have decided to make the important decision of working with the military.

The US military stationed in New York has a whole lot of soldiers and a whole lot of guns, ammo, vehicles and even resources.

In my past life, they needed 5 days of time before they reached Lower Manhattan. So I have 4 days before I will meet up with the first of the military scouts.

The military before they lost hope were a bunch of if I don't say so for myself trustworthy people. It was only after they lost hope did some of them turn to banditry while the majority of them died in the fight against zombies. The portion that died were the ones who wanted to protect all citizens and gave out food and supplies whilst waiting for back up, while the ones who escaped to become bandits were ironically lead by the second in command to desert from the army stealing supplies and ammo along the way.

The deserters were about 1/4 of the original army and they had lots of Ability users who awakened within it. If they had not deserted and rather stayed I believe that the Army stationed in New York wouldn't have disbanded after the first month of the Apocalypse.

But it is a good thing that I know of the first place these people will set up their camp in lower Manhattan and it is precisely where I took up my fort. That's right it was Chinatown.

What I should do now is figure out a way to work with them, or to say more bluntly have them work for me.

If I remember correctly in my previous life those guys started out on the order of rescuing survivors and then securing food.

They never ventured into skyscrapers to clear them out for they knew it was a dangerous task. Unless it was for the purpose of rescuing some important VIP level personnel the military didn't venture into the unknown.

By the end of the month, they had created a base within Chinatown and had a simple barricade made surrounding the main camp they set up at which would be Confucius Plaza.

Which is also part of the reason why I picked it as the base for my camp.

Within the span of 5 days or 4 days right now the first of the Military Scouts are going to get here and check out the situation.

It is only after 10 days that the Army in the military will begin moving towards Lower Manhattan, taking control of the situation and saving survivors as well as Scavenging for supplies.

But now that I am here I don't need them to take control of Lower Manhattan.

They moved from Fort Hamilton Through Bronx and then into Manhattan. It would seem that they had a mission that needed them to secure an important person on Wall St. But due to the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel which was the fastest way there becoming completely blocked by a row of cars and a bunch of car crashes they decided to take a longer road to go around through the Brooklyn bridge which was of course also blocked.

But after some quick consideration, they sent a group of military scouts to go over to the other side through the bridge using motorcycles, whilst the remaining went the long way towards the manhattan bridge hoping it wasn't badly blocked.

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